A submission by smolio for Daily Art Club

why cant colorable sketches just poof and appear right in my SAI canvas. bleh. i hate the time i waste in drafting the sketch. also a neat little surprise lies at the end of this sketchdump for you aromoma.

smolio8 years ago

@Penbee Oh yeah, back when I used to use Photoshop, I would use the mask tool for coloring lineart. But since switching to PTSai, the setup kinda encouraged me to approach it in a more painterly way. Like at some point, I flatten my image and just do all my cleanups on one or two layers. It's horribly inefficient though if I need to do large-scale corrections lol

PTSai's masking system is a little foreign and unfamiliar to me, but I'll def take the chance now to figure it out to see what benefits I may be able to reap from it.

Penbee8 years ago

You should try using masks to color sketches! It might help speed up the process and keep your nice lines safe. I've been using masks to color my current uploads and it has made the process go ten times faster

smolio8 years ago

@artbohemian works better than jesus

artbohemian8 years ago

how dare

she's beautiful and her outfit is as ridiculous as i always imagined it would be

i think this might have cured my sickness

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Daily Art Club

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