Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
With the wip abletonlink module, I finally have sequencing operators in alv that keep phase properly, which is absolutely essential for music. I also found a drum synthesizer (Geonkick) and a generic synth (Helm) that work on Linux, so I have all the components to make something now :)
Still using Helm and Geonkick, slowly getting better at each of the parts to at least be able to approximately apply information from general tutorials to create something like a trance bass. I found this article very helpful, and a video helped fill in some gaps as well.
Here's the alv script that does the sequencing:
(import* link struct- math)
(import midi random)
(def *clock* (clock 140 120))
(def *midi* (midi/port "alv" "alv"))
#(channel 0 - bassline, three note arpeggio between each drum hit)
(midi/send-notes (get *midi* 'out') 0
(struct 'pitch' (switch! (counts 1 0.25 0.5 0.75) 38 46 38)
'vel' 127
'dur' 0.11))
#(channel 1 - drums: alternating kick and snare)
(midi/send-notes (get *midi* 'out') 1
(struct 'pitch' (switch! (count 2) 69 71)
'dur' 0.5))
Just noodling around with Helm and my isomorphic keyboard. I accidentally modified a preset into this distorted electric guitar-ish patch that I'm pretty happy with, but have no idea how to make a rhythm for.
joined 798 days ago
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