Submissions from 2024-10-19 to 2024-10-20 (2 total)

Genre: Beat-’em-up / Resource management / Cooking game /Comedy

Platform: PC

Target Audience: Fans of cooking games, Those that like seeing cute characters do and say questionable things, those that’d love a new twist to the cooking-game genre.

Game description: Knuckle Sandwich is a game where you play as a grizzly bear, who is also a former martial artist in a fantasy world that has dedicated themselves to making and serving food in a local tavern.

Since refrigerators haven’t been invented yet, and you had to sell your hunting equipment to afford the restaurant building, you have no choice but to start each day off by foraging and hunting to get the main ingredients for the day’s meals with your “bear” hands. The game would take place over the course of a month, and the primary goal is to make your customers as happy as possible.

The gameplay loop for each day would be divided into three sections: the resource gathering section, the cooking section, and the town-exploration section. The first two phases are self explanatory: You get the ingredients you need for the day in the gathering section, and then use them to make food in the cooking section. That being said, the exploration section is where the game gives you one of four options: Ending the day right then and there, letting you keep any unused ingredients that don’t spoil overnight, walking around town and interacting with NPCs ,or going back into the wilderness to scout out where more delectable sources of ingredients could be hiding.

The music would feature a fast-paced, but still comedic style of music, that reflects both the frantic nature of the food industry, as well as the comedic tone of the game itself. A great example of the kind of song I’m looking for is: “Polka Face by Weird Al Yankovic” (

Artstyle-wise, the game would feature heavy inspiration from Sanrio’s cutesy and cartoony designs, which would help add an extra layer of comedy to the game’s chaotic world.

Generó: Estrategia, Cartas,

Plataforma: Pc

Audiencia: Dirijido a personas que le gustan los juegos de apuesta en el que tomar riesgo grandes tengan una alta recompensa como resultado. Proyectado a personas entre 21 a 40 años.

Describcion del juego: Eres un apostador común y corriente, pero un día resulta que la mesa en la que estas jugando se encuentra "La Muerte" y terminas perdiendo tu alma.

Para poder volver al plano terrenal deberás ganarle en diferentes juegos de casino (blackjack, poker, baccarat, etc) a las almas perdidas en el "vacio" para poder tener una última apuesta contra La Muerte y recuperar tu alma.

Los controles del juego son sencillos. Todas las interacciones son con el ratón y tendrá algunos atajos con el teclado.

El estilo visual sería pixel art parecido al de Dungeon & Degenerate Gamblers.

Crédito de la imagen (

La música sería con temática de casino o de bar de apuestas. Para el ejemplo usaré Luigi's Casino - New Super Mario Bros.
