Genre: Bullet-hell / Boss-rush

Platform: PC

Target audience: Fans of action-comedy anime, Bullet hell-fans and people that just wanna play as a samurai that chops monsters down. Projected to be 16 and up.

Game description:

In Soul Slayer, you play as a Samurai who’s tasked with teaching the evil spirits that are terrorizing your home a painful lesson they’ll never forget: Dont. Mess. With. Your. SAND.

Armed with a Katana and your blinding rage, you set out to cut down the undead archers, ghostly gunslingers and twisted mages that DARED mess up the mindfulness garden you spent DAYS trying to get right.

At the start of the game, you’d be able to choose your Samurai’s gender and hairstyle, with new clothing accessories being unlocked after beating a level. To play, you’ll only need the directional arrows and an attack button, which you’ll be asked to bind yourself when you first boot up the game.

Each level would comprise a top-down scrolling section, during which you’d have to either dodge or cut down projectiles and face off against the projectile-based bossfight the previous dodging-section was themed/based on. To summarize, think of the gameplay like a bullet-hell version of the Mega-Man formula, with a level themed around the bossfight you’ll fight at the end.

Though each bossfight would have their own music style, the game’s soundtrack would mainly feature that'd convey the thrill of dodging around bullets the way the samurai with anger-issues you play as does. A great example of the “vibe” I’m looking for is Stand Unrivaled, from the Blazeblue Series (

The art-style for this game would be mainly a 2D Hand-drawn Anime style, similar to Puyo Puyo Tetris’ cutscenes. (See image below, which is a screenshot of the game taken for a review done for, linked below).

More submissions by RafaAltamiranda for GAME 1100 AGO 2024

Género: Rhythm/Puzzle

Plataforma: PC

Audiencia Objetivo: Fans de historias agridulces, fans de juegos de deducción, aquellos que les gusta hablarle a los NPCs, fans de juegos de ritmo.

Descripción del juego: En “Spirit Raiser” tomas el rol de un exorcista que, en lugar de forzar a los espíritus a retornar al mundo de los muertos por medio de oraciones y cánticos, se asegura de que regresen en paz con música que les trae recuerdos positivos de sus vidas pasadas.

Sin embargo, antes de intentar cantar, hay que descubrir qué clase de canción que ayudará al espíritu a descansar, por lo que el protagonista tendrá que interrogar a familiares del espíritu e investigar lugares frecuentados por o relevantes al mismo para aprender más de quién fue este espíritu en vida, y con esa información, saber qué canción utilizar.

Tras descubrir la canción que calmará al espectro, el jugador tendrá que tocar las flechas direccionales indicadas siguiendo el ritmo de la canción (parecido a dance-dance revolution). Mientras más notas aciertes, el espíritu estará más y más calmado, pero si falla demasiado, el espíritu se verá ofendido y matará al protagonista, forzando al jugador a empezar el canto de nuevo.

El soundtrack de éste juego, aunque variado en cuanto a género específico, estaría caracterizado por el hecho de que cada canción transmite la historia del espíritu al que pertenece. Un gran ejemplo de lo que busco es la canción “Reboot Me”, hecha por Jakeneutron.

En cuanto al arte del juego, ésta sería completamente 2D, tomando inspiración de el clásico animado Hora de Aventura con diseños simples y caricaturescos, pero llamativos para cada personaje.

Genre: Platformer

Platform: Mobile

Target Audience: Fans of simple time-wasting games, fans of unorthodox movement mechanics.

Descripción del juego: In “escape from the cauldron” you play as a frog, who’s trying to escape a witch’s lair before being added to her latest potion recipe. As a frog, your only real means to move around is by jumping at different angles to reach the end of a given level.

Though this formula has been done before, the twist here is that this game would take place in a 3D environment, giving the player plenty of variety in terms of paths they can take to reach the goal, as well as different ways to avoid getting re-captured by the witch. The game would also feature items that would change the frog’s jump in various ways- like turning it into a teleport, or making him jump in a completely straight line.

This game’s music and art style would both feature heavy inspirations from classic halloween decorations, and the aesthetic that you’d expect from something you’d find on a thrift shop during halloween- as seen in the picture below and the song linked below

Género: Puzzle/VisualNovel

Plataforma: PC

Audiencia Objetivo: Fans de series de misterio. Fans de historias intrigantes con drama personal entre personajes.

Descripción del juego: En “Honesty’s terms of Service” tomas el rol de un joven que está siendo interrogado. El objetivo del juego es evitar revelar lo que llevó a tu captura, pero lastimosamente, a pesar de haber colaborado con algo ilegal, el protagonista es demasiado honesto como para evitar revelar ciertos detalles acerca de lo ocurrido.

Cada pregunta que le hagan al Protagonista tendrá tres posibles respuestas. Todas transmiten lo mismo, pero entre las tres hay una que suena lo suficientemente ambigua como para no delatar a sus compañeros directamente. El juego tendrá múltiples finales, dependiendo de la información que las autoridades logren extraer del protagonista.

La música de este juego sería calmada, pero tensa. Representando así tanto la situación en la que se encuentra el protagonista, como el estado mental en el que se encuentra el mismo. Un ejemplo excelente de la clase de música a la que me refiero es “Drunken Thrush” de Cody Martin

En cuanto al arte del juego, éste tendría una mezcla entre el anime y las caricaturas occidentales, similar al arte de Puyo-Puyo Tetris 2.

Genre: Fighting/Comedy/Online-Multiplayer

Platform: PC

Target Audience: Those that would love the challenge of a fighting game with purposefully limited movement options, Slug lovers.

Game Description: Sluggers is a 2D fighting game where you play as one of many invertebrate slug-like characters and …well, slug it out with friends and rivals from all over the globe. Unlike most games within the genre- positioning and timing are far more crucial than movement, given that none of the characters have legs.

Sluggers would also feature a total of 12 characters, each with a unique play-style inspired by a different species of real-world invertebrate animal. An Arcade mode that showcases each character’s story, and an Online Multiplayer mode for players to test themselves against other fellow sluggers.

The music and art-style of the game would reflect its comedic tone with 2D visuals inspired by classic Hanna Barbera cartoons, and a soundtrack similar to the song linked below.

Género: Visual-Novel/Rhythm-Game/Mystery/Platformer/Simulator/Dating Sim/Fighting-Game/Action-game

Plataforma: PC

Audiencia Objetivo: Fans de narrativas complejas y trágicas, experiencias únicas y aquellos que están cansados de tener control sobre la clase de juego que jugarán ese día :).

Descripción del juego: En este juego tomas el rol de un hombre que, por cometer el crimen de ser un ejecutivo corrupto de una compañía creativa, se ve forzado a pasar el resto de la eternidad tras su muerte. Viviendo los eventos de todos los proyectos que dejó a medias a cambio de dinero que no necesitaba.

Este juego contaría con 9 sub-juegos diferentes, pero el jugador no tendrá absolutamente ningún control sobre cuál jugará una vez que presione "enter". La primera vez que abran el programa estarán jugando un juego de ritmo cuyas canciones se burlan de su apariencia, la siguiente resolviendo el misterio de porqué su esposa lo dejó por el plomero, y la siguiente una novela visual sobre la muerte de su hijo en manos de fans decepcionados. La narrativa y los juegos se unen para transmitir el mismo mensaje: Éste hombre fue la causa principal del sufrimiento de varias personas, y ahora él también sufrirá por milenios, despertando día a día sin control sobre su propia vida mientras ésta se ríe de él… un destino que ahora comparte con sus empleados.

El soundtrack de este juego va a tener más en común con una tienda de música que con un soundtrack coherente. Aunque algo que sí tendrían en común es la sensación de malestar y arrepentimiento, como si el ser torturado a manos del juego estuviera afectando al protagonista… más o menos como “Hear! The Siren Song Call of Death” de Heaven Pierce Her (

El estilo artístico del juego sería igual de incoherente que el “juego” y su soundtrack, aunque un buen punto de referencia sería el estilo de arte presente en Madoka Magica.

Genre: Simulator / Visual Novel

Platform: PC

Target Audience: Fans of ‘rags to riches’ stories. Those that like protagonists with dubious moral compases. Rat fans. Fans of complicated political drama.

Game Description: In “The Rat King’s Gambit”, you play as a rat who, after a series of tragic yet unsurprising events, was forced to become the leader of an underground crime syndicate, and tasked with giving those under your service a better life… no matter the cost.

As this criminal enterprise’s new leader, it’s up to you to ensure your resources don’t run dry, making and/or obtaining enough goods to keep your nation-sized crime ring afloat and away from the prying eyes of the law, and eventually use the resources you’ve amassed to either take over or destroy the very system of law you’ve hidden away from for most of the game.

There’s almost no limit to how cruel the actions you take to reach your goals can be, but keep in mind that drastic measures have equally drastic consequences for those that choose them.

The music of The Rat King’s Gambit wouldn’t exactly focus on a single genre, but would mainly feature songs that convey the ‘industrialized’ feel of the mafia town under your care. A great example of the kind of music I’m looking for is ‘Playground’ by Bea Miller (

The game’s artstyle would take heavy inspiration from both steampunk and dystopian tropes and aesthetics, akin to the ones seen in the Netflix series Arcane.


Plataforma: PC

Audiencia Objetivo: Fans de la música rap, fans de juegos como Danganronpa.

Descripción del juego: En “Judge, Jury and DJ” juegas como un DJ que se ve forzado a trabajar como abogado para pagar las deudas bancarias que acumuló para abrir su propia discoteca.

Antes de cada juicio, tendrás una oportunidad para hablar con tus clientes, los cuales te darán una idea de la situación en la que están, además de presentar la evidencia necesaria para ayudar a su caso.

Cada juicio está compuesto de dos partes: La formación de argumento y la etapa de DJ (Discusión Jurídica).

La etapa de formación de argumento consiste en organizar la idea que vas a presentar en la fase de DJ, arrastrando y conectando ideas como si fueran piezas de rompecabezas.

Una vez esté formado tu argumento, toca presentarlo de manera rítmica y convincente, tocando las flechas direccionales indicadas siguiendo el ritmo de la canción (parecido a dance-dance revolution.)

La música presentaría una clara inspiración del rap callejero, reflejando tanto la personalidad como la apariencia del personaje principal. Un ejemplo excelente de la clase de música a la que me refiero es “Let’s Get it Started” de Black Eyed Peas

El estilo artístico del juego estaría inspirado mayormente en arte de graffiti y la cultura punk en general, con un toque de estilización anime para los rostros de los personajes.

Genre: Resource Management/Simulation/Comedy

Platform: PC

Target Audience: Those that love the idea of building their own Superhero team, Comic-book fans, Resource-Management-Game fans, fans of anti-corporate messages in their games.

Game Description: In the HR Department, you play as the temporary CEO of a Hero Agency. Your job is to keep the city “safe” by hiring up and coming heroes to patrol around town and stop ALMOST any nefarious deeds going on.

That being said though, in spite of being a little more powerful than the average person, you can’t just throw ANY hero at a problem and hope it fixes itself… well, you CAN, but it’s not an optimal choice, let alone a profitable one. Each hero has stats and abilities that make them better at handling different scenarios, and its up to you to choose which hero is best suited for each call you get. On top of that, dealing with certain issues in the city might also cause your investors to grow displeased with you, so keep an eye out for good deeds that won’t be so good for your pocket.

As a comedic parody of Superhero comics and TV shows, Heroic Resources Department would feature heavy inspiration from this medium in both its art-style and Music, with key moments in the game featuring cutscenes that play out like Comic-Book pages, as well as a customizable comic-inspired avatar for the player character.

Género: Puzzle/Platformer

Plataforma: Consolas y PC

Audiencia Objetivo: Fans de los esqueletos, fans de narrativas que no se toman completamente en serio, fans de juegos como Metal-gear solid.

Descripción del Juego: En “In the Dead of Night” tomas el rol de un esqueleto espía llamado Jon Bones, que a pesar de haber muerto en el camino a su misión, se rehúsa a morir antes de completarla… y recibir su paga por la misma.

El juego tendrá un gran enfoque en sigilo y espionaje, forzando al jugador a navegar cada nivel de manera que pueda encontrar todo objeto de importancia de un nivel sin alertar a los enemigos de su presencia. El ser un esqueleto también le da aún más variedad al jugador en términos de opciones para esconderse, ya sea dentro de un clóset, o dentro de una maceta.

En cuanto a música, In the dead of night tendría un enfoque en música Jazz lenta, ya que ésta puede ayudar al jugador a concentrarse mejor. Un ejemplo de la clase de música que busco es “Punks in Session” de Epithet Erased (

En cuanto al estilo artístico del juego, éste sería un juego 3D en vista top-down, similar a Hotline Miami. (Demostrado en la imágen inferior.)

Genre: Comedy / Roguelike / Run-And-Gun

Platform: PC and Consoles.

Target Audience: Magical-girl anime fans, Action Movie fans, Those that like dynamic narration, me :) . Projected to be 16+.

Game Description:
Try thinking about a character from a movie you’ve seen years ago. Now, try and remember everything about them. If you looked them up on their show’s wiki page or rewatched it to check if you’re right, would you truly remember everything correctly? Human brains are great at turning complex things into much smaller and simpler concepts for memorization, but wether they can perfectly reconstruct those simple concepts depends on the person… and for those that draw their power from memories, this flaw in the human brain is their key to gaining awesome powers to kick criminal butts with!

In An Orphan’s Guide to Godhood you play as Tulip, a young orphan boy who inexplicably finds himself with an amulet that grants him the power to turn people’s memories of him into supernatural abilities. Abilities he uses to stop various thugs and villains in his city from carrying out their evil schemes… all before bed time.

Much like many other roguelikes, Tulip’s set of powers would be different each time he sets out to fight crime. This game would feature 5 districts, each with a total of 5 rooms full of unique enemies Tulip will have to fight through before moving on to that district’s boss. Tulip would also have access to energy-blasts he can fire from his amulet in 5 different directions, punches, kicks and a double-jump.

What sets this apart from other roguelikes though is HOW this change happens, since the type of powers you get are determined by what attack he used to defeat each enemy, and which enemy’s memories his amulet taps into. For example, let’s say he knocked out two goons with kicks, and then knocked a third out with a punch. Once he leaves the room, the camera would zoom in on the enemy the amulet chose to extract memories from, and then show the power-up he’d get from said memory, in this example it zooms in on the enemy he punched, which in turn powers up his punch in some way.

This game would also feature dynamic narration, akin to the one used in Hades and its sequel. Specifically, each time you reach a boss, you’ll find a different string of dialogue depending on certain factors, like the power-ups you’ve gained, or the amount of damage you took during their district.

Music-wise, the game would feature the kind of jazzy tunes you’d expect from a goofy fantasy world, akin to the ones found in Epithet Erased (A youtube animated series I may or may not continue to reference in future Streaks… It’s awesome. Go watch it. :3 ).
Also, here’s the series’ opening, as an example of what I meant earlier.

As for the game’s artstyle, there would be no better way to capture the essence of this game’s silly nature than a 2D cartoony artsyle, like the one used in Cartoon Network shows like Ok KO: Let’s be Heroes. (Reference images pasted below).

Género: Platformer/Puzzle/Comedia

Plataforma: Consolas

Audiencia Objetivo: Fans de juegos con mensajes anti-corporativos, fans de el cliché de la “anciana cool” presente en varias películas y series.

Descripción del Juego: En Doña Lucero y la fábrica de Lámparas tomas el rol de Doña Lucero, una anciana que, a pesar de su edad, sigue teniendo una mente brillante que le permite sobrepasar obstáculos que varias personas de su edad ni pueden soñar en completar, entre ellas cruzar sobre cercas con ayuda de su bastón extendible.

Tu objetivo en este juego es utilizar tu astucia de anciana, y varias piezas y objetos útiles que los empleados malpagados se rehúsan a recoger como forma de protesta, para frustrar los malvados planes del director ejecutivo de una fábrica de lámparas para dominar el mundo.

En éste juego, el salto funciona de una manera completamente distinta al platformer convencional. En vez de simplemente presionar el botón de salto y ya, la altura a la que subas dependerá de la cantidad de veces que presiones el botón. Una vez llegues a tu altura deseada, tocar cualquiera de las botones direccionales hará que la anciana se mueva en esa dirección por unos segundos antes de empezar a caer.

La música de este juego tendría música electro-swing, que complementa tanto la edad de la protagonista, como el entorno en el que se desarrolla el juego y el tono cómico del juego. Un ejemplo perfecto del estilo de música que buscamos es “Against The Grain de Lyre Temps”

El estilo de arte de este juego estaría basado en caricaturas de los 90. En particular, como Garfield and Friends.

Genre: Roguelike / Horror / Platformer.

Platform: PC and Consoles

Target Audience: Fans of speedy platformers, fans of lovecraftian monsters and their lore.

Game Description: In Speed Freak, you play as a young boy who got himself trapped in an alternate dimension where he’s endlessly chased by a monster that mimics his every move. Your only objective is to try and escape this hellish dimension, or die trying… over and over and over and over again.

Speed Freak, like most platformers, would give the player movement options like Wall-jumping, ground-pounds, and a double-jump; with the twist being that there’s a monster chasing you throughout the entirety of a run, a monster which would also mimic the player’s every movement to catch up to them (akin to the shadow-mario stages in Super Mario Galaxy).

There would also be various rewards at the end of each level depending on how quickly you manage to complete it, though like any good Roguelike, the player is sent all the way back to the beginning upon defeat, but they get to keep any rewards they managed to earn throughout the run.

The music for this game would mainly feature breakcore tracks to heighten the player’s sense of urgency and fear, akin to the song linked below

The artstyle for this game would feature both anime-esk designs for allied characters, and more scarily and realistic features for the many enemies and monsters the player will have to avoid, much like the anime Madoka Magica.

Género: Simulador

Platforma: PC

Audiencia Objetivo: Gente masoquista, fans de la música de elevador, fans de juegos como ‘Get Over It’.

Descripción del juego:

En Hellevator tomas el rol de un diablillo en el infierno, cuyo castigo por vivir una vida de lujuria y engañar a su esposa 104 veces es trabajar como ascensorista en un edificio de 104 pisos.

El gameplay del juego, al igual que el trabajo de un ascensorista es tediosamente simple: Presiona los botones correspondientes a los pisos que desean ir los huéspedes (los cuales serán representados por una de las 104 teclas en el teclado), y evita golpear a los huéspedes más molestos y/o feos por medio de un minijuego que aparecerá aleatoriamente. Fallar este minijuego te forzará a empezar de zero.

Éste juego, al igual que el castigo del personaje principal, no tiene final. Ésta es tu nueva realidad. Disfrútala :)

La música de este juego estaría compuesta de una sola canción, una con un estilo parecido a las que se suelen escuchar en un elevador, como por ejemplo: (

En términos de arte, el arte de Hellevator estaría inspirado en el arte de series animadas para adultos, como Futurama.

Genre: Beat-’em-up / Resource management / Cooking game /Comedy

Platform: PC

Target Audience: Fans of cooking games, Those that like seeing cute characters do and say questionable things, those that’d love a new twist to the cooking-game genre.

Game description: Knuckle Sandwich is a game where you play as a grizzly bear, who is also a former martial artist in a fantasy world that has dedicated themselves to making and serving food in a local tavern.

Since refrigerators haven’t been invented yet, and you had to sell your hunting equipment to afford the restaurant building, you have no choice but to start each day off by foraging and hunting to get the main ingredients for the day’s meals with your “bear” hands. The game would take place over the course of a month, and the primary goal is to make your customers as happy as possible.

The gameplay loop for each day would be divided into three sections: the resource gathering section, the cooking section, and the town-exploration section. The first two phases are self explanatory: You get the ingredients you need for the day in the gathering section, and then use them to make food in the cooking section. That being said, the exploration section is where the game gives you one of four options: Ending the day right then and there, letting you keep any unused ingredients that don’t spoil overnight, walking around town and interacting with NPCs ,or going back into the wilderness to scout out where more delectable sources of ingredients could be hiding.

The music would feature a fast-paced, but still comedic style of music, that reflects both the frantic nature of the food industry, as well as the comedic tone of the game itself. A great example of the kind of song I’m looking for is: “Polka Face by Weird Al Yankovic” (

Artstyle-wise, the game would feature heavy inspiration from Sanrio’s cutesy and cartoony designs, which would help add an extra layer of comedy to the game’s chaotic world.

Género: Misterio / Simulación

Plataforma: PC

Audiencia Objetivo: Fans de juegos de misterio, aquellos que disfruten de las novelas de detectives, fans de juegos de deducción como Clue.

Game description: En Death did us Part, juegas como un detective, el cuál está encargado de descubrir quién asesinó a su esposa, cuyo cuerpo encontró en el comedor de su mansión. El detective no estará trabajando solo, ya que tendrá la ayuda de los espíritus con los que solía comunicarse de pequeña.

La interfaz de éste juego sería una mezcla entre diegética y espacial, y tomaría la forma de fantasmas caricaturescos que señalan lugares de importancia apenas te acerques a los mismos, además de ser parte del menú principal y del menú de ajustes.

Éste juego tiene una historia plegada. Dependiendo de qué pista encuentres primero, el resto aparecerá en lugares distintos, y tendrán una reacción y explicación distinta por parte del detective. Sin embargo, independientemente del orden en que encuentres las pistas, siempre habrá la misma cantidad de pistas, y el asesino seguirá siendo la misma persona.

En cuanto al arte del mismo, ambos estarán inspirados en las películas de detectives en blanco y negro. Completo con los blues suaves que suelen acompañar a las mismas. Un ejemplo de la clase de música que busco es “Forgotten Moments, de Skullgirls 2nd Encore”

Genre: Horror/Simulator

Platform: PC

Target Audience: Those who want a scary twist in their fashion-designing games. Fans of psychological horror, and unethical experimentation. Fans of monkey’s paw-style storylines. Projected to be 18+.

Game description: What do you think could be considered “Beauty”? …and how far will you go to achieve it? The Eternal Beauty Salon is a game where you play as a fashion designer in an urban-fantasy world, tasked by a mysterious and ominous client to create the perfect dress. Unlike most fashion designing games, this game forces you to obtain and/or create the materials for the dress yourself, rather than giving them to you.

The twist here, however, is what you have to DO to turn things into the required materials for each dress. Some of your ingredients might be a little more… conscious than you might like. But in the end it’ll all be worth it. All the pain and suffering you cause will be enough to finally pay off all your debts… right? Just a few more goblin eyes… and this will all be over.

…wait, where was I? …ah, yes- music. The music for this game would, like most horror games, inspire a sense of unease within the player, but also inspire a sense of awe and beauty, kind of like what the song “Dream’s forbidden depths” from Mario & Luigi Dream Team inspires in its listeners.

Artstyle-wise, the game would feature a 2D Cartoony-looking artstyle, akin to the one used in JelloApocalypse’s animated Youtube series: Epithet Erased

Género: Novela Visual

Plataforma: PC

Público Objetivo: Fans de narrativas con narradores poco fiables. Aquellos que desean ver la vida desde la perspectiva de una persona con ansiedad. Proyectado a ser 17+.

Descripción del Juego: En “Try not to Die today” tomas el rol de un estudiante universitario, y tu único objetivo es sobrevivir el día. Sin embargo, llamar al protagonista un “pesimista” es subestimar lo negativas que son sus visiones del futuro.

Cada opción que te da el juego, no importa lo simple e indoloras que sean, serán acompañadas por narraciones y texto entre paréntesis que harán a las mismas sonar mucho más peligrosas de lo que realmente son.

La música del juego, aunque usualmente tranquila, será acompañada de sonidos de fondo que harán al jugador sentirse presionado y ansioso a la hora de tomar una decisión. Un gran ejemplo de lo que busco es (

En cuanto al arte del juego, éste tendría un estilo 2D dibujado a mano en blanco y negro, que pareciera hecho con crayones y papel, parecido al utilizado en Omori.

Glittering Payback

Genre: Turn-based JRPG

Platform: PC & Consoles

Target Audience: Fans of Magical-girl anime, those that love introspective narratives and character drama, fans of the Mario and Luigi RPG style of gameplay, and me :3 (Projected to be 17+).

Game Description: Whenever the world is in imminent danger, five girls are chosen to become the world’s defenders… but is that REALLY what they should be doing with their power? Why “defend” a broken world… when you can drag it down with you?

In Glittering Payback you play as Frilla, a jaded and exhausted retail store worker who, out of nowhere, was given the powers and duties of a magical girl by a talking cat. The other Magical-Girls the cat’s chosen are all ready and willing to throw their lives away to save others… but Frilla, having seen the worst sides of humanity during her time as a retail worker, isn’t entirely on board with the idea. Will her new friends rekindle her hopes for the future… or will she ditch her duties to “get even” with the city that broke her dreams?

Gameplay wise, Glittering Payback would feature turn-based combat, and a party of 4 characters, counting Frilla. That being said however, each party-member would have a designated button for their attacks, similar to the Mario and Luigi series of RPGs.

A defining aspect of this game’s combat is the total absence of healing items. The only way to heal is through “the intense rush of emotion brought about by combat” (landing attacks). Each attack would also feature a unique input pattern that, depending on how well it's executed, increases the damage dealt by the characters.There would also be unique special team-attacks where two party members team-up for an attack that deals more damage, but doesn’t heal as much as regular attacks do.

The game would also feature various sections where Frilla’s forced to go on her own, during which the player would have an optional “retribution” task to complete. Depending on how many “retribution” tasks are completed before the end of the game, as well as other factors, one out of 3 endings will play out.

The game’s soundtrack, though varied, would mainly feature pop and rock music, much like an actual anime. A great example of the kind of vibe I’d be looking for is the song “Wildcard by KIRA”

It should come as no surprise, but much like the main party, the game’s artstyle would take heavy inspiration from magical-girl anime like Sailor-Moon and Symphogear, and an animated UI akin to the ones found in the Persona series.

A villain’s bucket list

Género: Puzzle/ Hack-and-slash.

Plataforma: PC y consolas.

Público Objetivo: Fans de los juegos hack-and-slash, Aquellos curiosos sobre lo que pasa después de que un villano gane, fans de “caricaturas del sábado por la mañana”.

Descripción del Juego: En este juego, tomas el rol de un supervillano que, después de conquistar al mundo y “deshacerse” de la amenaza más grande a su poder, decide completar su lista de últimos deseos, la cual había hecho como respaldo en caso de fallar en su conquista mundial. Sin embargo, a pesar de haber “conquistado” el mundo, la cantidad de criminales y alborotadores que liberaste para llegar a tu trono harán el completar esta lista mucho más difícil de lo normal… y eso sin mencionar a los amigos y familiares del héroe al que “eliminaste”, que buscarán “regresar la paz al mundo” o vengarse de tí.

El gameplay sería relativamente sencillo en términos de mecánicas. Cada acción en la lista representa su propio capítulo, el cual incluirá varias áreas de combate, un minijuego o puzzle exclusivo de cada capítulo, y un jefe. El orden de estas secciones variará por nivel, pero no habrá ningún nivel sin estos tres aspectos clave… excepto quizás el final.

En cuanto al soundtrack del mismo, este estaría enfocado en el uso de instrumentos que uno puede apreciar en canciones de género jazz y/o swing, que iría de mano tanto con la estética del villano al que controlas, como las situaciones caóticas y cómicas en la que se encuentra el mismo. Un excelente ejemplo de lo que busco es “Underwhelming Battle”, hecho por el artista PlasterBrain para la serie animada “Epithet Erased”.

El estilo artístico del juego sería similar al utilizado por juegos como Megaman Legends: Un mundo 3D en estilo low-poly, con diseños caricaturescos e inspirados en el anime.

Genre: 2D Fighter/Social Deduction

Platform: PC

Target Audience: Fighting-game fans, fans of social deduction games like among us of Werewolf, those that want to see a new take on the fighting-game formula.

Game description: In The Tourney Incident, you and 7 other players take the role of skilled fighters who've been tasked with participating in a martial arts tournament, while also trying to find and capture a criminal that’s trying to sabotage the tournament for their own benefit, who would also be controlled by a player.

The gameplay loop would be divided into two sections: Tourney sections and Investigation sections. During tourney sections, two players will be asked to walk into an arena for a combat section, while the rest would be in their Investigation Section, during which they can either choose to watch the fight, or walk around the tournament grounds in search for clues to the saboteur's identity. Combat would also be possible in the investigation section, but the only one that can trigger it is the saboteur.

Each clue would be scattered around the tournament grounds randomly, and it's the saboteur’s job to find them first and hide them while also performing a set of tasks that would both ruin the tournament and kill everyone within.

Once the match is over, another two players would then be selected, until either the saboteur destroys the tourney from within, or a winner is decided through combat. Though fighters will heal back to full health after each match in the arena, damage from combat in the investigation section will not heal, and will carry over to a match if one of the participants is called over to the arena.

The ‘good guys’ win if either the saboteur is found and defeated outside the arena, or if the tournament is completed normally. The saboteur, meanwhile, can only win if the tournament’s destroyed.

There would be a total of 8 characters to choose from, each one with their own unique combat styles, and benefits for the investigation section.

In terms of music, the game would feature a fast-paced and almost primal-sounding soundtrack, to reflect the wild nature of the combat found in both sections of the game, like the song linked below.

Artstyle-wise, the game would feature a heavy influence from 90’s anime like Dragonball and Sailor Moon, while also taking a lot of themes from fantasy stories for its character design.

GAME 1100 AGO 2024

Short game ideas for Game Design Class

daily from 2024-08-20 to 2024-12-05