Submissions from 2018-02-08 to 2018-02-09 (11 total)

Genre: Survival Horror, Dark Atmosphere, Combat, Psychological, Puzzles, 3D close environments.

Audience: For those who enjoy a good spook but also like to play as a well-meaning character that wants to help others. Horror but with a message to it and very symbolic. A Horror game for those that like to think their actions well but also have a nice combat to enjoy.

Game Description: In this spooky side of the country you work as an exorcist that takes the most dangerous and terrifying cases of demonic possession. Your mission is to help this people who have been haunted by these malefic creatures and discover how and why they have been possessed and move forward with their lives. In gameplay, you enter the house alone after you leave the relatives either outside or in a safe room. You investigate around the house and as questions to know more about the person who is being possessed and the information is key to overcome the demon. Playing on a 3rd person camera perspective walking on the eerie corridors of the house. The demon knows you are there and is trying to get you to leave. Your sanity can drain and make you run but you are a man of faith ready to banish any evil. The Word works kind of like spells that repel the demons work away. It doesn’t want you learning about him, making him weaker. Until you confront it in the room. He will chase you but your mission is to exorcise not kill the body which it inhabits. Focusing you reciting passages while also having a few other tools to slow, stun and paralyze it. Using the information, you acquired can also help bring the victim back to fight for their body. A big boss that you are trying not to kill. Correct “spellcasting” (really just reciting verses and prayers) make you win the battle against the demon before running out of sanity. Everything you do as soon as you enter the house is highly crucial. Information, Preparation, and Battle.

Ambient music of silent hill would add some church choir to give some hope to such a dreaded environment.

A color palette like an Evil Within game.

Genero: acción y entretenimiento.

Demografía: Edad de 10 en adelante.

Plataforma: Celular IOS.

Descripción del juego:

El juego es básico y sencillo. El jugador tocando la pantalla táctil del celular explotara burbujas que tiraran: frutas, vegetales, alimentos, números entre otras cosas. El juego le indicara al jugador la burbuja que debe explotar. Si el juego le indica al jugador que debe explotar las burbujas que tienen números, efectivamente el deberá explotar esas.

Conforme pasa el tiempo, el juego se hará mas rápido y difícil ya que habrán mas burbujas que cubrirán otras y complicara el asunto. Si el jugador explota una burbuja que no es la indicación que saldrá en la pantalla parte superior será game over. El jugador recibirá un puntaje.

El jugador debe ser cuidadoso al explotar las burbujas. Algunas burbujas tiraran poderes especiales como por ejemplo '' burbuja EX''. Lo que hace la ''burbuja EX'' es que explotaran las burbujas del mismo símbolo. Habrán burbujas que pueden quitarle puntos al jugador. Ejemplo de esta se llama '' burbuja explosiva''. El juego es para un jugador pero puede comparar con otros y ver su puntaje en la plataforma.

Estilo de música: El estilo de música del juego es de conteo rápido y de diversión.

Genre: Fighting

Platform: Arcade

Target audience: older than 16 years old, players who likes fighting games with a frenetic gameplay and play competitive.

Game description: This game will have a total of 20 characters, each character with there unique attacks and command list. There will be 20 stages, each stage represents a character.

Game modes:

-Practice modes: here you can train your combos and see the frame data of your character moves.

-Arcade mode: You need to fight 8 battles. If you are good enough, you have chance to fight a boss.

-Online battle: battle with other players, win and get battle point. Get battle points to rank up and battle with stronger players.

Game mechanics:

-Rounds: there will be two round per match. The player who wins two rounds, wins the match.

-Health bar: When a character attacks you, you lose health from your health bar, if you health bar reach zero you lose that round.

-Rebel moves: all the characters have command attacks, if you use a portion of you power bar, you can change the properties of the command attack and deal more damage or extend the combo. This moves cost 25% of your power bar.

-Rebel cancel: is a mechanic where you can cancel whichever move to extend your combo or get “safe” from an attack. This cancel cost 50% of your power bar.

-Power bar: With this bar you can a lot a mechanics, rebel cancel, super, rebel attacks, ultimate attacks. This bar fill when you hit the opponent, you get hit by the opponent or use command attacks. The maximum capacity of this bar is 100%, you can extend it to 150% if you activate Revengeance mode.

-Revengeance mode: When your health bar is low, you can activate Revengeance mode. In this mode your character improve his movement, your power bar fills to maximum and extend to 150%.

The graphics of the characters, stages, etc. Will be in the 3D but the gameplay will be in 2D.

Music genre: electro swing

Genre: Interactive Movie, Action-Adventure
Platform: PS4, XBOX ONE, PC
Audience: 17+ (Sensitive Material), Targeted towards those who like story driven games that aren't heavy on mechanics but do have decision making dialogue that will alter the outcome of the story.

In this game you control a person set in today’s world. Played in first person, you never really know what the character looks like. You must complete normal everyday tasks by performing actions that are highlighted on the screen related to buttons on your controller/keyboard. The game also has decision making dialogue that will impact the narrative of the story. As you progress through the game you are given hints from the people surrounding the character that there’s something terribly wrong with them. To the point where some people can’t even look at the character.
Building intrigue as to what is wrong with the character, the only thing you as the player know is that the character is going through medical treatment to try and cure this illness. The player doesn’t ever fully know what the illness is until the very end of the game. At the same time the character is going through with their treatment, people who used to be close to them will end up distancing themselves; including family. Towards the end of the story, the character is given the decision of doing a very invasive surgery that will help with their illness. Depending on the dialogues chosen up to this point, the character can decide to either seize doing their treatment in fear of losing more people and becoming an outcast or, keep on with their treatment. When all is done, at the end of the game, the character finally walks in front of a mirror. Taking a good look at herself and giving the player a chance to find out what’s wrong. The player might be surprised to find out there’s nothing visibly wrong with the character. No physical illness. No reason for the character to have been treated so poorly and in such an inhumane way at first glance. But, if you look closer, certain things are “off”. Her jawline is too defined, her back is too big, she lacks common female attributes. That’s when you finally know that the only thing that was “wrong” with her was that she was transgender.

Genre: Hack and slash, Adventure, 3D.

Target Audience: 13+ focused on the market of those people who like games such as “Devil may cry", "Bayonet", etc.

Platform: (Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4)

Game Description.

-Story: Jack a former assassin has been captured and handicapped with a remotes activated cell of venom implanted into his heart, which lets the heart beat in a normal way but when triggered releases a lethal dose of neurostimulant which would fry his central nervous system giving him a slow and painful death, but those are not all the modifications done to his body, the stimulant itself is what itself it’s what enhances his strength, speed, and reflexes, coupled with cybernetic enhancements in all his body, his life now is in possession of a shady organization looking for a source of power that is not of this world.

-Gameplay: gameplay would consist in its core to combo as much hits as possible to increase score and damage of every hit you manage to make contact with the enemy, and also increase the speed of your attacks increasing the speed of combat and the fluidity of movement.

Music: music would also escalate with the combo meter and the speed the action is taking. Would compose of speed metal (which consists of fast riffs with a lot of tone variety), and rock with fast transitions and high pitches.

Genre: Race, Arcade, 3D

Platform: Nintendo Switch, IOS, Android.

Target Audience: All ages, race game’s lovers.

Game Description:

It is a nice day, and you go out to play with your new shiny bubble wand.
While you are playing on the garden, your neighbor also comes out and challenge you to a race, a bubble wand race.

In this game you must race your neighbor while creating a big soap bubble.

You run by tapping continuously the screen, the most you tap, the faster you go.

You must avoid obstacles while running, swiping up in the screen let you jump over the fences and swipe down to crouch down trees branches.

If you fail to avoid any obstacle, your bubble will burst instantly, making you lose the race.
You win when you arrive first to the finish line.

You can also collect points, by tilting your device up and down and intersecting your bubble’s trail with the path of the coins on the level.

Then you can exchange those coins for rewards like characters, levels and colors for the bubble’s trail.

Music Similar to:

Picture from:

Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi, Psychological, Mystery

Platform: Consoles and PC

Target audience: Older than 18, for those who like suspense, fear games and want to solve questions.

Description: In the Dark is a game that will expose your analytical skills to the maximum and that make you feel scare.

In ¨In the Dark¨ we find Roger in an abandoned camp, Roger is the main character of the game, Roger arrives there with a group of 6 friends, 4 men and 2 women whose names are Maria, Maribel, Josh, Michael, David and Roger.

The game begins with all of his friends disappeared, leaving only Roger frightened and bewildered in the middle of a dark forest alone and with secrets. To finish the game Roger has to know what happened to his friends, how they separated and how to find them, but as the game progresses there will be riddles and challenges that Roger has to complete.

Roger will start with just one lamp, a map, a cell phone with a low battery and a backpack. As the game progresses, you can collect objects that can help you, you can even craft things if you have the necessary objects.

The map will be an open world with large dimensions to give the user more interactions and more places to discover.

You can find abandoned houses, ghosts, wild animals, witches, thieves and you can even find aliens if the easter egg is unlocked.

In this game you will be in suspense all the time, you will have to measure well each step you take, and you should not trust your friends either.

Roger can feel hunger, cold, fear and the player have known how to act in each of these situations.

The game will have different endings like: never find your friends, Roger can never leave the forest, Roger's friends betray him, Roger is kidnapped by the aliens, find all your friends or discover that everything was a joke.

The end that will be reached will be through the actions taken during the game, so you have to take good decision to reach the best final.

The music of the game will be Ça vaut mieux que d'attraper la scarlatine
Credits to Ray Ventura

Photo credits to Christian Langereek

Plataforma: Pc, Ps4, Xbox 1
Genero: Historia alternativa, SinglePlayer, Mundo abierto
Target: Personas 18-30 años / Fanáticos de juegos de historia alternativa

El año es 1984, el gobierno tiene demasiado control sobre la población y oprime al pueblo todos los días.
Te conviertes en William “Hardcase” Patterson, eres un ingeniero en la celda rebelde de Dumbri-Bri
Formas parte del escuadrón Onyx, el trabajo de tu escuadrón es ir a centros de servidores del régimen para sabotearlos y eliminar su control del programa de Hermano mayor el cual observa todo lo que pasa.
Los miembros de tu escuadrón son; Tomas, Finn, Fylan Duhy y Rookiee (Tu mejor amigo).
Tu eres el ingeniero del escuadrón, te encargas de sabotear los servidores mientras tu escuadrón te protege/ayuda a infiltrarte a instalaciones del régimen.
Entre mas centros de servidores desactives mas áreas serán liberadas del régimen totalitario
(tu escuadrón se encarga de los servidores, no están bien entrenados en combate)

*Puedes liberar provincias y ciudades antes de seguir la historia principal, esto te dará diferentes ventajas mas adelante, las liberas saboteando sus centros de servidores.

Cuidado con la forma de como entras a las instalaciones del gobierno, dependiendo de como entres habrán diferentes repercusiones de parte del régimen
*Si matas algún guardia en tu misión el régimen ejecutará públicamente a rebeldes capturados
*si no matas a ningún guardia el régimen pondrá retenes en áreas cercanas a la instalación
-Entre mas libertad haya en un sector mas ciudadanos se unirán a la rebelión
En una infiltración de rutina los descubren mientras tu estás saboteando la central local de servidores de Duntru, la policía militarizada abre fuego inmediatamente y a Fylan Duhy le disparan en el pie izquierdo, Rookiee está paralizado por el miedo y rápidamente Tomas lo empuja hacía cobertura, mientras Finn, Tomás y Rookiee devuelven fuego hacía los policías militarizados tu corres hacía Fylan y lo tratas de arrastrar hacía cobertura pero en el piso un policía militarizado lo remata, disparándole en el pecho repetidas veces, al ver eso retrocedes rápidamente hacía cobertura, tu y Rookiee piensan que pueden hacer para salir de esto mientras que Finn y Tomás siguen disparándole a los policías
-Si liberaste Marawi (Timeline #1)
-Si no liberaste a nadie (Timeline #2)
-Si liberaste a Sekél (Timeline #3)
(Timeline #1) : 2 escuadrones de la celda rebelde “Kurón” van a tu posición y les van a dar soporte de fuego y los van a extraer del área, se retiran y llegan hasta la base militar de Marawi, ahí planean un ataque en conjunto contra la base militar de Therion la cual mantiene al pueblo de Therion muy oprmido.
Tras planear el ataque tu escuadrón planea como se moverá
deciden que ellos se infiltrarán a la base con apoyo de el escuadrón Rath.
En camino a la base enemiga el escuadrón Onyx se pone a recordar a Fylan, recuerdan como cuando se unió a la resistencia lo molestaban por su forma de hablar, como se trababa en ciertas palabras y como al pasar del tiempo el escuadrón Onyx se le pegó la costumbre de hablar como Fylan.
Al llegar a la base enemiga tu escuadrón y el escuadrón Rath se infiltran y llegan rápidamente a la central eléctrica
Cuando estás apagando todo llegan varios escuadrones de la policía militarizada y se forma un tiroteo inmediatamente, en menos de 15 segundos todo el escuadrón Rath cae, lo que queda de tu escuadrón te defiende mientras te encargas de apagar la central eléctrica
Mientras vas apagando la central eléctrica ves como poco a poco tus compañeros caen
Cuando Rookiee cae tu logras apagar la central eléctrico y de una vez das la orden de que las tropas rebeldes ataquen la base, tu escuadrón se sacrificó por el bien de le rebelión
Mueren como héroes
Onyx dio la vida por la libertad de Ordistan

Gloria a Ordistan!

(Fin de timeline #1)

(Timeline #2)

No recibes ayuda de nadie, Rookiee se asoma para ver cuantos enemigos son y recibe un disparo entre cejas, matándolo instantáneamente.
Te quedas en shock al ver a tu mejor amigo muerto en un charco de su propia sangre junto a ti, ves como los policías avanzan con gran velocidad.
Finn, Tomás y tu salén corriendo hacia la salida pero a Tomás le disparan con una pistola eléctrica paralizándolo y capturándolo.
Tu y Finn corren hasta una casa segura, Pasan una semana ahí y luego se devuelven a su HQ
Tras reportar todo lo sucedido decides abandonar la rebelión, haber perdido a tantos amigos en tan poco tiempo fue mucho para ti, vuelves a tu antigua vida, te acoplas al sistema y te vuelves conformista.
Finn decide unirse a la rama medica de la rebelión, así ayuda de otra forma sin tener que ver combate directo.

Nadie volvió a saber de Tomás

(Fin timeline #2)

(Timeline #3)

Llega el tecnical de la celda rebelde de Sekél y rápidamente acaban con los policías, lo que queda de tu escuadrón se monta al tecnical y salen de ahí a toda velocidad, llegan unas patrullas de la policía militarizada y los comienzan a perseguir, se forma un tiroteo en plena persecución
Los policías mataron al artillero y Finn decide montarse y utilizar la .50BMG
Finn se encarga de matar a los policías que los persiguen
Al deshacerse de los policías el tecnical se dirige hacia la base de Thuma, lo que queda de tu escuadrón es regañado por poner en riesgo un tecnical, son enviados de vuelta a su HQ en Dumbri-Bri.
Al llegar al HQ pasaron las siguientes cosas;
-el lider del squad (Tomás) fue transferido al sector de inteligencia
-Finn fue enviado a entrenamiento de mecánico para ser transferido a la división pesada de Torib
-Rookiee fue transferido a la división medica de Marawi, lejos del combate
-William “Hardcase” Patterson fue enviado a la sección de armas, donde se dedicó a hacer explosivos para ser utilizados por tropas rebeldes
-Fylan Duhy Murió en combate a manos de un policía militarizado

(Fin de timeline #3)


*William “Hardcase” Patterson
23 años

William desde pequeño le gustaba armar cosas, hacia trampas para ratas ingeniosas
Cuando algo se dañaba en su casa el era el que lo arreglaba, entre mas crecía mas inventor se volvía, cuando llegó a la edad de 20 años se dio cuenta que detestaba el régimen, que debía hacer algo al respecto, le parecía absurdo como el gobierno tenia tanto control sobre las personas
Deicidio unirse a la rebelión.

25 años
Edward Allen, mejor conocido como Rookiee es el mejor amigo de Hardcase, a Rookiee nunca le agradó el régimen, ni siquiera desde pequeño, el fue el que le contó a Hardcase sobre la rebelión y como unirse

Fylan Duhy
23 años
Fylan Duhy es un joven muy amigable y muy alegre, toda su vida le ha gustado ayudar a los demás, aunque tiene problemas para hablar y a veces se traba diciendo palabras como;
Matar, tocar, oler entre otras.
Al principio en su escuadrón lo miraba raro por hablar así e incluso lo molestaban pero al pasar del tiempo su escuadrón quedó hablando así, incluso tienen un Sub-Lenguaje que solo ellos entienden.

31 años
Tomás Blackwood es el lider del escuadrón Onyx
Antes de unirse a la rebelión el era guardia en una prisión de seguridad media, el sabia que las personas dentro de la prisión solo querían libertad del régimen
Un día abrió las puertas y junto a los prisioneros escapó, abandonando su antigua identidad.
Al día de hoy nadie conoce su verdadero nombre

19 años
Finn no era como los otros chicos mientras crecía, desde pequeño supo sobre la existencia de la rebelión, siempre quiso unirse a la rebelión, al cumplir los 18 años se enlistó

soundtrack: Ubisoft

Platforms: PC and consoles

Audience: For all ages, since the game itself does not have violence, all users can play without being bleeding or violent.

History: In a world where technology is incorporated more and more into everyday life, there are people who give it a different use and compete to see who the is best.

Development: The game has a PvP system where the players will be divided into teams of 3 players in a map where the objective is to Hack servers and keep them in their possesion for a limited time. The players will have different classes to choose from, so each player can contribute to their team.

The subclasses are:

Hawk View: have a perfect view of the servers that allows you to see the which one have the equipment in their possession.

Infiltrator: your hacking speed is impressive but you cannot hack a server on your own since you will need one of your comrades to break Fireworks.

Support: provides protection to the servers or can also open clear the way for other colleagues, to facilitate hacking.

These skills will have a cooling range to facilitate the method of game between games. If a player is found by the enemy team he will be disqualified for 20 seconds leaving his teammates alone and with the possibility of losing the game.

To play PvP mode you must reach level 10.

In story mode the player develops his talent with tasks assigned by his subclass coach. The coach will guide you and give you ways to find your true potential which will determine your class which you can adopt and will serve in the PvP; some missions will be done cooperatively but will have requirements which that squad must fulfill.

Credits: Antrax link:

Do not find any reference image for the game

Genre: Interactive Fiction, 3D, Sci-Fi

Platform: Console (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Wii U)

Target Audience: 13+, people who likes sci-fi and adventure.

This game is about a 13-year-old Jenny, waking up in her room. She shouted her mother's name. No response. She approaches to her mother's room and she's not there. The house is empty. Jenny grabs her phone and sees that any of her friends are able to find their parents. Her friends meet her at her place and decide to go around the city to see why aren't there any adults around. While they go exploring the streets, they get clues on their phones on how to get them back. It turns out that the parents were hypnotized and were ruled to go to Boise, Idaho.

When Jenny finds that out, they decide to grab a car and go to Boise, when any of them knows how to drive. While they were almost halfway to Boise, they encounter some people shooting the car and suffer an accident. Thankfully, all of them are OK and go to Boise by bus. When they arrive at Boise, they see that all the adults are walking around the city, zombified, wearing a Fallon shirt. Fallon is the company that hypnotized the parents. That company is an ISP (Internet Service Provider) that provides the fastest and most reliable internet in the world, with offices in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, Morocco, Paraguay and Nicaragua, providing internet service to the globe.

The teens arrive at Fallon Headquarters and smash all the computers they see. By doing that, they dehypnotize the adults and the adults are feeling lost. The teens cry when they see their parents and head back to Portland. The next day, Jenny and her mother are drinking smoothies and walking by the shore.

The game will have no music when the teens are walking. When they enter Fallon HQ, the place will have a jazz version of Let It Be by The Beatles; and, when the teens are driving to Boise, the car will have rock music, by the teens choice.

Genero: Juego Mental, Rompecabezas, Reacción rápida, 3D, una mano, Mini juego

Plataforma: Pc.

Objetivo de audiencia: Hacer que el jugador pase por una serie de juegos que serán cada ves un desafió mas difícil cada ves que avanza de nivel. El jugador solo usara el rato, si el jugador toca alguna tecla eso penalizado. Juego hecho para todas las edades.

Descripción: El juego desafía al jugador a hacer múltiples retos en repetición aumentando la dificultad cada ves que avanzas. El juego usa escenarios de diferentes lugares, como granjas, salones de clases, salas ejecutivas, la habitación de un niño.

Tu objetivo es resolver cada rompecabezas o juego mental en un limite de tiempo. Si tu no resuelves el rompecabezas antes de que el tiempo termine es game over. Si fallas es rompecabezas, significa también que es un game over.

Los niveles son por ejemplo. Algunos serán apilar vasos con tu mano, memorizar cartas y usar tu dedo indice y apuntar y dar clic a la carta para revelar si es la misma o no, alimentar patos con pan, etc.

El fin de esto, es hacer que tu mente se agilice y se ponga en un estado de trabajo para ejercitar tu mente.

El estado de dificultad estará aumentando con el progreso que vallas superando cada nivel.

Entre los controles solo estarás utilizando el ratón y las instrucciones te aparecerán en la pantalla como por ejemplo, cuando estés en el nivel de alimentar los patos, el pan lo agarraras automáticamente y luego solo debes preocuparte de tirarle y acertar a que el pan de en el blanco ( en la boca ).

La música dependerán en que escenario se este dando el mini juego.

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