Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
whoa, I managed to get a spare computer with windows on it after not having one for years. Put in an old hard drive and found some old VSTs. Wrote this real quick in renoise.
I don't know, I think I forgot how to make music. using nsx-39. I mastered it without being able to hear it that's why it's all staticy
uh I really need to start making music again, tried out sunvox to make this.
I like the built in synths, but I think renoise has spoiled me. I think renoise is the best tracker interface I've used. None of the other trackers I've used have let me play along with my composition on midi keyboard and record at the same time without any sort of latency.
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I really like the contrast in this between the kind of loose, peaceful woodwind and the harsh bass.