gf asked me to draw our medicine cart as a pokemon. i went with medi-kit frog

artbohemian42 days ago

@monkey thanks! these were scanned from my notepad, but I may go back and digitally edit it

monkey45 days ago

Are these digital, or scanned?

Ashly47 days ago


More submissions by artbohemian for Daily Art Club

tablet wasn't working today, so had to go old school.

I've been fiddling with the idea of an extinct alien species with one surviving member. for some reason, I think it would be nice if they looked more bug-like, having several arms and wings and antenna like appendages. will see where it goes

babe keeps calling her the sex rabbit and I think that's hilarious

needed a break, feeling like i've been running a marathon at work nonstop but I have some time to rest now. gonna try to bust out some good artwork while I'm relaxing

"I can provide for you something you've always deeply desired..."

Daily Art Club

Make art every day, how long can you last?

joined 3,593 days ago
