Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
broke my phone screen yesterday. Couldn't post, but still drew. But the screen got replaced today, so here we go!
this goes out to that absolute asshole who just did something horrible to a person I deeply care about.
been migraining till pretty late today. It's mostly over by now. I just don't feel like drawing now.
technically I didn't draw anything today. But I did spend several hours trying to rotate a skybox-texture in a simple way, only to end up not finding any node that does that in a way I'd expect, so I implemented the matrix-multiplications manually.
Also, the game jam turned out great:
Two great things happened today. It's global game jam again, and for once my role isn't that of a programmer, but to make "trashy" art with paint. But also, I officially co-founded a game studio a couple hours just before that :DDD
joined 970 days ago
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