Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Started 9 years ago (August 2nd 2015, 4 pm).
Ended 8 years ago (May 6th 2016, 4 pm).
This streak is dedicated to making people feel really bad about themselves. Feel like your insult game is not on point? Practice here! Post an original insult each day! String some mildly derogatory words together and press submit... You will feel much better!
You silly recycled oven glove.
Fuck off
'You act like you work at Konami.
You are not Kanye West
You're such bloody creepy nom nom that you grew eight pairs of eight legged eye-balls and its giving me the vomit of your mums period from last year
You ridiculously impregnated banana looking foreskin flavored cock-nuggeted banger of a mash
You ridiculously small inverted cock head outdoor fatherfucker.
You blocked-up, redundant, childish, dickish dickish cluckerby
You definitive, flippant cuttlefish.
You ridiculous banana-faced, burger-fueled, obnoxious jerkface with a bad attitude and skin problems
You off-kilter eggnog salad made with frosted cum
You mute, saggy pants, prat
you empty-headed animal food trough wiper!
You stinky, stanky, un cooperative, mayonnaise jar left in the warm, summer sunlight by a gimp in a bow tie
Those named Chris Andisen IS already the biggest insult . This streak can come to an end.
You EverReady battery Chicken Farm banana fuckstick.