Listening to Nelward's "Stinky Boy Strut" while drawing chars. Love 'em. Definitely seem like they're in the same world, would love to Doodle Studio them.

"rare egg" and other notes are for another game project I'm working on.

Doodled some maskies. Submitting late after being out all day.

Been busy, playing catchup.
In order: Mumblestump, Flexalog, Scocorpion, Fingersprig

No mater what Quarter you find yourself in, there will be Half-Giants, Trolls, Orge's, Dwarves, Elves, Humans, and various elemental Giants. This Fire Giant is day dreaming after another shift at the dead end job. He was given a name to inspire fear in other, but simply wants to be called "Dave". All he wanted to do was drink his fire beer in peace. Not everyone can accept that.

This handsome lad in a pin stripe suit works for one of the Leading metal companies around. Don't have a name for that yet... or him.. soo yeah...

Creepy Onion Lad. I hate his feet - needs work. Comes with multiple facial expressions, drawn quickly at a PIGSquad event.

A lady Storm Giant who might just have a thing or to up her sleeve. First iteration of this gal, will see what happens tomorrow! Apart of the Neon Valkyrie world.

A troll, inspired by a "generic enemy portrait" from a game a I saw on an old MacOS a million years ago. Bumpy car doodle.

This gal has hacked a terminal two, and gone deep into secret R&D facilities to steal tech to use for her own endeavors. But even then they don't have anything on her headband, scarf and belt. Each one transforming into protective armor when activated. Inspired by photos medieval slavic helmet. Still at loss what to do for pant and boots...

Robo Viking with horns and impractical sword?! Check but you know what I kicked it up a notch because WHY DOES A ROBOT NEED A BEARD?! The world of Neon Valkyrie becomes stranger and more fantastic by the day!

Coin baddie in a game - you have to return his coin children to him to unlock achievements! In the next game, he's the main bad guy.

Forgot to submit yesterday but drew him yesterday!

Underneath the very earth Ygdrasil rests upon, at the very tips of far reaching its very roots are portals various realms. One of these realms is the Earth realm. Home to creatures borne of dirt and rock, some the size of mountains, other the size of a small dog.

This is a rock gian, smaller than your average humanoids ( and giants for that matter) , and one of the more sentient beings from the Earth realm. As they age rocks will naturally grow on their bodies creating anything from naturally armored spots on their body to distinct body features.

Where they thieves, or where they simply a group of talented bowlers. This young lady Frost Giant proudly wears the wolf sigil of the defunct group. With a specially designed glove that allows her focus her ice powers into objects she will them into, primarily a bowling. From scene to scene she travels bowling in tournaments, and private events. Is she trying to rebuild the legacy of the Gutter wolves? is she seeking vengeance? Or is she simply trying to move on.

Yes, the answer is definitely yes. As with previous OC'ish drawings I have provide some lore snippets, but this one does not have one... It would seem there is nothing in the archives... the world of Neon Valkyrie is being created one thing at time!

I’m working on this little rogue/thief/assassin guild game on the side and am not sure what kind of characters will be in it. Wanted to try drawing a barkeep pirate kinda guy, first inspired by Mudou/Murdaw from Dragon Quest and then taking a little bit from Ozzie from Chrono Trigger. Trying to live my best Toriyama life.

Can't figure out how to submit late - I'm still on a streak, just not according to this website. Ah well.

This one of the many who have taken up the Oath of the Shield, warriors dedicated to defending Ygdrasil, With the tenacity of a boar they will stand their ground till their last breath.

Tried something a little different with this one. I gave myself 3 traits to work with.
1, Boar Mottif
2. Amored A.F
3.Great Shield

Some are addicted to the thrill of life and death, some to become rich and famous, and some are forced to participate in glorious Blood sport. Those that become crowd favorites might live on cloud server Valhalla, those who don't are nothing more than fodder. However the rarest sight are champions who decided to live out retirement, far and away from arena.

Don't know who she is, where she lives, or what she does... But she does appear to have some sort of axe with an energy blade. Yeaahhh. Neon Valkyrie.

There are plenty of secrets to be discovered. This guy is looking at a holographic projection of his next target. A high tech sword and board, and grappling hook, some other high tech tools!

It said that when the Original Svwen passed, a group of valkyries descended to take him to Valhalla itself, not that damned cloud server, but the true place. But after they entered his tomb, they did not come back.

Laser axes, bear helmet, shiny bear claws, and a bare chest. A possible berserk, or BEARserker concept for my WIP 5E DND setting Neon Valkyrie

Cultist dude in a red cloak. Nothing super fancy, but they are needed for my world building.

She tall, she lean, and imposing in stature, espeically with her bow put together with scales from a great frost wyrm. These next few are decided low tech as they are heroes that adventured long before Ygdrasil was uprooted and tossed into the stars. #NeonValkyrie

Another hero from the the time before Yggdrasil floated among the stars, a half storm giant magic user. #NeonValkyrie

Legendary beat maker, rapper, and DJ extraordinaire, RAVE BLADE. Just watched a what to me was a super dark episode of Altered Carbon, and this how I am responding to it. #NeonValkeryie