Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Género: Plataformer, acción Novela visual
Plataforma: Nintendo Switch
Audiencia: para todas las edades
Descripción: El protagonista se llama Basuu y es un mapache Infame por sus maniobras de ladrón para robarle a los ricos y darles a los pobres y se encuentra en una misión para limpiar su nombre de un crimen que no cometió.
Gameplay: la mecánica principal es la habilidad que tiene Basuu para maniobrar el escenario con técnicas de parkour y obtener “momentum” y entrar en “Flow” para cumplir más rápido el nivel y obtener mejores recompensas. Basuu también posee un traje con habilidad de adaptación que le permite usar habilidades “supernaturales” para superar diferentes obstáculos. Habrá ciertos enemigos que aparecerán y se pueden atacar, pero la mejor opción siempre será ir más rápido y evadir situaciones que no proveen beneficio.
El esquema de control es usando la a para maniobrar, b para saltar, x para cambio de habilidades, el botón Y para utilizar el “Flow” y superar una sección instantáneamente y el botón de R para atacar y L para evadir.
Mi inspiración principal fue la idea de un mapache que usualmente en ingles son llamados “trash pandas” y añadiendo la idea de que se escabullen, son rápidos y habilidosos los mezcle con la idea de un caballero ladrón.
La canción principal que me ayudo a cementar la idea y adaptar el gameplay viene de un juego llamado Sonic rivals con el tema principal siendo Race to Win.
Genre: Fighting game, 2-D, action, visual novel
Platform: Playstation, PC, Xbox
Audience: 15+yrs. Gamers wishing for a fast-paced fighting game with various layers.
Description: Our story takes place in the year 20XX in a hidden world known as Avalunos which runs parallel to our own, but the difference is the use of magic rather than technology due to the unique nature within that dimension which allows the breaking of the laws of physics.
Our story follows Roy Ifriat, a student in the magical academy of Friern from the military branch with an unending desire for justice after the murder of his family that haunts him to this day, has decided to partake in the event known as the “Echo war” where he will have to beat 11 other mages where the winner is able to claim their wish from the “Crown of Avalon”. In a war where the conditions between beating and killing enter a gray line, whose will, or justice will prevail?
Gameplay: The player will select a playable character to participate in a battle against another player or computer where the winner is decided after winning 2 rounds. The core mechanic that distinguishes this fighting game would be the “Mage art” which is unique trait to each character for example Roys “mage art” is named “Ifrits flame” which allows him to make fire attacks that cause a burn effect on the opponent where they will suffer more damage from subsequent fire attacks until the status is over or Roy suffers an attack.
This game will implement a combo sequence where attacks are able to chain with each other seamlessly for example light attack>medium attack>heavy attack>mage attack.
Alongside this sequence there will be 2 types of gauges, 1st named the “Mana gauge” which would be a standard gauge that fills up by pressing the offense, utilizing mage attacks and taking advantage of mage traits and this gauge can be used to either enhance attacks, break guards be used in ultimate attacks, extend combos even cancel attacks, as such this gauge will have up to 2 charges. The 2nd gauge named “Resistance” would be a passive gauge which can help in the defensive side of things such as reinforcing the shield so it can not be broken and push back opponents, so it is harder for them to keep their pressure.
Besides these gauges there will exist what is the “limit break” counter which is a counter that fills up passively and is influenced by the “flow state” that activates automatically by being proactive in the fight, this counter will have up to 3 charges and each charge that is filled up allows access to additional special attacks, enhancement to “mage traits” and increase in attack power.
Controls: with the Playstation controller scheme the player will be able to move with either the d pad or the left analog stick to either dash, back dash, jump, double jump, air dash and back air dash. The square button would be light attack, triangle is medium attack, circle is heavy attack, and X will be the magic attack. The R1 allows the activation of a limit break counter, R2 is taunt or respect.
These controls can be modifiable as pressing both medium and heavy attack can allow the player to grab their opponent, pressing light and magic attack can break the shield, pressing the limit break button and an attack button can allow for a combo extender, pressing the limit break button and magic attack button can cancel an attack and pressing 3 attack buttons can utilize the resistance gauge.
My main inspiration for this idea came from the grail war and concept of a wish by the Fate/Series.
The main soundtrack inspiration that helped with the heavy atmosphere and purpose comes from the song of FAKEit by Laco and Hiroyuki Sawano.
Género: Primera persona, terror, horror, misterio, suspenso, Sci-Fi
Plataforma: PC, Playstation, Xbox
Audiencia: 17-40 años. Para aquellos queriendo experimentar un ambiente distinto y horror cósmico
Descripción: Nuestra historia sigue a la protagonista July Redgrave, una científica trabajando en la coalición de Tierra en el sector recién conquistado denominado XV-240 donde ella es encargada de investigar y catalogar toda información obtenida en este nuevo sector y asegurar que esté listo para colonización.
Surge un evento donde al aterrizar en el planeta nombrado LV-769 el entorno cambia y pierde comunicación con su equipo al igual que su memoria, su único recuerdo es que se llama Judy Redgrave y que no pertenece en el lugar que se encuentra. Su meta es escapar con vida de las monstruosidades y el espacio que la rodea y observa.
Jugabilidad: El jugador tomará control de July que tendrá que evadir y escapar no solamente de monstruosidades, pero también de su entorno que la afectan psicológicamente y la mecánica principal siendo su “nombre” que, si lo logra olvidar al sufrir ataques físicos o psicológicos perderá su conciencia hasta volverse parte del caos que la rodea.
Tomando en cuenta la importancia de su nombre ella es asistida por un ser llamado “fey” que la guía en su camino fuera del caos y asiste en sus confrontaciones contra entidades llamadas “Khaos” que antes eran existencias regulares que fueron afectadas y manipuladas hasta olvidar sus verdaderos nombres.
Gracias a Fey, July podrá investigar y descubrir los verdaderos nombres de las entidades y el alrededor para restaurar sus existencias al punto de origen al entrar en sus propias conciencias. No todas las entidades podran
Controles: El jugador podrá moverse con la palanca izquierda y observar el alrededor con la palanca derecha, el D-pad permitirá el acceso a objetos rápidos para ya sea sanación o utilidad ya sean lazos, varas o escaleras. El jugador podrá saltar o escalar con el botón de X, el circulo servirá para evadir, y triangulo ayudará a acceso de la conciencia de las entidades y el cuadrado servirá para escanear tu alrededor.
Mi inspiración artística proviene del concepto de nombres y la importancia que este le da a identificar objetos. Pero mas concretamente un planeta envuelto en caos.
Mi inspiración musical proviene de la canción Vinland creada por Northumbria dando un aire des confortante en un lugar desconocido y sin razón.
Genre: action, racing, visual novel
Plataforma: Playtsation, PC, Nintendo Switch
Audience: Ages between 15 and 30yrs. Those wishing for a different motorcycle type of game.
Description: In the not-so-distant future with the discovery and development of the O-Accelerator technology humanity has progressed rapidly where the fear of energy shortage could be put long behind them. However, this progress has not come without another alarming discovery which are the interdimensional beings named “Ohmen” that feed of off the excess energy produced by O-acceleration and these beings have been registered to cause havoc if not returned or made a pact with.
Our story follows Mikhail Yuso, an illegal Accel runner who has found himself competing in the annual Grand Prix to gain a better way of life for not only himself but his closest friends. He is accompanied by his contracted Ohmen whose name is Crimson, Mikhail has also named his Accel drive runner scarlet drake.
Gameplay: The player will take control of an Accel runner to compete within a stage for up to 3 laps and from there the winner is the one to reach 1st place.
The main mechanic that sets this game apart from the rest of other racing games is the Ohmen count, a counter linked to the speed gauge which fills up passively and every time the bar is filled the count increases until a maximum of 6 is obtained.
These counters allow for a multitude of uses to either accelerate, give a momentary boost, used as a means of offense to summon remnants of a contracted “Ohmen” to attack an opponent to either steal speed from them, decrease their mobility or outright slowing them down, a defensive option can also be used to block attacks or boost the speed gauge.
During the race If the player is in a lower position the speed gauge will increase until there is a count of 7 which allows for the full summoning of the “Ohmen” which grants temporary invincibility and increase in speed Until all the counters are depleted.
My main inspiration for the idea came from Yugioh 5DS, more specifically from Yusei Fudo and his companion stardust dragon as a motif of speed and summoning otherworldly beings sounds fascinating.
My musical elements that help impose this idea of speed and acceleration coming from the song Clear Mind by Masaki Endoh.
Genero: Pelea, arena, fiesta, 3D
Plataforma: PC, Nintendo Switch
Audiencia: 15-30 años, personas queriendo experimentar un nuevo tipo de pelea.
Descripción: En una mansión se encuentran 12 sirvientes en totales, 6 siendo damas y 6 siendo caballeros donde cada cierto tiempo donde el dueño de la mansión se ve envuelto en actividades que requieren de su presencia los sirvientes cuidan del territorio y realizan torneos de batallas para definir el mejor sirviente donde será servido por los otros 9.
Jugabilidad: el jugador podrá elegir dentro de 12 personajes para poder ganar en peleas donde se toparán contra otros 3 personajes de manera local, en línea o cpu donde serán arrojados en distintas arenas alrededor de la mansión. La manera de ganar él juego es logrando quitarle las 3 vidas al contrincante y ser el último en quedar.
La mecánica principal proviene de la barra del sirviente que tiene 3 niveles y puede ser usado de distintas maneras de forma defensiva como empoderar el escudo, permitir mejor movilidad, empujar a adversarios o tener armadura momentáneamente. De forma ofensiva puedes traspasar efectos de armadura, destruir más fácilmente escudos o empoderar ataques y por último si la barra esta completa se podrá usar un ataque máximo. Otro dato importante es el uso de habilidades únicas de cada personaje influenciando como se usarían.
también dentro del combate se podrá implementar lo que es el uso de el ambiente con escobas, mostradores, palos, sillas, recogedores, platos, vasos etc. También por un fenómeno extraño caerán otros tipos de objetos que ayudarán en la batalla para ganar.
Controles: usando esquemas de computador el jugador se moverá con los botones [WASD] y podrá saltar con el botón de espacio. Los botones de ataque serian el J para ataques básicos, K para utilizar la barra, L para ataques especiales, U para el escudo, J y U para agarrar, P para pausa, I para esquivar y los botones M y N para usar el ataque máximo.
Mi inspiración principal para esta idea provino del personaje Sebas Tian que viene de un anime llamado Overlord donde el es un sirviente que pelea con sus puños de una manera refinada y destructiva.
Mi inspiración musical viene de la banda japonesa de Eve con la canción Baumkuchen End, con un tono alegre y divertido ya que el es una actividad festiva sin negatividad y solo por diversión
Genre: Action, Rpg
Platform: Nintendo Switch, PC
Audience: Ages between 10-30. Those wishing for a simple yet destructive game.
Description: The player is known as “the maker” a being of unknown origin and who has been tasked with the mission by “the syndicate” to “create a new world” as such you are sent to a planet named Prime earth, located in a parallel dimension from your what would be your own. You have been imbued with the power to essentially create what are Kaijuu with the sole purpose of causing grand commotion to bridge the gap between worlds and allow your fellow syndicates to lay claim to this world, however there is opposition by the inhabitants of world designated “Denizens”. Who shall rise and who shall fall?
Gameplay: The games will offer extensive and through customization for not only appearance but gameplay. As “The Maker” your body will be fully customizable to fit the needs and wants of the players and not only that you will create Kaijuu from three main archetypes of “The Brute”, “The Angler” and “The Shooter” each with unique move sets and passive natures to assist in all their battles. The player will also have a meter known as the "Godz meter" which once filled can unleash a massive attack.
These battles may come with different objectives such as Conquest, to expand the territory of your base and acquire resources, Assault, to raid “denizen” bases to decrease their influence and power, Mayhem, to cause as much chaos and discord to be able to bridge the gap between worlds and lastly Arena, which is an all out brawl against a special kind of “Denizen” designated Atalent which can unlock other types of materials to aid in the creation of Kaijuu.
In the Creation chamber the Player will make and customize their own Kaijuu from appearance to archetype to even “Predatory Attacks” which can enhance the destructive capability of the Kaijuu. As the player conquers more territories and acquires further resources the player may acquire more “predatory attacks” as well as unlock new archetypes to create.
During battle against the “Denizens” the Kaijuu in control will be assigned with a light, medium, and heavy attacks, alongside these the Kaijuu will also have the trait action which depending on the archetype provides different actions, for example the “The Brute” will be able to increase their mass allowing for greater impact on their next attacks where as “The Angler” will have a mobility option unique to it with its tail that can be used to influence its attacks. The player will also be able to influence the environment and use the surroundings to achieve victory.
Controls: The basic controls utilizing the Nintendo Switch control scheme the player will move with the left analog stick and utilize the right analog stick to control the camera. The buttons of Y, X and A will be the light, medium and heavy attacks respectively. The B button will be assigned to the “Trait action”, The L button will open a menu changing the Y, X and A button to “Predatory” attacks assigned to them.
R will be to interact with the surroundings, ZR will be to dodge and the ZL will be to block. Pressing both the ZR and ZL buttons close to an enemy will allow them to be grabbed and tossed and pressing L and R will utilize the "Godz meter" and unleash a massive attack against the enemy or the area.
My main inspiration for this idea came from the anime od SSSS.Gridman which has the character of Akane Shinjo which creates Kaijus to bring out Gridman.
The main type of soundtrack for the game comes from the Song named Redeemer by Peter Roe blending electro musical themes as well as vocals giving a sense of purpose and scope of the magnitude of battles that are had.
Género: rítmico, acción, acertijo, platformer, aventura
Plataforma: Playstation, PC
Audiencia: edades entre 10 a 30 años. Para personas que le fascina la sinfonía de melodías
Descripción: Nos encontramos en un mundo post apocalíptico con estructuras que surgieron en un tiempo antiguo, pero aún permanecen de pie. Tras un evento perdido en la historia vemos que la humanidad está al borde de la extinción gracias a entidades denominadas “Pharos” que no tienen forma de eliminarse, pero gracias a la secta llamado “Somnum Luxim” la humanidad ha empezado a tomar pasos hacia lo que eran, pero ahora con el uso de la magia proveniente de la secta pueden evitar confrontaciones con estos seres.
Nuestros protagonistas Damon y Eva vienen de una aldea lejana que ha sido masacrada por estas entidades gracias a la secta, pero no antes de enseñarles como utilizar la magia sin necesidad de materiales exclusivos si no por medio de melodías. Gracias a esto nuestros protagonistas embarcan para exponer la secta y esparcir el conocimiento para liberar a la humanidad de su dependencia e ignorancia.
Jugabilidad: El jugador tomará control de Damon y Eva que podrá libremente cambiar entre ellos dentro y fuera de combate y cada uno se especializa en diferentes usos de magia donde Damon lo usa mas a distancia y Eva más de cerca.
La mecánica principal surge dentro del combate donde al inicio se notará una breve cacofonía que puede empezar con diferentes notas y tonos dependiendo de la fuerza del ataque, quien lo realizo, como lo inicio hasta el enemigo que atacó.
A medida que el jugador va atacando en un ritmo o secuencia la cacofonía empezara a disiparse hasta formar una una melodía que es influenciada por las acciones del jugador ya sea cambiar de personaje, seguir con el ataque o hasta esquivar ataques, si tales acciones siguen la sinfonía esto causara que se llene la barra de sinfonía que al completarse otorgara varios beneficios al jugador en el combate ya sea mejor movilidad, mayor ataque o curación.
además de la barra de sinfonía habrá otra barra de ritmo y cada personaje podrá utilizar habilidades especiales que ayudaran a la barra de sinfonía a llenarse y acelerar la formación de la melodía para esto.
Fuera de combate podrán explorar el mundo, áreas especiales, hasta las estructuras ancestrales que responden a la magia creada por ellos que abrirán camino a calabozos que guardan historias del pasado hasta tesoros perdidos que pueden ayudar a Damon y Eva en su misión.
Controles: Usando el esquema del control de Playstation nos movemos con la palanca izquierda y controlando la cámara con la palanca derecha. Saltamos con el botón X, ataque liviano con cuadrado, ataque fuerte con triangulo y cambio de personaje con circulo. Lel botón R1 abrirá un menú pequeño permitiendo el uso de habilidades, el botón R2 para esquivar, botón L1 para poder dar comandos al otro personaje.
Mi inspiración principal para esta idea surgió de el concepto de arquitecturas antiguas que han perdido su significado a través del tiempo.
Mi inspiración musical proviene de Nier: Reincarnation sien do el BGM The Sun and The Moon soundtrack#3. Siendo una sinfonía de voz y piano da entender un subtexto triste pero vibrante dentro de combate y fuera de él.
Genre: 3D, Action rpg, adventure
Platform: Playstation, Xbox, PC
Audience: ages between 15 and 30, for those wishing for an enticing story and an adaptive action rpg.
Synopsis: The story revolves around our protagonist nicknamed Al as he has lost his memory and finds himself wielding the ancient power of the “Ever Flame” which essentially allows him the control of a never extinguishing fire he is able to conjure in the world of fantasy. It is not known by him, but he will play an integral part to the preservation of the world between the war of gods and humans.
Gameplay: The player will take control of Al and his companions that will become available as he progresses with the story. Each character will have a unique trait and skills which effects can vary from providing healing and buffs to the team to cause debuffs to enemies and weaken them to cause immense amount of damage. Using Al as an example, he can imbue his attacks with fire properties to augment their destructive capabilities, this effect also applies to his skills.
The combat is very fluid allowing the transition of attacks from normal > heavy into skills, these can also be cancelled into each other opening various routes in a sequence of attacks. This will also cause the combo meter and the ultimate gauge to fill up where the combo meter will apply a passive increase in attack strength to the current party and the ultimate gauge, once filled, can unleash a massive amount of damage. Alongside this mechanic the player will be able to swap between the active party members to follow up on combos, provide a change of pace or explore a section they might only have access to.
Another aspect that may impact the gameplay is the “Bond” feature where, characters can interact with each other to not only discover and develop each of their individual stories but as well as unlock special skills and even passives of their own that can better assist the synergy of characters and play an important part when setting up the team composition.
As is standard with rpgs the player can change the equipment, loadout, and skills to match the preferences of the players.
Controls: The control scheme is as follows, with the left analog stick to move, the right analog stick to control the camera, the square button for normal attack, triangle for heavy attack, x for jumping and circle to block and dodge if the left analog stick is used.
The L1 button will change the available buttons of square, triangle, x and circle to the skills that have been equipped, the R1 will allow the use of the special trait, the L2 will have the function to give commands to the party and R2 will allow the change of active character. by pressing the L1 and R1 button together once the ultimate gauge is full will allow the use of the ultimate attack.
These controls will also be modifiable so players can configure them depending on their needs
The main imagery that helped inspire this idea was the phoenix found in the Final Fantasy franchise, to be more precise it would be the iteration of Final Fantasy 16.
The soundtrack that comes to mind for this would be the BGM found in Granblue Fantasy versus rising which is Dragon Knights. The main reason for this specific BGM would be the essence of fantasy as well as merging classical instruments with modern allowing a more active feel.
Género: estrategia, juego táctico, RPG, 2-5D, aventura
Plataforma: PlayStation, PC
Audiencia: edades entre 15 a 30 años, los que buscan un juego desafiante y complejo de jugabilidad e historia.
Sinopsis: Nos encontramos en el mundo de fantasía llamado “Thellus” donde la magia es parte integral de los seres que la habitan ya que ha ayudado a estos que habitan en ella sobrevivir contra monstruosidades de “Kahos”.
Nuestra historia sigue al protagonista (Nied/Neida) un ex bandido que ha sido acogido bajo el reino de Valkyrinne donde es enlistado al ejército por su destreza en combate para redimir sus pecados de su vida pasada. La historia parte desde la primera misión del protagonista en la que se le asigna cazar un monstruo de Kahos y se topa con una enigmática silueta que lo entornara en un camino desconocido.
Jugabilidad: El jugador tomará posesión del protagonista en la cual tendrá la libertad de cambiar el nombre y genero del protagonista, pero no solamente tomará control del protagonista si no de su escuadrón para el cumplimiento de misiones y cada unidad tendrá estadísticas y afinidades donde se pueden subir para mejor sincronía en combate y que también permite desbloquear ataques unidos.
Un concepto clave en la jugabilidad de este juego es el plano cambiante de la batalla donde se pueden usar escombros, crear áreas llenas de fuego o inundaciones, cambios al terreno, elevación, destrucción del ambiente. Estos cambios influyen mucho en cómo se desarrolla un combate donde un buen cambio de escenario puede influir en la victoria o derrota.
Otro aspecto del juego seria las distintas clases que pueden tener las unidades en la que obtienen pasivas apenas se ha completado su maestría. Estas clases son obtenidas al cumplir con ciertos requisitos como uso de tácticas avanzadas, ataques unidos, tipo de arma usada o en casos específicos un material obtenido al superar un nido monstruoso.
Otro elemento que influirá en el combate serán las “invocaciones Tharmr” que son la manifestación de titanes para causar múltiples efectos desde curación hasta destrucción masiva de fuerzas contrarias causando un cambio severo en el ambiente.
Controles: los controles en mundo abierto serán los siguientes: joystick izquierdo para moverse, joystick derecho para maneja miento de la cámara, el triangulo para abrir el menú, X para saltar, circulo para interactuar, y L1 para guía de la misión activa.
Dentro del combate: el jugador podrá mirar alrededor de el mapa con el D-pad, detallar las opciones de movilidad del enemigo con L1, observar detalles del ambiente con L2, el cuadrado para observar las afinidades, equipamiento y estadísticas de personajes, X para interactuar y seleccionar unidades, y triangulo para ir al menú principal y hacer modificaciones antes del inicio del combate.
Mi inspiración principal para este contexto surgió de Final Fantasy 6, un juego renombrado por sus mecánicas complejas pero gratificantes al igual que invocaciones.
Mi inspiración musical para esta idea surge de la banda sonora de Fire Emblem Engage específicamente el BGM Trial of Fates (Bare your fangs)
Género: Aventura, rompecabezas, 3d, misterio, sigilo
Plataforma: Nintendo Switch, PC
Audiencia: Edades entre 16 a 27 años, para aquellas personas deseando un juego profundo y oscuro que ponga a prueba sus habilidades de lógica y construcción.
Sinopsis: el juego se centra en el protagonista denominado “niño” que se encuentra en un lugar con escaza luz y oscuridades que asechan su vida. El niño no recuerda como llego allí ni quien es, pero su deseo de preservación lo impulsara a encontrar las respuestas de su predicamento y ver como logra salir de esa oscuridad.
Jugabilidad: El niño en su instinto de supervivencia emite una luz que puede ser manipulada y convertida en diferentes instrumentos ya sean escaleras, bloques entre sí, paredes u esferas. Estas construcciones también ayudaran al jugador a poder descifrar ciertos acertijos en un nivel o poder alcanzar lugares no tan fáciles de acceder.
Además de usar esto en niveles para poder proseguir en busca de la salida el niño también es perseguido por entidades denominadas “espectros negros” con el propósito de extinguir la luz del niño y devorarlo en la oscuridad. Por ende, el jugador debe ser cauteloso al proseguir en un nivel evitando confrontaciones con estes espectros negros y buscando maneras de evadirlos por medio de su movilidad o por construcciones hechas al igual que utilizando la luz como un pulso para poder detectar si hay entidades cerca.
Controles: Utilizando el esquema de el control de switch el jugador se moverá con la palanca izquierda y podrá controlar la cámara con la palanca derecha. El botón B servirá para saltar, el botón A permitirá agacharse o esconderse de enemigos, el botón X permitirá la interacción con diferentes objetos o construcciones.
El botón R emitirá un pulso de luz que ayudará a no solamente guiar al jugador si no también detectando enemigos, el botón L abrirá una ruleta que el jugador podrá utilizar para crear diferentes construcciones de luz dependiendo de la necesidad del jugador. Los botones ZL y ZR ayudaran a la manipulación y acomodación de las construcciones de luz.
Mi inspiración principal para este juego proviene del juego móvil de Nier Reincarnation. Con un ambiente sombrío y melancólico.
La canción que viene a mi mente para la atmosfera melancólica sería el tema principal de Kainé salvation, proveniente de Nier Automata.
Genre: RPG, terror, adventure, action, 3D, platformer
Platform: PlayStation, PC
Audience: 18yrs to 36yrs, a game for those wishing for dark tale revolving around the nature of humanity.
Description: The setting of this tale is in a distant future where humanity has managed the creation and implementation of “Theurgy” which has caused humanity to be able to utilize magic thus revolutionizing what was once considered science. However, an event known as “The collapse” caused humanity to go close to extinction as such the remnants of humans have fought tirelessly to remain alive in different regions, communities, and alliances.
We follow in the footsteps of the “protagonist”, a bitter and resentful person thanks to the events they have gone through. Their main objective is essentially to find a rumored paradise where they will no longer have to suffer or survive to be able to live.
Gameplay: The player will take control of the protagonist as they explore an expansive world and know various people that are either adapting or surviving amidst the wreckage of the world. The protagonist has the special ability of invoking “specters” that have different elemental affinities to the fundamental elements such as air, fire, water, and earth which can help in exploration or the fulfillment of tasks.
In battle the player can opt for an action approach using melee and ranged weaponry as the protagonist to clear hordes or mobs quickly but will be locked to the base element of the protagonist of darkness as such deals neutral damage regardless of elemental affinity and at times may be limited to the materials or rewards, they may obtain to better equipment or stats.
Besides this action approach the player may also opt for a turn-based RPG focus where the player will take control of a party of 4, the protagonist and 3 specters of their choice to earn larger rewards while also taking full advantage of elemental bonus attacks where fire beats air, air beats earth, earth beats water and water beats fire. Maintaining a separate interaction between darkness and light where both are effective against one another.
The way the player can shift between these different gameplay styles will depend on the type of enemy they will be facing, specific bosses or sections that would require the shift and an “assault” option where if the player has the advantage be it in an attack or approach, they can freely switch between turn based and action-based combat.
The player will be able to customize the protagonist through stats such as dexterity, attack, defense, speed, magic and resistance, The player can also equip different equipment for either appearance or boost in stats as well as weapons with varying passive skills and abilities.
Control Scheme: using the PlayStation controller as the base the player can move with the left analog stick and use the camera with the right analog stick. The player can use the X button for jumps, the square button for attacks, the triangle button for heavy attacks and the circle button will serve the function for dodging. The right trigger will allow the use of ranged attacks, the right bumper can toggle a wheel for skills that can be assigned to the attack buttons and the dodge button. The left trigger can help focus in on a target and the left bumper will serve to use a backup weapon. By pressing both the light attack and the heavy attack to trigger the change for a turn-based combat.
Now in the turn-based point of view the left trigger can help identify an enemy and any potential weakness the player might have come across, the left bumper will help change how the specters will act or take command. The right trigger can change the elemental magical affinity of the protagonists’ magical attacks while the right bumper can work as the block button. The square button will cause a melee attack, the triangle button will allow the use of magic attacks with varying effects to either buff the player party, debuff the enemy party, cause damage or even apply status effects, the circle button can help merge an attack with a party member to cause an even greater effect, and the X button to confirm certain actions during combat.
The main inspiration for this idea came from the protagonist by the name of Nier from Nier: Replicant for his design as well as change in attitude and perception as his story progressed.
The main song I used for inspiration for this dark tone and solemn sadness was the Ost found in the game of Drakengard 3 named Empty Tone.
Genre: Horror, Stealth, Action
Platform: Playstation, PC, Xbox
Audience: ages between 17-35, for those looking for a gritty and dark espionage story of madness.
Description: The game focuses on the protagonist Named Alphonse Eustens, a black ops operative working for the United Nations under the classified unit designated A. Their task is to monitor and extinguish any presence or manifestation of what can be considered “external entity effects” which essentially is the manipulation of space, living beings, cognition, and reality within the plane of existence we call home by an unidentified external being.
The period this game takes in is after the second world war as the unit is given the task to root out and exterminate a remnant of Nazi Germany that has contacted an external being in hopes of still waging war.
Gameplay: The player will take control of Alphonse in his undercover mission to eliminate this remaining faction and in order to do so the player has acquired the unique trait of utilizing otherworldly abilities to help with the fulfillment of their operation.
The player will be able to levitate objects, phase through matter, cause psychological attacks, use a third eye to sense their surroundings and create pocket dimensions to hide themselves and avoid capture or being spotted. The main drawback of these abilities is they have a cool down time and extended use of them can cause the cognition of Alphonse to be altered and once this “cognition meter” has been depleted and unrecognizable the player will lose control of their trait turning into a “Lost” which is a being that has lost all sense of reasoning and self-observation allowing it to be a puppet of an eldritch being.
The player can mitigate this effect by drinking special concoctions provided by the unit or made by the player to maintain their cognition or avoid abuse of said abilities to allow the cognition meter to stabilize.
Controls: The player is provided with melee weapons as well as guns for ranged combat. The player will attack with the right bumper when using a melee weapon and shoot if utilizing a ranged weapon, the left bumper when in use for a melee weapon will help with guarding from attacks and aiming(focusing) when using a ranged weapon. The right trigger helps in the administration of concoctions or items set in the D-pad which can range from smoke bombs to grenades to paralyzing agents. The Left bumper will allow the usage of a wheel to use the special traits and eldritch abilities which can be selected with the square, triangle, X and circle button.
The X button will allow the usage of jumps and vaulting when sprinting, the circle button permits the player to dodge or take cover, the triangle button will allow the cycling of weapons from primary to secondary to melee and the square button allows for the reload of ranged weapons and sharpness or buff to melee weapon. The player will move with the left analog stick and by pressing it will allow the player to sprint whereas the right analog stick will allow for the aim and camera control for the player.
The main inspiration for this idea and the setting came from the movie Casa Blanca by Curtiz.
The soundtrack that can allow for an air of unease as well as cosmic horror is the song Ancestral Shadow composed by Drackfreeee.
Género: Acción, 3era persona, Shooter, rpg, platformer
Plataforma: Nintendo Switch, PC, Playstation, Xbox
Audiencia: Desde niños de 13 años hasta adultos de 30 que buscan un juego de magia revolucionario.
Sinopsis: El jugador es parte de un grupo de magos que participan en competencias de duelo donde 4 magos de un equipo luchan contra otros 4 magos y el ganador se lleva distintas recompensas desde monedas de oro hasta territorio y apoyo de academias mágicas para el desarrollo y evolución de la magia.
Descripción: El jugador creara un personaje y será asignado a un grupo de magos en la que el jugador sea más afín y de allí obtendrá reconocimiento y habilidades especiales que podrá utilizar en batallas.
El jugador tendrá 4 diferentes tipos de armas mágicas que son varitas, guanteletes, grimorios y bastones. Donde las varitas son más rápidas, pero no ocasionan tanto daño y tienen un alcance de medio rango, los guanteletes tienen corto rango con un daño alto, pero no con mucha velocidad, los grimorios tienen una distancia de medio alcance con una velocidad promedio y daño balanceado, por último, estarían los bastones que pueden disparar a largas distancias causando daños graves, pero son muy lentas.
Estas serían las armas mágicas, pero cabe resaltar que los jugadores podrán modificarlas no solo de una manera estética, pero de una forma mecánica al poder incrementar los aspectos de velocidad, daño y distancia afectando el uso de armas.
Otro elemento que ayudara a los jugadores en este shooter serán las diferentes habilidades y pasivas que podrá equipar en su loadout.
Las habilidades pasivas van de rango de causar mejor movimiento o ser mas sigiloso hasta incremento de daño o reducción de cargas de habilidades. Las habilidades que se podrán equipar y usar serian 4 donde 3 son habilidades estándares y la última siendo una “técnica suprema” que o puede causar daño u otros beneficios como curación o defensas.
Controles: Usando el esquema del control de switch se disparará con el parachoques derecho y apuntará con el parachoques izquierda, la palanca izquierda abrirá un menú donde se podrán utilizar las habilidades apretando los botones X, Y, B y A, La palanca derecha permitirá correr o acelerar en una dirección. El botón B permitirá saltar, el botón A ayudará a evadir ataques en un movimiento. Estos botones tendrán la opción de ser modificables para que se ajusten al jugador.
Mi inspiración principal para esta idea fueron las varitas de Harry Potter y los términos de “duelo” que hay en ese mundo mágico.
Mi inspiración musical para este sería una Sinfonía clásica con elementos modernos para un tono más épico. La canción que elegí se llama obscurity hecho por Audiomachine.
The Guide
Genre: Mystery, Puzzle, Stealth
Platform: Playstation, PC, Xbox, Nintendo Switch
Audience: Ages between 15 and 30 years old, those with a sense of longing and wish for an impactful sorrowful tale.
Description: The game centers around the protagonist named Aria Lensburgh, a junior detective who has become acquainted with an “entity” by the name of “Lyn”, Aria also suffers from vivid nightmares of a sky covered in twilight and a black sun. There have been various reports of strange happenings in an old town by the name of Holmes Gorge that beckons both Aria and Lyn to go there. On Lyns advice Aria takes the case and sets out to the town to understand the meaning of her nightmares and see if she can be rid of them.
Gameplay: The Game will center on the perspectives of Aria and Lyn who must uncover occult secrets and horrifying truths in their quest to rid Aria of her nightmares. They must learn to evade and hide from other creatures, entities and monstrosities that seek to devour them.
As Aria and Lyn share a connection, this bond allows them to go in between realities, Where the player will have to switch between the two to uncover truths, clues and even solve puzzles or mysteries that plague the town of Holmes Gorge.
There will also be special interactions with other people as well as non-aggressive entities that allow Aria and Lyn to obtain special items and even information when it comes to solving cases and mysteries.
The player will also have to manage the stamina meter when running as Aria or Lyn.
Controls: Using the Playstation controller as a base model, the player will move with the left analog stick, look around with the right analog stick and with the d-pad Aria will be able to quickly access items in her inventory. The x button will serve as the jump button, square to interact with certain elements in the environment, the triangle to switch between Aria and Lyn, and the circle button will help to either crouch, dodge or hide. The left trigger will allow for either Aria or Lyn (depending on the active character) to view an item as if it was seen by the others perspective, the right trigger will allow the action to either grab or push random objects in the environment, the right bumper will serve as the run or sprint button.
My main inspiration when thinking of the idea would be the game of Life is strange due to its atmosphere and design.
The song that comes to mind providing a sense of calm and sorrow would be the end credits of the series of Legend of Korra.
Género: 3rd person shooter, Acción, 3D.
Plataforma: PC, Playstation, Xbox.
Audiencia: Edades entre 17 y 35 años. Para personas que le gustan un ambiente más oscuro y morales grises.
Descripción: El jugador toma control de un Mercenario carismático llamado Trent Fullbring, un ex noble del planeta tierra que fue exiliado de su familia por no cumplir con su responsabilidad noble. Tiene una gran habilidad para manejar naves espaciales y para sobrevivir opta por una vida de aventura y acción al convertirse en Mercenario.
Jugabilidad: Al tomar control de Trent y ser un mercenario se encontrará envuelto en conflictos espaciales donde puede apoyar un bando u otro y dependiendo de las elecciones del jugador tendrá lo que es “Renombria” que catalogan que clase de trabajos el jugador podrá hacer y definir que tipo de alianzas o relaciones Trent tendrá que lo ayudaran en su día a día.
La mecanica principal es acerca del protagonista que, al ser un noble, posee una habilidad única de poder manipular la tecnología y amplificar y modificar su arma personal denominada Bulvark donde lo puede cambiar a diferentes armas de fuego de pistolas a escopetas a rifles donde el jugador deberá adiestrarse a esta mecánica para mejor utilizar su habilidad y superar al enemigo.
Habrá elementos de modificación donde Trent será afín a un tipo de arma de fuego donde podrá modificarlo al punto de mejorar el arma para hacer muchísimo más daño. Trent también poseerá una barra de concentración que se carga pasivamente en un conflicto y la carga de la barra puede ser acelerada por medio de ataques cuerpo a cuerpo, o efectuar contra ataques ya sea de proximidad cercana o disparos fuertes y el beneficio es que al entrar en estado de concentración el jugador tendrá mejor movilidad, los disparos de los enemigos serán más lentos y hará muchísimo más daño y volviendo apretar los botones de la barra de concentración Trent hará un ataque especial para eliminar los enemigos.
Controles: Usando el esquema de controles de manos se disparara con el parachoques derecho y enfocar la mira con el parachoques izquierdo, el gatillo derecho ayudará a cambiar del tipo de armas que puede ser presionada para elegir un tipo de arma de fuego en especifico o simplemente apretarlo para un cambio más rápido que ira en orden que puede ser cambiado y modificado por el jugador, junto a esto el gatillo izquierdo permitirá arrojar o usar granadas u otro tipos de bomba y apretar el gatillo derecho e izquierdo se entrara en estado de concentración. El botón X será para saltar, triangulo para recargar el arma, el cuadrado para atacar en proximidad cercana y el circulo para evadir. Se moverá con la palanca izquierda y apuntará con l apalanca derecha.
Mi inspiración principal para la idea surgió de un personaje de Guilty Gear Strive llamado Johnny que es un ser carismático y deseaba emular su carisma para el personaje de Trent.
La música que define este entorno épico, rebeldía y futurismo es una canción llamada The knifes Edge hecho por Cabal Mind.
Genre: Racing
Platform: Playstation, PC, Xbox, Nintendo Switch
Audience: ages between 13 and 30 years of age. For those wishing for a distinct high speed racing game
Description: In a distant future where humanity has invented the technology of anti-air propulsion technology to imbue vehicles with the ability to float in the air from materials obtained through the “grand shower”. We follow the story of a rebellious group named Rogue speed, experts in the usage of “Burst Instruments”, trying to make their way through life on their own terms and find themselves participating in the 1st world grand prix of Burst Instruments to test their mettle and win the competition.
Gameplay: at the beginning of the countdown the player will have to run towards the start line and if timed correctly as the countdown reaches 0 the player will obtain a boost at the start of the race and fill up what would be the propulsion meter.
The Propulsion meter is a gauge that provides the players with multiple actions and options during the race to access certain short cuts or roads not found in the general map, to hinder opponents by either slowing them down or knocking them of their boards, as defensive options. The Propulsion meter will have up to 3 stacks within a race each time increasing the amount of the gauge and providing a more versatile usage.
The ways a player can fill up the meter either passively but slowly or by doing air tricks where if landed properly will cause a minor boost, obtaining common items found through the stage to fill up the stacks and gauge, getting behind an opponent to absorb the air draft, going through minor boosters, or drifting which will cause a minor boost and help fill the gauge.
The player will also have the option to freely customize the Burst instrument so that it can have special type of perks within a race as well as designing it from shape to color.
Control Scheme: using the Playstation controller as a base the player will direct themselves with the left analog stick, the right bumper as the acceleration and the left bumper will serve as drift when encountering a sharp corner or a curved path. The X button will help to jump and by holding it on ramps can help cause a greater jump allowing for tricks, the square button to cause a minor push to opponents, circle to make a sharp change to either a left lane or a right lane using the analog stick and the triangle can leave behind hindrances slowing down the speed of others.
The right trigger allows the usage of meter to change the properties of the square, X, circle and triangle buttons where square can now hinder opponents more harshly by taking away their speed or knocking them of their “instrument”, the circle can now have more options when it comes to dodging obstacles or ranged attacks, X allowing for more freedom of movement to go create a side road and access other parts of the route and triangle can now serve as a projectile too.
The main inspiration that helped formulate this idea is the videogame of Sonic riders with the concept of racing hover boards.
The main soundtrack that allows for a more techno-based theme would be the main menu of Sonic Riders Zero Gravity
Género: Acción, Pelea.
Audiencia: edades de 10 a 30 años
Plataforma: PC, Playstation.
Descripción: en una realidad alterna donde el uso de las bombas nucleares fue obsoletas por la aparición de titanes y kaijus en el mundo que son utilizados en batallas para la expansión de países y obtención de recursos.
Jugabilidad: El jugador tomara control del kaiju o titan para pelear contra el contrincante y utilizar el terreno para ya sea hacer un muro, utilizar edificios para atacar, empujar al contrincante, o en si destruir el área para lograr llenar lo que es la barra de energía.
La manera que funcionaran los ataques entre si es que un ataque ligero puede ser continuado por un ataque mediano y el mediano es continuado por uno fuerte, sumado a esto poniendo las direccionales de atrás, izquierda y derecha ocasionaran diferentes ataques dependiendo del botón que se use y puede ser implementado en combos. Junto a esto existen movimientos especiales haciendo comandos en los botones de movimientos.
La segunda mecánica principal siendo la barra de energía le otorga al jugador la oportunidad de romper un combo, aumentar las características de habilidades espaciales o entrar en un estado evolutivo temporal donde tendrá acceso a mas habilidades, movimientos e inmunidad en ataques. Las maneras de cargar la barra son por medio de ataques, utilizar el entorno, y blockear efectivamente con la mecánica de parry en la que si utilizas el botón de escudo en el instante que pega ayudar a llenar la barra de energía y permite un contrataque más fuerte.
Controles: El esquema del control encontrado en PC es moverse con los teclados de WASD, donde W es al frente, A es a la izquierda, S es hacia atrás y D hacia la derecha. Acompañando este movimiento el jugador hace un ataque ligero con N, un ataque mediano con K y un ataque fuerte con L. El botón para esquivar o empezar a correr será el botón de espacio y se puede agarrar al contrincante apretando K y L juntos de ultimo el botón para poder bloquear será el botón de U y pausa con el botón de P. estos controles pueden ser cambiados por los jugadores para mejor accesibilidad.
Mi inspiración principal para esta idea fue en Godzilla al igual que King Kong y las batallas a mayor escala que suceden entre si
Mi inspiración musical proviene de un BGM encontrado en el juego de Bakugan Defenders of the Core.
Genre: Side scroller, Hack n Slash, Platformer, Visual Novel
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Audience: ages between 13 and 23.
Description: In the distant future of 30XX human civilization and technology has advanced to such an extent that they have managed to land spaceships and even stations on nearby planets in the attempt to finally colonize them. The story revolves around a soldier in the military of GCE(Global Coalition of Earth) by the name of Arthur who is assigned on a task to catch and apprehend a rouge scientist designated “Alpha” on the path of world domination.
Gameplay: as a platformer the player will take control of Arthur in his armor or “suit” designated Zer0 who must battle his way across multiple foes and androids created by the rouge scientist and use weapons like swords and guns to move forward as well as mobility options such as dashes to quickly get in or out of combat and double jumps for improved platforming.
The unique skill he possesses is the ability to use various “suits” once the “S.S.S Gauge” has been filled to provide unique weapons and attacks while also providing skills to utilize in combat. As an example the “Slash suit” which enhances the sword weapon and provides an extra weapon such as a Katana that emits energy slashes for projectiles, can instantly defeat enemies and even use an ultimate attack to clear an area.
There will be some that can only be obtained by defeating special bosses, an example being “Firagidyne” which upon defeat provides the “flare suit” where it adds fire properties to attacks and adds an additional weapon such as a gauntlets that can attack in close range and long range making it versatile but is at a disadvantage with an enemy that uses water.
The main disadvantage of the "S.S.S Gauge" is once it has been exhausted Arthur would have to wait until it is charged back up which can be done passively, dodging attacks or by defeating other enemies. In a stage the player can select up to 4 suits. And with a suit selected as “transformation” the player can access exclusive skills.
Control Scheme: The player can move with either the left analog stick or the d-pad and can either double tap the direction on the d-pad either left or right to dash, flick the analog stick to dash or configure the control scheme for easier access. The Y button will be to jump, X to attack with the sword, A with the gun, B will be the additional weapon slot provided by the different “suits” and can also select the different suits to equip prior to transformation.
The right bumper can be used to access skills and pressing both left bumper and right bumper allow the transformation into the “suit” and tapping them once more while in the transformed suit will use their ultimate.
The main inspiration that came with the idea was the Kamen Rider series where the main character transforms into their rider suit.
The song that came to mind for this concept was the main theme of the MegaMan Zero/zx Legacy Collection named Re-Boot by Yoshiya Terayama.
Género: Misterio, Aventura, supervivencia, 3D
Plataforma: PC, PlayStation, Xbox
Audiencia: Edades arriba de 15 años
Descripción: El/La protagonista es un científico/a que ha perdido sus memorias y se encuentra en un mundo misterioso y peligroso donde su misión principal es sobrevivir, saber quién era y salir de ese mundo.
Jugabilidad: El jugador deberá explorar este mundo, adquiriendo materiales para hacer bases, crear objetos de múltiples usos, armas para defensa propia al igual que huirles a diferentes existencias que la asechan. Teniendo posesión de materiales también tendrá un inventario que tiene capacidad limitada (que luego puede ser expandida) así que tendrá que manejar eficientemente su inventario para estar listo/a a cualquier situación que se presente.
El jugador tendrá un traje que le permite escanear el alrededor, monitorear su estado y mantenerlo/la consciente hasta cumplir su cometido. Ya que el traje provee de muchas ventajas tiene una barra de energía que se gasta cada vez que es usado y a medida que el jugador conoce más acerca del protagonista podrá modificar el traje para otras funciones.
El jugador también puede optar por no usar el traje y hacer la exploración sin ella, aunque será un poco más desafiante ya que esta más expuesto a los elementos donde puede sufrir mucho frio que cause su muerte o mucho calor que lo agota y quema.
Esquema de Control: como en consola y en computadora se le dejará al jugador modificar los esquemas de control para encontrar la mejor forma para ellos de jugar pero en general usando como ejemplo un control de consola se podrá mover con la palanca izquierda y apretarla para correr, la palanca derecha permitirá control de la cámara y apretarla de nuevo puede agacharse, triangulo vera su inventario, x para saltar, cuadrado para interactuar con diferentes materiales, animales u objetos y el circulo para evadir o esconderse.
El gatillo derecho permitirá atacar o construir dependiendo de lo que este haciendo el jugador y el gatillo izquierdo será para enfocar la vista y ver más a fondo.
La idea surgió pensando en el traje de Samus Aran que le otorga múltiples beneficios y funciones junto a la idea de exploración de un mundo.
La melodía principal que se me vino a la mente es el tema principal de la película Interstellar que evoca misterio, pánico y asombria a lo que es el espacio.
Genre: Action RPG, adventure, platformer, Urban Fantasy, 3D
Consoles: PC, Playstation, Xbox Series
Audience: between the ages of 16 and 26
Description: The world is compromised of 2 parallel intertwined dimensions, the one inhabited by humanity and widely known as Eros and the hidden world seeping through the cracks known as Nebyss. This dimension is submerged in an everlasting eclipse with monsters inhabiting the place and at times causing massive tragedy to the world and it is up to a secret society to keep the balance of both worlds.
In this other dimension most humans who cross it must withstand the shift in dimension and awaken a summon to retain their humanity.
The gameplay revolves around the mechanic of summons which provide a tactical advantage against certain foes increasing damage by a certain margin and once the “Summon gauge is full” the player will take control of the summon with access to more abilities and attack patterns dishing out excessive damage however once it is used the character would temporarily not be able to use the summons power.
The player will also have access to a partner as it is advised to enter the dimension in pairs of 2 to cover each other in the event of a worse case scenario and said character can provide various benefits either assisting in combat, helping in exploration, or healing. Having a partner will also increase their “relationship” that can allow obtaining new skills, abilities, weapons as well as new powers to the summon.
The control scheme will have the X button as jump, square button as light attack, triangle as heavy attack and the circle will allow for the summon to attack. The right trigger bumper allows the player to use character abilities, the left bumper will allow the usage of summons powers, right trigger for dodging and the left trigger for support by the partner. The player moves with the left analog stick while controlling the camera with the right analog stick and using the right analog stick to lock on a target as well.
The main inspiration to the idea was the dark hour found in Persona 3, a separate reality related and connected to the “real one.”
The main track that comes to mind when thinking of a parallel dimension would be the twilight palace from The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess but a remixed version made by iceferno.
Video Game Genre: Action, 3D, open world, RPG
Platform: PS4, Xbox Series X
Description: The game is set in a Dark fantasy world by the name of Jotunn where the story centers on a jaded warrior who was betrayed by his closest consorts and whose kingdom he served was destroyed in the process, causing uncountable loss and trauma for him as such he sets on his path of revenge having nothing to lose and with no care of the cost to fulfill his revenge
Gameplay: It is a 3rd person action rpg game with a focus on combos inspired by Final Fantasy 16 as well as the Devil May Cry franchise with the main difference being on the various types of classes the player would be able to try and ascend through mimicking the class system in Fire Emblem.
The player will be given 4 main weapons which are sword, axe, lance, staff and bow and they will be able to invest on each weapon proficiency until they are able to essentially “reclass” to an archetype of the specific weapon allowing more combat options for the players.
The control scheme found is a standard one found in Devil May Cry with the right trigger being able to use class abilities and special attacks being assigned to the left trigger and bumper.
The music that inspired this concept of a single being against fate was the song at what cost- found in the fire emblem three houses soundtrack which emphasizes the grittiness of the story.
The image chosen is that of a merciless warrior in the snow focusing on the lone and cold journey of revenge.
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