well, i've complained about electron for long enough. tonight i looked at neutralino.js, which is absolutely stunning in its benchmarks against literally every other competing webapp platform. it's 1% of the size of an electron app, 67% the size of a tauri app, and it absolutely smokes both of them in build time (avg of 700ms to build an empty project!!!).

neutralino is pretty early in development, unfortunately. otherwise i think there would be little stopping this from finding success, mostly because it's so simple. it just packages a WebView2.dll with Windows builds, and works natively on OSX / Linux as expected. no V8 engine, no Windows installer. but the documentation is sparse due to a lack of community presence and bugs pop up as other things get updated sooner than contributors can fix them.

i started a test project and got just a few steps in before i found that spawning new windows is actually broken, at least since August 9th. super unfortunate!

daily creative

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Decade Jam

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