Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
timelapse here:
possibly one of my fave pieces yet? copied (not traced) from a reference as a week of loomis heads was killing my motivations (though I did do some as a warmup before this)
day 71 :)
if it lazy remix i no respect but that just me
these are the same strokes hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm idk bro
i like to say bred sheeran beat the case. idk what case he beat but he beat something recently
theres some dumb fuk ppl thing ppl say 'immigration is flattery' idk if i get a lawyer i would want my lawyer to have heard the entire discogrpahy of the artist skrillex so its rlly up to the judge or the jury or the lawyer
very hard for me to decide that as art police
what u looked at a art and u drew the same strokes idk if thats copying
copied from reference so u cheated at art
copied from reference sounds like u didnt do art
if u cheated at art i put shame on you!!!!!!!! shame on you!!!!!!!!!!!!! have anicd ay
cheating at art
joined 379 days ago
@Rain25 yeah he's a cool dude