Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
A short session today - 20 minutes. Although I must say the progress is astonishing considering the fact that it's been only 3 days since I started meditating. Background music
Another ~25-minute meditation session. I can already feel improvement in my focusing ability. Today's special soundtrack was Rainy Mood - if you love the rain as much as I do it's a must try for you.
Been long time since my last meditation. I've lost my focus almost completely. Somehow I managed to meditate for about 25 minutes today and I must say... it was a great experience. As always, while meditating I was also listening to music. Today it was Nordic ambient. I don't recommend it though because it has some jumpy moments that can break your focus. Keep calm and meditate guys!
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I'll give this music a try. Thanks for sharing the suggestion!