Submissions from 2023-08-28 to 2023-09-04 (4 total)

This week's track came together in one quick Saturday-night tracking session with the PureSalem Mendiola and...a new-to-me stereo Uni-Vibe pedal.

There are four tracks of guitar, though the Uni-Vibe track is itself (of course) stereo, with chorus on the left and vibrato on the right. One can sum these down to monaural with the width control, but I kind of liked the stereo separation. Since I needed two inputs, I went into the Focusrite Scarlett instead of the recent UA Volt, and the slightly different sonic profile is a neat change.

As I usually do, I started with one little motif (the Uni-Vibe at the beginning) and responded to it on multiple tracks, then going back and repeating the process for new sections. There's even a bit of a key change in here, which is nice. Also, as usual, there's some convolution reverb and the wide & warm preset audio rack on the stereo out.

The title comes from the number 505 being the magic constant for the magic square and n-queens problem, for n=10.

This week I was in a hurry so I gave myself a hard constraint - 45 minutes to start a track from scratch and upload it. This was a fun experiment. No time to think, embracing absolute randomness.


A submission for Weekly Music 2023 35

lazy post took 20 minutes sounds like shit. only thing i liked bout this one was the cinematic buildup like dsh dsh dsh dsh d d d d....... just from cinematic sample pack but lots of those cinematic riser/woosh/impact samples fo pretty hard. actually was cinematic sample but then just cut it up with silence for the d d d d part. apart from that critique on this one is boring track added 10 seconds of garbage at the end to make it one minute long. the garbage at the end might be the part i like more bout htis

3rd and 4th file upload was gonna be trying to make a zeropass type track... ended up just sounding like what i usually make, but with triangle wave. not used to portamento, might be good for arps. used everywhere theres an artist called mitis uses lots of portamento in his arps... and leads... havent got the hang of writing for portamento leads. liked the vocal quality of triangle wave

1 download

finally got to break into something a tad heavier.. it's more like trap.. mainly because of the hats.. but yaa.. this is a pretty simple composition, just kind of experimenting around with things. Still, turned out kinda cool. I really want to explore this more and see what I can do. trapbit. maybe take it more... trap bit.