Submissions from 2024-08-31 to 2024-09-01 (2 total)

maaaaaaany photos to go through, the trip was a great way to dive into the deep end and learn how to use this camera and these vintage lenses! (i've learned that I have MUCH to learn).

The following photos are from a concert I wound up at thru sheer coincidence. These are all shot on a pre-AI (Aperture Index) Nikon 50mm f1.4.

I realized after the fact I was shooting at way too low a shutter speed and way too thin an aperture (manual focus in the dark is a CHALLENGE). I could've closed down a stop and shot a stop faster and still woulda been within acceptable ISO range. Learning!

That said, I actually really like the blurriness and unfocus in these, they match the band's unnerving and theatrical noise performance quite well.

i'm done moving!! the sky was beautiful, took cloud pictures with my deer D7100 and from my new place. clouds are beautiful, always great to compose with them. this is not a very technical edit, it's simply pretty