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Piecing all my practice together in this one :D!
Still iffy on the right side of the impact tho- time to watch some slow mo vids

wooooho There's so many audio issues but I finally released my first video asldfjasldjf al;sejf
I'm so relieved the first one is out & can't wait to improve on the future ones! The next one will probably be a Devlog 0 for my game or a simple walk through on one of assets.

Here are some notes for my future self for next week's video:
-Fix buzzing
-Increase volume
-Find a proper thumbnail creator (high res)
-Have better transitions & timing on video

Its important to do actionable events.
These events are set based on the goals you have. You must reverse engineer what you most desire.

In the case of me, I wish to become my best self to live life with abundance and greatness. Ive sought out to read and write to teach myself lessons from those whove lived life before me and have done it right.