Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Hi, currently not much to tell.
Im fighting with linear algebra to move my fish,
while fixing bugs during process.
Here goes something that someone could call gameplay.
To do list:
repeatable horizon,
jumping out of water,
sprites for everything xD,
distance gauge.
Most of the time spent on debugging custom engine x /
Thanks to all who commented on my submissions.
Your comments helped me to come back here each day.
Unfortunatelly, my IRL duties had to go first,
I'll do my best to finish my CascaTrout project but it will definatelly not be tomorrow.
Lesson learned - need to make more games ; )
Thank you @PossiblyAxolotl for hosting FishFest.
Also it was pleasure to share experiences with all of you - other developers / artists / writers.
I see some very smooth projects grew during this week.
I'll definately take my chances next time.
All the best to you all!
Some sprites added.
Infinite horizon implemented.
Need to work on movement and rythmbar,
some interesting backgrounds.
This is my first attempt to do pixelart, so styles of each sprite are bit different.
Fish was done with wikipedia picture as a reference ; )
Hello every one!
Today i've burned whole hour (out of 3 i have) just to learn that filling polygons with triangles is NP complete problem - looks like i need to start making sprites ; )
Internal notifications are working, and for now i use these to communicate keyboard with GUI, and switch from menu to game view.
Tomorrow i'll eventually add playground for my trout (which is right now only a silhouette xD.
PS - also i learned how to record gif's on my Mint xD
Still no gameplay, yet new layer has been added to application.
Now every object can communicate with other without knowing definition of receiver.
I've added cover of FishFest to Main Menu View,
also added some brighter colors to more merrier look.
Not much but hey - it is still honest work. x D
Writting engine with use of Raylib 4.0.
Today i've added nodes hierarchy to my engine to be able to draw some GUI and not loose my mind in progress ; ).
I'm still finding my way to implement ECS pattern properly, so for now i hope to deliver minimal plan - chrome dinosaur game but set in rythmic river.
Tomorrow, i'll add event queueing/handling and maybe will be able to provide some gameplay.
I have an simple idea for an arcade game.
You are a trout trying to swim up the river.
there would be couple obstacles like:
If i have some spare time, i'll also make some biomes like:
dunes, mountains, swamp, forrest, fields.
Minimal project would be just waterfalls.
Player rythmically hits two keys to make trout go faster in the water, space for jump out of water.
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Thank you @zellkoss for your comment.
Actually - after 6 days of work i'm starting to be bit tired of my small engine.
In the other hand i've learnt a lot.
For 7 years i'm working with cpp on daily basis, but many things i've either forgot, or are not needed in my job.
It is great feeling to make something your own from scratch.
It was my dream ever since i've found Raylib on github ; )
Your game looks great, and as i see its complexity increases.
Have a good one ; )
Hey, your game is starting to take shape! I am impressed that you are using a custom engine, so cool!