I really wish I could have done better on this one.

There are plenty of things I could blame.. but eh. I did what I could. I tried to get a little experimental. It came together ok.

Thanks for listening and feedbacking! This has been really fun doing weekly music this year. I imagine most of us will be jumping back into weeklybeats 2024.. So I hope to see you all there!


Rain251 year ago

very chaotic. merry xmas and a merry new years

Kedbreak1361 year ago

Congrats on completing the year! See you on wb2024!

By the way, I like the heavy sounds in this track.

More submissions by Zeropass for Weekly Music 2023

I spent more time than I care to admit on this one, but I am feeling kinda frustrated in general so. idk.

I felt like this maybe had some decent potential somewhere but I don't really know where it went lol.

I guess because my last submission felt pretty fresh, this one feels much less by comparison.. Also, the new tools are still helpful.. but I just want to be making better stuff than this lol.. Perhaps it's just general stagnation.. but I want to change up my sound more.

I've isolated a pattern of mine where if I create a song that is more than 2 minutes long, it is often of higher quality.

Anyway, I really enjoy this track I've come up with.. Definitely a stand-out in my own opinion..

It also is very likely no coincidence that I recently got a new tool for mastering that seems to be a like "cheating" way to make everything I make sound a LOT better. So this is cool because I find myself a lot more excited about the sounds and melodies I create when they sound more clear.

I keep trying to improve the song slightly from my first bounce, in order to get the mix better.. but then I keep adding stuff, or finding it still imperfect. So I just decided to stop and submit this right now as is, and move on for now.

But I really think this is one of my best tracks to date, so I hope anyone who listens enjoys! thanks!

Sup! I like the melody I got going here. It's pretty neat. Most of the experimentation here is with modulations and such.. Had some overlapping melodies going with similar frequencies to blend and resonate.. to me its interesting, but I could see it being too much or chaotic.. Also the lead's melody is mostly the same throughout, but then it has some additions and some specific note changes in the last half that make it sound different without altering the vibe.. it's like it sounds familiar enough to follow, but not literally repeating forever.

At this point I'm like kind of "over" editing it, and the track has a very structured beginning middle and end, so it's fine. Not my best, not my worst.

I'm not going to pretend to know wtf this is.. but I'm having fun making this shit lately.. which I think could be more important than actually making "good music" lol.

had fun with this one. totally imperfect, but I got to utilize the 1bit sound more and I am into it. Had some neat transitions.. some modulations on filters and such.. . I think the next track I'd like to mess around with Echo more... just kinda go ham on it. I think it would allow me to come into the style that I love to listen to.. which is kind of like trance. This track is nothing like that- but.. I'm thinking maybe if I combine this 1bit sound and some cool echo stuff. I could potentially hit some high intensity sounds.. and then maybe fade back and forth between that and some pretty melodies... It's interesting for me to explore.

I feel like I want to do some more crazy stuff with the 1bit wave.

I hit on it here, but I think I could do more with it.

I had a whole other segment in the beginning that had this loud saw.. but like.. after getting into this part.. I kind got into a flow-state writing the melodies.. and then it got long enough to carry itself as it's own song.. At the end if just felt like going from the saw into this felt wrong.. like the saw was too intense, and this was too pleasing.. I'm sure it may be possible to blurr everything and blend them together.. but I think this just sounds best as it's own piece. Maybe the other stuff will make it into a later submission.

Anyway, I feel like this is kinda cool. It's got a lot of stuff I use over and over.. but it still feels like a slight departure from my usual stuff.

Not sure what to say about it really lol. It honestly feels like it's just another track of mine to me.. anyway... I hope to spend more time on the next track I make, and maybe make use some different instruments and melodies and stuff. to get a little more creative.

The thing I like most about this track is just the mid/bass melody. I tried to just build stuff around that and it came out ok.

slightly fatigued I think. Like, not just from 1 thing.. but just all of it. you know?

It's fine. keep going.

Just got back from a wedding.. and while it was absolutely the best wedding I've ever attended. A wedding really is just no place for me.

Pretty quick and dirty as far as compositions go. I have less time than usual because I'm in a wedding this weekend.. so I'm trying to stay ahead of the curve.

I also, feel sort of disconnected and chaotic right now.. so my adherence to any sort of structure feels diminished.

I think normally I might try to expand this out, or move things around to make it feel like it has a more natural start and finish, and flow.. but like.. I guess the feelings are reflected in the less predictable thing we have here.

The first half of this song, came pretty quickly to me, and I instantly Loved it. I would say that the 2nd half is mostly just trying to carry on with a similar vibe or something.. I think it worked out really well, but I'm sure you may be able to tell that the first portions felt more solid to me. I'm not extremely happy with the last like, 10 seconds.. but it's an outro, probaby to a vibe that I didn't really ever want to leave. lol

Then it got to a point where i kept working on this.. multiple times after being like "OK ITS DONE".. so I feel like I would just keep refining this over and over forever if I don't just stop here.. Also, I'm not really certain that the quality of these refinements are necessarily as good as the initial 2 minute creation. Not to say they are bad, or making things worse. .but I just think the initial shot and composition was really good.

So.. I feel like.. when I started this track, I hit something I really liked.. and it was a great like "jumping off point". Often times when I feel this, I get excited but also nervous.. because I feel like I'm not fantastic on taking a good phrase and expanding it into an entire piece.

Further, I've felt a little stagnant lately, which means that I'm trying to get a little more experimental.. I'm sure everyone wishes that means I would try new instrumentation.. but no.. in this case. it manifested in me fucking around with the key and notes more..

I'm not really sure. I would be shocked if nothing in this piece is out of key.. but I basically just went with my feel and vibe and hearing.. so I sincerely doubt that it's all in key. I'm pretty sure that if it is in key, the key changes.. but if not, I'm sorry. I tried, but my ear is not super trained unfortunately.

Anyway. That being said.. on a personal level, I really like how it came out, and I enjoy hearing it. I'm glad I was able to create something this cool, and I'm happy with the sound quality and note choices.. Any feedback is welcome, and I appreciate everyone who listens and reads! I persist. Cheers!

this one is pretty strange.

Not sure. Maybe I'm conflicted on trying to stay consistent.. I feel like I've lost the song structure that I had in 2018.. oh well. I persist.

I did sort of want to make this one longer, but I didn't want to just end up repeating it.. so I decided not to. I think it maybe is a little repetitive.. but since it's pretty short anyway, it's not that big of a deal. The longer notes coming in at the end is the direction I would have taken it in if I made the song longer..

Still, pretty cool imo.

finally got to break into something a tad heavier.. it's more like trap.. mainly because of the hats.. but yaa.. this is a pretty simple composition, just kind of experimenting around with things. Still, turned out kinda cool. I really want to explore this more and see what I can do. trapbit. maybe take it more... trap bit.

nothing insane here. But I like it for sure.

I think I need to ease up on the intensity a little bit.. but I want to mess around more with bending the sounds and whatnot..

Probably go in an altogether different direction.. but I still really like how well this came out.

I spent a little more time on the mixing this time. But I'm coming in super late.. I'm hoping after my job calms down a little I can get back to being ahead, and having more time to just flesh out a track. But I'm definitely happy with this one, considering the time constraints.

I just.. really love the big droney. so I'm sticking to it. lol

Weekly Music 2023

Write, record, and upload a new piece of music every week.

weekly from 2023-01-02 to 2024-01-01