Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
That thing looks tired and it's only a few hours old...
By the way I hope it's appropriate for me to post my crochet projects, if it's not please let me know, I won't mind!
Here's how I imagine a scene from the short story Herbert West—Reanimator by H.P. Lovecraft.
(Btw I wouldn't recommend this story, the blatant racism and weird requirements under which the story was written are pretty disturbing)
But anyway, these guys looked cool.
It was too late when I realized I could use this as a palette, I chose red clay instead of white :( I might paint it white once it's dry.
The tree and the clouds looked really pretty :D
Also, there's this character in The Fall of the house of Usher called Madeline, and I can't stop picturing her as Madeline from Celeste. She looks cute.
(there's definitely something wrong with her arms)
joined 1,535 days ago
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