Submissions by r.esquivel tagged multiplayer


Audience: this game is aimed at people who like panama legends and their stories (the age range is from 10 years to 20 years). I chose this audience because many young people are attracted to fear games.

History: A long time ago there was a beautiful young woman who loved the parties late at night. On one occasion there was a party in a neighboring town and she of course did not want to miss it, the mother refused that night to take care of her son since she was tired of doing it while she was always going to enjoy her parties.

That night, because he wanted to go to the party, he left the baby in a basket near a river that was left on the road, with the intention of picking it up after the party. However, when he returned to the river to look for his son, he did not find it and began to cry: the river had taken him downstream. Regretted by the serious mistake she had made, she began desperately to look for it and still continues looking for him ...

Development: You and some classmates decide to verify if this legend is true and you venture into a forest to reveal the truth of this legend, this game can be cooperative or individual.

For the individual mode

You will have control of all the members of the group, each member has their skills that will help you solve riddles and register places.

You should be careful to find the spirit of the "WEEPING" because if she manages to catch one of your companions you will not see him again until after you finish the game or you find him.

Each character will have skills like:

  • Tracker: it is very good to differentiate marks and tracks that you find around the map.

  • Encryption: much of the riddles that find that character will facilitate you to move faster.

  • Sentinel: a born lookout with a very sharp sixth sense, which can alert the team with time to prepare.

For the cooperative mode

Before starting the game each player will have the option to communicate with his team, but if one is captured he will only have 20sec to describe the place where he is.


For PC

  • The movement controls are plowed by the keys (A, S, D, W)

  • To collect objects the key (E) will be used

  • When the player is captured, a first-person camera will be displayed that can be moved with the (mouse)

images: Kyle Marksteiner link:

Audience: This is focused for ages 10 years and older (since for many people or not hanging out to enjoy the culture of other countries or their physical abilities does not allow it, this is a way for these people to enjoy of the culture of other countries.

console: PC

Genre: 3d, dance, culture

(I do not think that it requires a story for this game since it is designed more for learning and fun as a family.)

Mission: Getting people to focus more on the culture of Panama and attract more tourists interested in the subject of culture, is also made for people who for some disability cannot enjoy the Panamanian culture do so from the comfort of their homes .

Development: In this game you will have the opportunity to simulate the different types of dances that are typical in Panamanian culture and some others that will be included through updates.

The typical corduroy dances you can find are:

  • Congo

  • Cumbia

  • El punto

  • bailes tradicionales de los diablos (sucios and espejos )

  • mejorana

  • Among others

For these dances can be played individually as a group and compete with your friends who gets more dance points, you can earn additional points by answering a series of questions at the end of the track, the answers to these questions will come from the loading tabs before starting the games.



For this game we will use the virtual real simulator since we want to give the user a way to live these experiences, in the case that it is not possible since he does not have a VR or cannot use it, he will be given an option to follow the steps through the screen.

  • The options can be selected with the hands of the VR.

  • If you do not want to use the VR, select it with the mouse.

  • For people who cannot move the lower part of their body they will have the option to accumulate the points in the same way only with the arms.

Image: fondo ahorro panama link:

Genre: Arcade, PvP, RPG

Audience: "This game is aimed at young people or adults who enjoyed their childhood with this instrument and for those who did not have the opportunity to use it they can do it virtually" age range is 15 to 40 years old (the reason for this age range is that there are adults who would like to relive their childhood time and it would bring a lot of nostalgia to play it)

History: In the youth there was a mystical object called "O spring screen" this was an object that among boys was amazing since you could do marksmanship and show who is the best with the spring and earn the respect of your friends.

Development: This is a multiplayer game in which you compete with other people in whom you knock down more targets with the "springs" or you can knock down the objects with the highest score, the springs can be made improvements to have better statistics.

These statistics are

  • Shooting speed

  • Recharging speed

  • Stability

  • Attack range

These statistics will be taken into account for what is the match against the other challengers, the fun of the spring was the personalization of them, which you can also do since in extreme games you will win a fashions called "RPcoins"
You will have many customization options

  • Handle color

  • Rubber color

  • ID code

  • Clan tag

The competition starts now!!! Are you ready to demonstrate your skills with the springs?


For Pc

  • To move the camera the mouse will be used

  • With the right click you will be signed

  • With the left clik it shoots

  • To recharge the "R" key will be used

  • Objects will appear randomly so that they do not have a pattern and become monotonous

Note: the game has the option to adjust the controls in case of any disability

For mobile

Note: the use of the cell phone will be horizontal

  • To move the camera the left finger will be used

  • To aim and shoot will be on the right finger

  • The recharge button will be located in the lower middle part of the screen

  • Objects will appear randomly so that they do not have a pattern and become monotonous

Image: alphastudio link:

Platforms: PC and consoles

Audience: For all ages, since the game itself does not have violence, all users can play without being bleeding or violent.

History: In a world where technology is incorporated more and more into everyday life, there are people who give it a different use and compete to see who the is best.

Development: The game has a PvP system where the players will be divided into teams of 3 players in a map where the objective is to Hack servers and keep them in their possesion for a limited time. The players will have different classes to choose from, so each player can contribute to their team.

The subclasses are:

Hawk View: have a perfect view of the servers that allows you to see the which one have the equipment in their possession.

Infiltrator: your hacking speed is impressive but you cannot hack a server on your own since you will need one of your comrades to break Fireworks.

Support: provides protection to the servers or can also open clear the way for other colleagues, to facilitate hacking.

These skills will have a cooling range to facilitate the method of game between games. If a player is found by the enemy team he will be disqualified for 20 seconds leaving his teammates alone and with the possibility of losing the game.

To play PvP mode you must reach level 10.

In story mode the player develops his talent with tasks assigned by his subclass coach. The coach will guide you and give you ways to find your true potential which will determine your class which you can adopt and will serve in the PvP; some missions will be done cooperatively but will have requirements which that squad must fulfill.

Credits: Antrax link:

Do not find any reference image for the game

Género: 3D ,RPG ,Adventure ,Magic

Plataformas: consolas y Pc "ya que este juego requiere de una buena capacidad grafica un celular no tiene una capacidad para soportar esa exigencia grafica"

Audiencia: 15 – 30 años (es un juego que contiene una historia que puede ser importante para los de mayor edad y puede envolverte en un mundo de tú puedes hacerte o famoso u odiado por los demás

Historia: hace muchos años nacieron algunos humanos superdotados con cuatro tipos de magias diferentes con el pasar de los tiempos esos 3 humanos se vieron en una gran guerra para proteger a la humanidad ya que estaba siendo atacadas por uno de ellos que por su ambición por poder abrió un portal que conecto al mundo humano con un mundo donde los demonios fueron sellados por el bien de humanidad los 3 magos se enfrentaron al rey demonio y sus súbitos para traer paz y soberanía al mundo y estos héroes fueron llamados hechicero astral.

Desarrollo: en el mundo hay deferentes tribus en donde la magia se enseña de forma diferentes y cada tribu tiene su magia está enfocada en distintas categorías

Magia curativa: este pertenece a la tribu (Hitchiti) esta tribu desde la gran guerra fue experimentando con hechizos de sanación para salvar a personas gravemente heridas por los enemigos de sus al redor

Magia ofensiva: este pertenece a la tribu (mikasuki) una tribu de un gran instinto de guerra, cuando los envian a expediciones son desterrados ya que su deber es llegar con una buena cantidad de botín.

Magia defensiva: esta le pertenece a la tribu (uzita) una tribu soldaría con sus habitantes su lema es "una buena defensa es el mejor ataque"

Magia de rastreo: este le pertenece a la tribu (yamasi) una tribu codiciosa ya que usan la información a su benéfico

Debes ir ganado experiencia explorando en un mundo abierto en donde te encontrara diferentes tipos de enemigos como magos de otras tribus, codiciosos por tu grimorio, si el grimorio es tomado por otro mago el dueño de ese grimorio morirá ya que el grimorio hace un pacto directamente con el corazón del mago, tus acciones te definirán y te iras dando a conocer tanto de manera buena también puedes ser como el 4 mago y desatar otra guerra contra los humanos la decisión depende de ti , pero para llegar a esos niveles deberás unirte a gremios que te ayuden con incursiones a mazmorras y conseguir recompensas únicas y nuevos hechizos que te harán crecer y completar tu meta como mago.
el sistema de peleas sera interactivo con el medio ambiente, cada level up le otorga un bonus de xp por cierta cantidad de tiempos en el mapa hay eventos que el personaje puede hacer tanto solo como en grupo con sus compañeros pero entre mas difícil el evento mejores recompensas habrá para cada jugador se podrán hacer trades entre ellos pero el sistema de trades estaba basado en el tipo de rarezas del equipamiento.

Presentación de la historia: créditos Thousand Foot Krutch – Lifeline

Imágenes " es más o menos lo que se podría representar del juego"

Cerditos para Synzer link-

Genre: 2D, arcade, multiplayer

Platform: consoles "only select consoles since the multiplayer system could not be incorporated in pc"


In a world where purchases are made from the comfort of your home and you should only pick up your purchase in a specific establishment, how do you imagine that place ?, well you will be the owner of such establishment and will have the task of delivering each package in perfect condition.

Game development

Your task will be to store and deliver each package to its respective owner, but all this will take a degree of difficulty since each package has a way of storing since the buyers will not come to pick up their packages the same day of arrival, some if, but not all and your seeing is to keep those packages in optimal conditions and thus get more profit than with which you can make small upgrades and optimize your service.

There will also be a multiplayer mode where there are two ways to play one can be cooperatively or another can be player vs player.

In the cooperative way it will be double the work so it will require a lot of coordination and communication between the users to achieve the objective

In the player vs player not only competes for who delivers more, but for who has better service and more customers.

Music: credits to: Tomohiro Nishikado

"the image only shows an idea of how the graphics of the game would look, the others would have a different structure" credit to: MeriStation