This streak is hidden and only visible to those with the URL

Started 7 years ago (2017-05-01T07:00:00Z).
Ended 7 years ago (2017-06-01T07:00:00Z).

*You can post rough sketches and/or refined pieces.

**All visual mediums are welcome.

***Posting deadline is 00:00 midnight Pacific (3:00am Eastern // 7:00am UTC)
but late submissions are allowed!

Your pieces must be inspired by flowers. They can be drawings of actual flowers, things that have a floral pattern, or characters/environments/etc based on flowers!

Feel free to do the entire month or just a week or two. It's up to you!

Please use #flowerstreak on twitter, instagram, and tumblr. Let me know your username so I can follow you. I'm @heatherfranzen on all three sites.

Recent submissions (17 total)

watercolor + colored pencil! I did this all in one sitting and am pretty proud of it

A submission for May Flowers 5

guess who didn't finish before midnight again

I'd scan this but I'm in a hurry out the door! I hope you have a lovely Friday night

Sorry I haven't been updating everyday!I am really excited about the streak but have been so tired as of late! I will try to catch back up. Good Luck Everyone! | PB


A submission for May Flowers 3


This is inspired by a dead tree in my yard. It has Wisteria growing around it.


A submission for May Flowers 1

i'm not done but i had to upload before midnight!!

I am hoping this streak will be very relaxing and fun to do after work. Doodled a little flower character based off of a Rose |PB

This sunflower was draw from my head, because my power was out. I'm really happy with how this picture came out.

My Tumblr

Starting off May Flowers with a monkey because it's also the prompt for this month's Pinch Punch Post on Twitter!