Platform: PC/Console

Game play type: Third person shooter/hack & slash R16+


80% off TV's, computers, gaming consoles and many more. It's going to be a bloodbath.......

Black Friday is a satirical take on the violent reputation of Black Friday sales that occur in the United States following Thanksgiving. The game is a third person shooter where players take control of rabid customers who must hunt down the best discounted deals in the stores.

Similar to battlefield games, players spawn outside the store and combat against other players or AI to achieve their objective.

Attaining the best product before the stores run out is the main objective and players must fight with others to attain the same objective. Similar to capture the flag, the players are alerted when their objective has been captured and can intercept the player with their product.

Multiplayer matches allow for 64 players to go head to head battling against their friends and the security guards in the hopes of achieving the best product at the best price.


  • Players can use a variety of makeshift weapons to combat other players and security staff
  • Each player has a timer that is increased with each discounted product brought back to their cars
  • Victory conditions include: Most products collected, Highest discounted products, Most kills, Best use of makeshift weapons
  • Players battle against each other to attain the best discounted product

Image references:

More submissions by cameron.chu6373 for MDS GDV110 - 'One Game a Day' Assignment

Gameplay type: MMORTS, science fiction, fantasy

Platform: PC


In 52 days an impending doom will occur and the game servers will cease to function.

52 is a massively multiplayer real time strategy game where players can choose between two powerful races, the technology based race called the Tectrona and their magical rivals called the Arcinsor. Both races allow players to create a wide range of buildings and units.

To be released on the 9th of November 2015, on New Year's Eve the powerful apocalyptic force will defeat all players on the servers and force the games servers to shut down, effectively ending 52 as a game....unless the players unite forces to stop it.


It is the players choice to work together and build up their forces in 52 days before the impending doom comes about. Players of cities can choose to attack other cities should they not wish to unite or agree that a particular city will sabotage their efforts.Only by uniting with other players around the world and building a force to counter the impending doom, will there be a chance. What happens after that is undetermined.

How the MMORTS works?

When players sign up they are put into the world. Essentially it is first in served for whoever begins constructing a base. Subsequent players who join can choose to join either civilization or then the city they wish to be a part of. As players log off they can nominate other players to be acting rulers of the city while the ruler is logged off. Once cities reach a certain population, the player who founded the city is voted to stay on as ruler or replaced by the other members of the city.

Players inside the city can build off certain areas and establish their own districts. The ruler assigns specific tasks to the other players such as collecting resources and building troops. Players can choose to allocate the resources they collect to building up their own district or contributing to the cities wealth.

Players can train their own units within the city and other member of the city are their allies. Cities can ally with each other upon a voting system with all members or choose to make them their enemy. Allied cities can trade resources to strengthen their alliance as well as their resource stores for the coming battle.


52 is set in a science fiction fantasy world of Deltorus where a war between the two civilizations has waged for centuries. During a climactic battle a darker force descended on the world and obliterated both armies effortlessly. After the defeat, the dark force delivered a message to the survivors stating that they have 52 days before their entire force descends upon the world to wipe out its inhabitancies.

Tectrona civilization:

The technological race possesses a vast range of buildings, vehicles and advanced weaponry which can be created. They adhere to the idea that technology will advance their civilization and consider magic to be an inferior inaccurate and irresponsible form of culture.

Units include robotic soldiers, cyborgs, mechs, battle cruisers, hovercraft, spacecraft and many more. Their units specialize on fast attack and precision to defeat their enemies.

Arcinsor civilization:

The magical civilization possesses a powerful assortment of arcane magic they use to bend the laws of nature to unleash upon their enemies. Occupying the southern part of the world, their culture is based around harnessing magic of the land and believe that all manner of technology and man-made machines are blasphemy.

Units include, mages, sorcerers, beasts, flying creatures, storms and much more. Their units specialize in powerful magic attacks as well as using the forces of nature to aid their already magical armies.

The impending doom:

Both an in game and meta-game enemy. In game it will unleash a powerful force onto the world of Deltorus and crush all players of both civilizations, ending all life's existence on the world. As a meta-game element, the developers have created a force that they believe is virtually impossible to beat. Prior to the games release, 52's creators have released details to those wishing to purchase the game that they will have 52 days before this force attacks and should they wish for the game to continue, they must defeat the force.


  • Work together in teams of cities to advance your civilization in 52 days
  • Choose to work together with other cities to stop the impending doom
  • Trade places with other online players as you trade shifts to build up your empire
  • Amass a powerful force to face whatever will stop you when the day comes to fight
  • Choose between magic or technology as you build up your force
  • Destroy heretics, mutineers and other dissidents who choose not to fight
  • Choose between 2 different races, one high tech and one fantasy race all have their own unique units and buildings to create

Platform: Microsoft Hololens, Xbox One, Windows 10 PC

Game play type: Augmented reality, Physical, first person shooter


Engage in combat in your living room, backyard or indoor sport center as you fight in combat against virtual AI players that exist and interact with the environment around them. Players equip themselves with Microsoft Hololens device and map the specific environment for the map to be created. Additionally players can also custom design their maps based upon their own preferences.

As with the nature of augmented reality, real life objects like walls, trees and furniture can be assigned to be specific objects in the game. For example a garage can be assigned as a safe house with spawning virtual weapons and ammo where a tree can act as an obstacle to hide behind.

Your weapons and armor are virtual and attach to you and can spawn around you.


  • Use real world obstacles as obstacles in the game as the battlefield becomes customized to the house, the park or other indoor area
  • Engage in multiplayer battles against other local players of online generated players
  • Customize the real world battlefield to fit checkpoints, ammo dumps, and safe houses
  • Equip yourself with virtual armor, weapons and shields to combat your opponents
Image References:


You are an abomination made up of multiple corpses and you are also running in a marathon…..makes perfect sense.

You begin as a corpse of sewn limbs and each one is slowly decaying until it falls apart. To complete the marathon you must 'borrow' limbs from other runners to replace the parts that are rotting away.


Unlike a traditional marathon where there is a specific track, you and your opponents must race around a track that is not necessarily cornered off to the public and in many cases the public are unaware that a race is happening….until they see you coming towards them.

Course include: Sawmills, fireworks factories, motorways, construction sites, firing ranges and many more. Each course contains a wide range of dangerous and lethal obstacles which can crush and sever limbs.


  • Pickup, rip off and discard limbs from you and your opponents body
  • Race against time and the decay of your own body
  • Kill fleeing civilians and take their limbs to replace your rotting ones
  • Run, hop, and crawl to the finish line
  • Obstacles include: Vehicles, factory machines and people
Image References:

Game play type: 3D mobile, puzzle game

Platform: PC, PS4, Xbox One, Mobile

You have a selection of gears to choose from and must complete the course. The end sprocket has a particular rotating direction it must adhere to in order for the device to work and you must arrange your gears to fit the gaps.


There is a bridge that needs to be lowered in a downward direction. The bridge mechanism is located on a cliff above and requires a set of cogs to be placed to in the gaps to make the mechanism work.

As you progress through the levels, your puzzle become more challenging, with many of them requiring problem solving to complete the objective.

Co-op mode:

Players can participate in online play where their teamwork and use of gears will activate the puzzle. Each player has to activate their individual mechanism.


  • Get the contraption working by filling in the gaps with rotating gears
  • Choose between different types of cogs, sprockets, pulleys and position them to achieve the correct rotation
  • Build complex tracks that will test your problem solving skills
  • Play in co-op mode as two players attempt to activate one trap
  • Work under time and gear limits to complete the levels

Platform: PC, mobile


You are an imaginary friend of a child. You can only be seen by them and your existence fully depends on whether they pay attention to you and believing in you.


Your objective is to provide comfort and advice to this six year old as they go through their day and confronting dangerous tasks that depend on your assistance. They will ask you questions which you must respond with correct answers as well as perform actions to guide them.

With each mission time will pass and you will risk fading away as they grow older. This relationship will affect the way they interact with real world people which will have an emotional effect to the child and therefore effect your appearance and abilities.

Eventually you will have to decide between the child's wellbeing and your own existence.

The child:

They will go through their day and you must accompany them. You cannot be seen by anyone else but your actions will affect how the child reacts with others. Their thoughts and emotions effect your appearance and abilities.


You are an imaginary creature who shape shifts involuntarily based on the thoughts and emotions of the six year old child. You must guide the child through life's events as but are unable to intervene directly. Your appearance and abilities such as speed, strength, health and super powers are dictated by the child's thoughts.


  • Experience a wide range of form and ability changes based on the childs emotional state
  • You can do things that only the child can see
  • Influence the child's behaviour to help them complete tasks such as standing up to bullies or walking in the dark
  • Give advice and perform actions to sustain your continued existence

Image References:

David R. Sprayberry, M. (2012, May 30th). Retrieved September 4th, 2015, from

Game play type: 3D Racing, combat, multiplayer game


Own the track is a strategic racing game where you can control the speed, the physics and even the track itself in real-time to aid in winning over your opponents.

Racer abilities:

Track modification - You can change the track by swapping out track parts

Traps - Set traps to go off at certain times on the track

Attrition zone - Mark parts of the track that causes damage to your opponents should they enter it

Racer pickups:

Strength - Allows you to smash opponents out of your way

Speed - Reach higher speed, accelerate and handle faster

Invisibility - Become invisible for a short period of time to evade your opponents attacks

Anti-Gravity - Fly, float and leap farther over jumps to reach track areas that normal gravity would not allow

Invincibility - Become invincible to all attacks and traps for a short period of time


  • Plant bombs, deploy traps, establish attrition zones to trip up your opponents
  • Unlock abilities to change the track midgame to change the rules
  • Play on a number of unique tracks to test you and your opponents driving and tactical skills
  • Pick up temporary power-ups including speed, invisibility, anti-gravity and invincibility
  • Earn winning points to purchase permanent racing abilities for future races

Image References: (2010, June 18th). Retrieved September 4th, 2015, from

Game play type: Real-Time Strategy game

Platform: PC


Nzorah is a world inhabited by four distinct races that each process a powerful magical population. Each race wages war against the other as they attempt to counter their magic and advanced their own powers to gain the upper hand.

Nzorah Races:

Alirus – The Alirus race revolves around light and units specialize in harnessing light for their magical spells and weapons.

Purius – The Purius focuses on nature and life and their units specialize in healing and poisonous spells and attacks

Inferius – The Inferius are masters of heat and fire and their units cast powerful fire spell attacks against their enemies

Hydrarius – The Hydrarius magic focuses on aquatic and cooling, casting spells that freeze their enemies

The Dispellers:

This darkened race is made up of defected and banished units of the Nzorah races who revolt against magic and use their specialist 'Anti-Magic' spells and units to counter the races of Nzorah. You must unite the other four magical races and defeat these dark heretics from destroying the world.


  • Choose one of four races as you protect and expand your borders using both magical and conventional weapons
  • Advance your race through the magical ages as you advance your skills and power
  • Learn magic from your race and advanced you culture through the ages
  • Travel across the world of Nzorah as you attempt to unite the races to defeat the Dark forces of the Dispellers
  • Select a wide range of magic and soldier units to build your empire
Image References: (2015, August 4th). Retrieved from


You are a highly trained assassin that is part machine, part human. You have the ability to control computers, machines and other cyborgs at will and use them to aid your missions.

You work for the notorious Global Assassination League that carries out assassinations of both machine and human targets around the world. As machines become more and more integrated into society you must use both you human and machine abilities to weave out your targets.


It's the 22nd century and cybernetic implants have become the norm in society as the line between human and machine becomes ever more blurred. This creates tension between humanist fundamentals who believe that flesh and machine should remain separate. With the humanists factions widely spread and integrated into society, the Cyborg and human sympathisers turn to a shadowed assassination organization called GAL to take out the radical humanist leaders in order to end the conflict between the two races.


Unlike a cyborg that has machine parts added later on, you were born with such devices in place. As a hybrid you can naturally communicate with computers and the language which combined with your extensive training, makes you a high tech and deadly killer.

Global Assassination League(GAL):

They are hidden in the shadows and carry out assassinations all over the world. You have been trained since birth to work for them. Many of your targets are radical humanists who attempt terrorists and genocidal acts against machines and cyborgs.


  • Control androids, cyborgs and persuade humans
  • Use your machine abilities such as increased strength, durability and enhanced reflexes
  • Hack into computers, travel online, control machines and plant viruses
  • As a cyborg-like being you can use both human and machine abilities to complete you missions
  • Complete missions for Global Assassination League(GAL) using a wide range of high tech weaponry
  • Enemies include: world leaders, machine resistance forces, cyborgs and humans
Image Reference:

Game play type: Multi player online, third person

Platform: PC, PS4, Xbox One


You are part of a 4 person team that controls 3 heads and one body. Hydras are mechanical mutli-headed war machines designed to deliver perfect defence and offence moves. You battle it out against other Hydras on open battlefields where your teamwork and combination of attack determines the victor.

Controllable heads:

3 players control a head that they choose to equip with their own weapons and armour. Each head can be controlled separately by the player and can be use either offensive or defensive capabilities.

Controllable body:

1 player controls the mechanical body and moves the heads to the area of their enemies. They equip themselves with armour and shield weapons to defend their teammates against enemy Hydras attack


  • Players team up in groups of 4 where each player takes control of a head and body
  • Work as a team and unleash a wave of destruction upon your enemy
  • Each head contains unique weapons and can move freely to defend/attack in multiple directions
  • Choose your teammates or be placed randomly within a team based on skills
  • Fight with up to 16 v 16 (4 teams each)
  • Each player can upgrade their portion of the Hydra to their liking


Battle Drones is an outdoor remote control drone game where you control one or more remote controlled drones and go to war against other players drones. You can control however many drones at once using your tablet with a bird's eye view of where your drones are. When engaging in combat you are able to take control of one of your drones and engage in dogfighting with other drones.

Battle modes:

Take and hold – A game of strategic capturing areas of the map (outdoor park) area.

Dogfight (requires weapons) – Dogfighting with paint ball gun equipped drones. Take out the enemy one on one.

Capture the flag – Players capture flags using magnetic arms of the drone. Once a drone has captured the flag their position will become visible on the tablet map. Opposing players can intercept drones with the flag by knocking their drone to the ground


  • Use the tablet to control a fleet of drones against other player's drones
  • Strategically attack and defend areas of the objectives
  • Switch between drones to complete objectives and attack other drones with mounted paintball guns
  • Fight up to 4 person co-op as players work together in teams to take down other players
Image References: (2015, September 1st). Retrieved from

Game play type: First person shooter, flying

Platform: PC, PS4, Xbox One


Doomsday is imminent as the world is tearing itself apart. You are a young captain selected by four of earth's largest corporations in an attempt to rescue as many people as possible and transport them off world. You are thrust into the heart of a chaotic world as you pilot a wide range of rescue and combat vehicles to save Humanity from utter destruction.

Your objective is to evacuate people to the ARCs that the Moses group has constructed which will then be thrown into space. Your mission will not be easy as the ruthless Exodus Corporation seeks to steal the ARC's to save a precious few of their own people. This is a war of rescue and combat where you must choose who goes and who stays behind.


2699 A.D. Earths mining corporations have extensively mined its resources as an attempt to meet the growing population. This need has forced much seismic activity around the world as deeper the corporations dig. After decades of mining the Earth begins to grow unstable with earthquakes of massive proportion splitting the worlds surface right to the core. Within the space of five years the Earths continent becomes split up as gravity and weather is thrown into chaos.

Mass hysteria takes place as the world's nation collapse leaving the main corporations who caused the destruction of the earth, pull together their resources in attempt to save the human race.

Operation NOAH:

The world's top five mining corporations turn their attention to creating space shuttles called ARCs and rescue craft to evacuate as many humans as possible off world. The largest company renamed the Exodus Corporation attempts to secure select individuals as opposed to the general population. This creates a rift between Exodus and the remaining corporations as their efforts split apart. Now the remaining corporations form together, calling themselves the Moses group. They Launch Operation NOAH in an attempt to combat the Exodus Corporation and save as many people as possible.


  • Experience an unstable earth as its entire surface becomes ripped apart
  • Fight in low gravity and anti-gravity as you attempt to rescue the Human race from imminent destruction
  • Race against time as you attempt to save enough people to ensure the survival of the human race
  • Take control of mechs, aircraft, hovercrafts and space craft
  • Rescue and fight across vast landscapes that dramatically change as they are ripped apart
  • Defeat the private company known as Exodus Corp who attempt to save only a select few
Image References:

Game play type: Third Person, fighting, Puzzle game

Platform: PC, PS4, Xbox One


You are Karla, a member of an interstellar fighting force called the Light Warriors. Your task is to combat a dark entity known as The Void that seeks complete darkness over the galaxy. You are deployed on worlds that are under attack by the dark warriors and must use your light weapons to illuminate the enemy to destroy them. Reflecting off surfaces, refracting through material and focusing light are all methods one can use to destroy The Void.


In the distance future humans have discovered Light Travel which allows for near instantaneous speed across the galaxy. New life forms and civilizations have been discovered with this form of travel. Humans form the Coalition of Light Travel (COLT) which unites the civilizations and promotes the user of light technology to explore other parts of the galaxy.

The Void:

The Void is an unknown force of that seeks to throw the entire galaxy into darkness. With the increase use of Light Travel, The Voidattempts to destroy the civilizations that use Light Travel believing that the galaxy should remain in darkness. The Void launches attacks using dark soldiers and black holes to destroy suns and ultimately plunge worlds into complete darkness.

The Light Warriors:

Upon the discovery of The Void destroying worlds, the COLT formed a fighting force to combat them called the Light Warriors a group of interstellar beings that are equipped with special light weapons to combat The Void soldiers. With entire worlds being thrown into darkness, the Light Warriors attempt to save those left and discover a way to defeat The Void that is swallowing up the stars.


  • Reflect light waves off mirrored and reflective surfaces
  • Use refraction weapons to bend your enemies light rays around yours
  • Use lens weapons to concentrate light to devastating effect
  • Equip yourself with advanced Light Wave Weapons to as you
  • Different lights cause different damage to The Void
  • Journey across worlds using Light Travel machines as you track the occurrences of The Void
Image References:

Game play type: Third person RPG, sandbox fighting game

Platform: PC, PS4, Xbox One


In Messiah, you are Xera and given the power of an all-powerful deity known as the Messiah which was destroyed in an uprising with a corrupt leader known to all as the Dark Messiah. You have power to change almost any aspect of your world for the good but conversely this means you also create darkness to balance out the power.

The Messiah:

The Messiah is the deity of the world of Eon, who dwells in the forbidden land of Eon. The Messiah's power maintain balance of the world and gives out small amounts of power to the Eon leader in order to govern the people. The Messiahs full power is both light and dark in its effect on the world.

The Dark Messiah:

The Dark Messiah was originally the leader of the people of Eon who grew jealous of the power of the Messiah. The leader saw the Messiah as a coward for not using its full power and decided to invade the forbidden lands and overthrow the Messiah. This war led to the near destruction of the world and the death of the Messiah.


You are Xera, a young survivor who stumbles across the Fragment of God while savaging for food. Upon processing this fragment you begin to see the world in an omniscience manner and you begin to influence the world around you. This power however has adverse effects on other aspects of the world. While you use the power to grant wealth to your village, you also feed the dark side of the world as the Dark Messiah gains power.

You must use the power of the Messiah to rebuild your civilization through decisions making and fighting off enemies.

  • Harness the power of the Messiah and fully customize NPC's, enemies, allies and the world around you
  • Journey through the ruined world of Eon, a vast and desolate place
  • Make decisions that will affect your people and the enemies of your people
  • Customizations include: soldiers, civilizations, and even the world itself
  • Create and destroy entire races and remake the world the way you see fit
  • Fight against the Dark Messiah as you attempt to save the people of Eon
  • Save the world of Eon from the Dark Messiah and the dark power you now harness
Image References:

Game play type: obstacle, coordination and team building

Platform: Mobile, tablet, smart watch


Obstacle is a game for two more players. As a team one player sets the virtual obstacle on their tablet which is synched to a smartphone/ smart watch app of the other player who must physically navigate the virtual obstacle before the time is up. Areas are done in open spaces like parks where the obstacle and player position are mapped using gps. The game requires at least two players and there are two main sides:

Game master:

  • -Creates the virtual obstacles from tablet
  • -Sets time limit
  • -Chooses location
  • -Game masters score is calculated by whether other players finish or not

Obstacle player:

  • -Receives voice commands on a smart device such as smart phone or smart watch
  • -Must complete Game masters obstacle in time
  • -Earns points by how fast they finish

Two or more obstacle players can compete against each other players in elimination rounds set by the game master.

Multiplayer matches can be setup where teams of game masters and obstacle players can face off against other master/player teams where opposing teams set obstacles for the opposite teams.


The objective of this game is to promote physical fitness and teamwork in an interactive and competitive environment. The game takes advantage of mobile tracking that can be setup in any outdoor location.


  • One player acts as the coordinator and guides the other player
  • GPS tracking of obstacle course and player movement
  • Obstacles range from simple relays, dodging and running to locations
  • Coordinators can set obstacles for other players to complete
  • Fun interactive way to get physical exercise
  • Promotes teamwork and physical exercise

Image Reference: (2015, August 28th). Retrieved from (2015, August 28th). Retrieved from

Game play type: 3D RTS, Construction, physics game

Platform: PC


Build to the sky is 3D a real-time strategy construction game where you must construct a building to reach a height before your opponents. As a real-time strategy game, you control a number of building units as they race to carry parts up and you decide how they are to be placed. Builder units have an unlimited number and re-spawn if killed on the construction site.

You have an unlimited number of construction parts that vary from strut's to bricks to planks of wood. The art of balancing these pieces comes down to you and your ability to stack them correctly. Physics play a part and any unbalanced pieces will cause your structure to collapse so think carefully and quickly when constructing your towers.

Multiplayer mode puts you head to head against other players as you reach milestone heights and earn special abilities such as meteor showers and earthquakes that can delay your opponants construction or even topple their entire structures down. The first to reach the finish height wins.


  • Race against other players to reach a height in the sky
  • Use struts, bricks, poles and many other construction materials as you attempt to reach the goal height before your opponent
  • Earn points to gain access to catapults, dynamite, meteor showers and planes to topple over your opponents building
  • Control virtual workers to carry pieces up your building

Image references:

Retrieved from

Game play type: Motion control, first person, multiplayer

Platform: PS4, Xbox One, WIIU


Virtual Beer Pong uses the motion control of the Kinect, Playstation 4 and WIIU to deliver a beer pong experience like no other.

Played either sober or drunk, Virtual Beer Pong allows for a variety of fun, taking the coveted game of Beer Pong to new levels. Choose to play sober mode and become "intoxicated" over the course of the game as you experience what it's like to be drunk without drinking at all.

Choose the number of cups and the alcohol you wish your opponent to have in their cups. Remember the stronger the alcohol the more impaired you will become. For those playing sober you have the option of a vomit threshold meter which will rise depending on the virtual alcohol skulled and the time limit one has to skull it.

Last but not least play modes include four a side multiplayer and online multiplayer mode for those who wish to take on beer pong enthusiasts from all over the world.


  • Use the Kinect motion, PS4 motion controller or the WII U Remote to throw the ball
  • Choose the amount of cups and the strength of alcohol to use
  • Experience being drunk through shifting screens an impaired reaction
  • Play online against your friends as you battle it out

Image References: (2010, August). Retrieved August 25th, 2015, from (2014, January 24th). Retrieved August 25th, 2015, from


3D Student Progress is a 3D visual student/lecturer game designed to motivate students and keep lecturers up-to-date on their students' progress. Lecturers can set goals for the students to work towards in order to keep building higher. Goals can be either in game (such as math problems to solve) or conventional outside games such as assignments which the tutor can then confirm that they have fulfilled the goal. Student's buildings can be seen collectively together however students can only see their own goals match with their past performance.

The purpose of this game is to provide a visual real-time view of student progress of both lecturers and students and identify those who may need assistance.

Students can:

  • Enter in tasks to complete and submit through the game to alert the lecturer
  • Students can view their current performance, past performances, lecturer notes on feedback on tasks.

Lecturers can:

  • Approve, reject, and give feedback and monitor of student progress
  • Set mile stone (floating blocks) for students to build towards
  • Set tasks and requirements to complete for students
  • View all students' progress to track students who are falling behind


  • Lecturers set personal goals for students which translate to building pieces
  • Set milestones for students to pass and enter in rewards that update
  • 3D buildings include: mountains, pyramids and skyscrapers
  • Lecturers can view and 3D up-to-date progress of students and can set notifications if falling behind

Gameplay type: First person shooter

Platform: PC, PS4, Xbox One


You are Garez, a human vampire hybrid warrior that must fight against both human and vampire militant groups as in a bitter 150 year conflict called the Blood War. Since 1865 the world has been at war, entire cities decimated as empires of both human and Vampire merge into two nations hell-bent on wiping out the others race.

Through the conflict both vampire and human civilians began to breed forming human vampire hybrids known as Dhampir who are able to walk in the light while maintaining some superhuman strength of the vampires.

Garez has trained his entire life to avenge both his human and vampire sympathizing family who were slaughtered by both sides for their perceived treason and interbreeding of the races. Now a fully equipped soldier you battle your way through the wastelands of a 2015 post-apocalyptic Europe in the attempt to unite the Dhampir, human and vampire sympathizers and overthrow the leaders of the human and vampire empires.

Dhampir strengths:

  • Can last longer during the day than vampires
  • Processes super human strength
  • Immunity to most fatal human and vampire weapons

Dhampir weaknesses:

  • Cannot stay out in the light as long as humans
  • Weaker than vampires
  • Hunted by both sides


  • Equip yourself with an arsenal of garlic laced cross bows to light grenades
  • Use both vampire and human abilities as you combat the deadly forces of the Ultilitarium
  • Drain memories from your enemies as well as their blood
  • Use superhuman vampire strength to defeat both human and vampire enemies

Game play type: third person, free roam, fighting

Platform: PC


You are a third person character and free roam around a city where crime occurs and you can choose to help victims of crime or leave them to their fate. Should you choose to help people in a crime you spend what is called the empathy quota. Empathy quotas restrict how many people you can help and with an entire city to explore you can only help those that you must. You must also risk injury or even death when intervening. You are able to fight off people however as a general member of the public your fighting skills are restricted to kicking and punching.


There is no overall objective but the goal of the player is to explore the psychological phenomenon of the Bystander effect. Subjective accomplishments include feeling good about helping others as well as experiencing indifference when not helping out others. What crimes you choose to intervene is completely up to you and the amount of empathy you have available will influence your decisions.

The Bystander effect:

The bystander effect is a psychological phenomenon where people will not help a victim if there are other people present. There are many theories for this phenomenon such as diffusion of responsibility, ambiguity of the situation and whether other people will also intervene. Indifference explores this phenomenon and the goal is for people to understand its consequences.


  • You are completely free to walk around a grim city as you witness crimes taking place
  • Choose to be a good Samaritan or a bystander when faced with a crime
  • Situations include muggings, shop lifting, assaults & people who have collapsed in the street

Image References: (2015, May 28th). Retrieved August 23rd, 2015, from

Gameplay type: 3D sandbox, editor, physics, time trial

Platform: PC, mobile


You have a room, an unlimited supply of dominos and 30 minutes time…..

Pure creativity is all that is needed as you construct your own unique domino run as fast as you can and enjoy the satisfaction of watching them all fall down. Extreme dominos will allow you to build quickly to enjoy what matters most. Knocking them down.

You start off in an empty room and can select a wide range of domino like objects. Create a mosaic of domino like art where you can Stack explosive barrels next to each other and light the match. There is no limit to what you can achieve.


You succeed by completing your course (construction and execution) within the time allowed and by checkpoint fulfilment. Your score is calculated by how much time you have left at the end as wells as the amount of domino objects used. More challenging objects used will increase your score.


Checkpoints are random objects that must be reached in the time. You must construct your course to link these checkpoints. As the levels progress they become more demanding and require creativity to solve them.


  • Create your own fully custom domino course using the in game editor
  • Challenge yourself by completing domino checkpoints within the time frame
  • Use a wide range of domino items including conventional dominos, balls, explosive barrels, flammable liquid and many more.
  • Race against time to setup and complete the domino run
  • Stream the domino level online and share your creative courses with the world
Image References:

Sinners Domino Entertainment. (2014, October 14th). https: // Retrieved from

MDS GDV110 - 'One Game a Day' Assignment

Media Design School's GDV110 students come up with a game idea a day.

daily from 2015-07-21 to 2015-09-11