Started 8 years ago (January 2nd 2017, 5 am).
Ended 8 years ago (January 22nd 2017, 5 am).

Rules ripped directly from the Music every week 2017 Streak (s/o to Leafo tho)

  • Compose and produce a new piece of music each week. Your submission is due every Night at 11:59 EST. You should aim for at least one minute of music, and should be created that week.

Late submissions: Late submissions are open. If you miss a deadline you can still submit by clicking the day on the calendar to the right. If you late submit your post will get a big Late submit tag, but it will still count for your Streak. No reason to stress out about deadlines, do your best.

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Recent submissions (17 total)

I feel like this one might work with a bit more tlc, but atm it is pretty much just a demo in the truest since of the word

1 download

Some say lazy production, I SAY MINIMALIST.....also lazy...w/e this one doesn't sound bad.


Don't hate this one, don't love it.

17 jan 8.wav20mb

Made this in an hour with the Chord progression from As Told By Ginger....Music is weird....


Might revisit tho...

if anyone know how to make things "groove" better pls hmu.

17 jan 6 bells.wav4mb
17 jan 5 solemn.mp32.3mb
17 jan 4 slow.wav13mb
17 jan 3 smooth.wav8mb
jan 2 2017.wav9mb