A submission by smolio for Daily Art Club

No personal work this time. Worked on the children's book today. These are just mock watercolor pages though, I wanted to try some in goache to see how that feels, and then maybe then I can start on the real pages. Like it's kinda funny, this photographer guy suggested I print out the sketches on watercolor paper to give myself endless tries of coloring styles, and it's worked wonders for my anxiety of messing up the first page haha. It's just cool to me how even in a different artistic area he was able to give me that kind of advice, like wow how did I not think to that in the first place?

artbohemian9 years ago

whenever you think "well, why didn't I think of that?!" just remember that issac newton got the idea of gravity from an apple falling on his head. who knows. maybe that homeless guy knows the cure for cancer, but no one bothers to ask

More submissions by smolio for Daily Art Club

A submission by smolio for Daily Art Club

cleaned up mewmewkins

i guess this is how caves look (click for actual size)

A submission by smolio for Daily Art Club

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A submission by smolio for Daily Art Club

i had a revelation today

A submission by smolio for Daily Art Club

so i just realized my main monitor makes everything look more saturated than it really is

A submission by smolio for Daily Art Club

Nearly lost track of time learning fascinating game localisation differences. So I guess you could say, I got lost in translation

A submission by smolio for Daily Art Club

alright im done being a lazy ass

A submission by smolio for Daily Art Club

i accidentally made an almost-nose in this landscape of lumps

Daily Art Club

Make art every day, how long can you last?

joined 3,611 days ago
