Built around mechanics for the tilt function and motion controls on consoles, don't fall! Is a game where you control a passenger on a train or bus. The bus/train that you board is full and you are forced to stand. The aim of the game is to keep your character balanced and avoid tilting too far in one direction and fall. You will have to counter the forces or braking, acceleration and turning while aboard. You can gain bonus points for recoveries. If you fall you will be laughed at by the driver and passengers while your character cries in a small cut scene. Ultimately if you fall you will fail the level and have to restart. The rides will be short but the gameplay will be extreme and movements will get progressively more sharp with small tilts or changes in speed and such resulting in dangerously extreme effects on the character.

The game will create profit through powers that can be purchased to use in levels to gain small benefits. For example there could be a power up to slow time and allow players to regain balance when in trouble.

Overall, the game would be simple with basic controls but the balance mechanic is constantly in need of player attention and keeps gameplay consistent and fun!

Ben Pracz


MDS GDV110 - 'One Game a Day' Assignment

Media Design School's GDV110 students come up with a game idea a day.

daily from 2015-07-21 to 2015-09-11