Weekly Composition WIP
Week 18
KORG M01D Composition

Thanks to some mishaps at Microsoft's service center, I've been without my work computer for the entire month of May. They sent my computer back to me broken and had to take it back once again! It's been rough, but the advantage of doing my actual composition work on my 3DS is that I was able to keep my weekly schedule up, even if I couldn't upload the recordings until now. Take a look back and you'll see the replaced entries!

I wrote this song to practice working with a 12/8 time signature. I wrote it live as a demonstration for the students I work with at my day care job - I'm going to be teaching the kids how to use the M01D and make their own music (along with my efforts on YouTube!). I'm stumped about how to continue writing this song, so I'll toy around with it later.


More submissions by BLK MKT for Weekly Music 2015

Weekly Composition WIP
Week 23
KORG M01 Composition

I haven't been posting KORG compositions lately because I'm finishing up the KORG M01D video manual I've been working on for a long while! This one is a touched up version of a KORG M01 song I wrote years ago, but I haven't transposed it to the M01D just yet. This song still needs a lot of work so I'll probably rewrite it entirely.

Weekly Composition WIP
Week 21
KORG M01D Composition (Midi Export)

When I work on a song, I tend to transcribe it to different DAWs to help me fix things up. I decided to try my hand at making a midi this time!

Weekly Composition WIP
Week 20
KORG M01D Composition

I haven't worked on this song in quite a while - last time I touched this one was a few years back if I remember? I don't like the percussion in all of it at the moment.

Weekly Composition WIP
Week 19
KORG M01D Composition

A fanfare test I wrote for my game project. This one is actually the KORG M01 version. I'm rewriting it for the M01D with improved percussion.

Weekly Composition WIP
Week 17
KORG M01D Composition

Thanks to some mishaps at Microsoft's service center, I've been without my work computer for the entire month of May. They sent my computer back to me broken and had to take it back once again! It's been rough, but the advantage of doing my actual composition work on my 3DS is that I was able to keep my weekly schedule up, even if I couldn't upload the recordings until now. This is one of the entries that was replaced!

This song is actually quite old, written for my game project as one of the earliest test songs. I transcribed, re-arranged and touched up this song as a live demonstration for the students at the day care where I work. I'm going to be teaching the kids how to use the M01D and make their own music (along with my efforts on YouTube!).

Weekly Composition WIP
Week 15
KORG M01D Composition

This was the last piece I was able to work on while I still had access to a computer that could record from my 3DS. I was on Amtrak returning from a trip to Atlanta - this piece is one of the many that I began work on long ago and kept revisiting and extending it.

I'm still working on a Video Manual series for the KORG M01D - it was simply delayed a bit because my computer was away for so long. I'm nearly finished with it - I'm pretty excited!


Weekly Composition WIP
Week 14
KORG M01D Composition

I missed last week because I was on a train without internet, but here's a song I was working on since I came back home. It's an inprogress test I did after learning how to write in 12/8 time signature with KORG M01D. You have to manually input the number of steps available, since there is no time signature control in this app. Like everything else I plan to post here, this was made with KORG M01D on my Nintendo 3DS, an app I will be teaching folks to use on YouTube! You can also follow me on tumblr at learn3DSmusic.com or on my main tumblr at blkmkt.net. See you there!

Weekly Composition WIP
Week 11
KORG M01D Composition

This song is a stage theme in progress for a game project I'm working on. Like everything else I plan to post here, this was made with KORG M01D on my Nintendo 3DS, an app I will be teaching folks to use on YouTube! You can also follow me on tumblr at learn3DSmusic.com or on my main tumblr at blkmkt.net. See you there!

Weekly Composition WIP
Week 10
KORG M01D Composition

This song is a stage theme in progress for a game project I'm workign on. It's still super early and rough -- I'm still trying to figure out where to take it and how to get it there! Like everything else I plan to post here, this was made with KORG M01D on my Nintendo 3DS, an app I will be teaching folks to use on YouTube! You can also follow me on tumblr at learn3DSmusic.com or on my main tumblr at blkmkt.net. See you there!


(Adding description later)


Weekly Composition WIP
Week 7 Original FL Studio/ KORG M01D Composition

I worked on this song for my game a bit this week, but this is a slightly older recording. I've been quite busy lately, apologies!

Weekly Composition WIP
Week 7
KORG M01D Composition

This song is a stage theme in progress for a game project I'm workign on. Like everything else I plan to post here, this was made with KORG M01D on my Nintendo 3DS, an app I will be teaching folks to use on YouTube!

Weekly Composition WIP
Week 6
KORG M01 Composition

This song is an event theme in progress for a game project I'm working on that I may or may not use. This song was written on the older version of the KORG M01D, the M01 on the original Nintendo DS. I will be teaching folks to use the M01D on YouTube all the same!

Weekly Composition WIP
Week 5
FL Studio Composition

I lost a week here because of an upload error, so I will keep my numbers one behind from this point forward. This song is a stage theme in progress for a game project I'm workign on. Unlike everything else I plan to post here, this was made with FL Studio, not the KORG M01D! I'm actually remaking this song on my Nintendo 3DS but ran out of time because of other responsibilities. I will be teaching folks to use the M01D on YouTube all the same!

Weekly Composition WIP
Week 4
KORG M01D Composition

I lost a week here because of an upload error, so I will keep my numbers one behind from this point forward. This song is a stage theme in progress for a game project I'm workign on. Like everything else I plan to post here, this was made with KORG M01D on my Nintendo 3DS, an app I will be teaching folks to use on YouTube!


Streak club failed to accept my uploads, so now this is showing up on week 4 instead of 3. I am actually quite frustrated about this.

Weekly Composition WIP
Week 2
KORG M01D Composition

I had quite a bit of trouble making the second bit of this song at first, but managed to get something going after experimenting for a while. I'll definitely need to extend this song at a later time... this isn't much more than an introduction. Like everything else I plan to post here, this was made with KORG M01D on my Nintendo 3DS, an app I will be teaching folks to use on YouTube! This song is still rather early, so I won't be posting it on my website or my soundcloud for now.

Weekly Composition WIP
Week 1
KORG M01D Composition

I'm not exactly happy with the ending bits of this song, but I am excited to start committing to posting music on a weekly schedule again! I started this song during a livestream with KORG M01D, a music app for the Nintendo 3DS. I want to sharpen my skills with the app so I can teach other people to use it! I'll probably tinker with this song on and off when I can come up with a proper ending section...



Weekly Music 2015

Make a new composition every week

weekly from 2015-01-26 to 2015-12-31