It's so great to see you working more on it. I mean, even in it's current state I love it already, but I also think there's a lot more potential for it.

Streak templates like "Drawing Basics" would be very useful for many people. Curated this could be a major tool, but I also guess that it needs a certain level of proficiency and time commitment, and people having both of those are probably more interested in having people come to their own portals.

Maybe a random theme generator would be a neat helper for the Art people, where a combination of words like "figure - forest - cyan" should be enough for a starting point if someone is looking for ideas.
Getting a daily theme mailed could be very good for keeping people in the first days.

Regarding other streaks: I normally just visit the Daily Art page, look through the newest entries, look once at the notifications, post my image, leave. So the place to reach me and hint at other Streaks would probably be the notifications. Not spamming them, but every now and then mentioning some other Streak or feature of the site. Or having that info in the sidebar or header of every streak site.


Thanks for the feedback. I'll think of better ways to advertise new streaks. I'll probably post topics in here for the good stuff to notify everyone, but adding more links to them on the site definitely won't hurt.

For prompts, I'll probably make a topic soon to collect ideas. I want to start with them manually, but doing them randomly could be interesting.

Would you use prompts if they existed - all the time, sometimes, never?

Sometimes. I have enough art tasks of my own because of project work which I also post here, but one some days it would be nice to have an impulse from outside.