Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
The main tiles still need to be redone. I'll get there eventually.
@Bobbo i meant the foreground tiles. I like the new tiles a lot more :)
@Deammer I agree with the busyness. The new foreground tiles are much larger and much less busy. Did you mean on the foreground or background tiles when you recommended toning down the contrast?
I really like the colors, but the tiles look very busy. Maybe tone down the contrast/avoid black?
joined 3,672 days ago
daily from 2015-01-25 to 2016-01-25
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@Bobbo i meant the foreground tiles. I like the new tiles a lot more :)
@Deammer I agree with the busyness. The new foreground tiles are much larger and much less busy. Did you mean on the foreground or background tiles when you recommended toning down the contrast?
I really like the colors, but the tiles look very busy. Maybe tone down the contrast/avoid black?