a lot of varying work today, but all of it good. crunched the omega bug, now dashing works as intended (still much room for improvement). i pushed suggested changes to my portfolio site, definitely made it feel better, and then added to that by getting a new set of business cards with the URLs updated to all my current stuff.
finished a couple of daunting work issues, still had to backlog several other things that i knew i wasn't going to have time for.
moved onto solidjs, got a lot of help from a friend regarding proxies and now the future of this app is suddenly visible again. i successfully fetched data from another webpage! hooray!
and then i did some setup on a new coherence project for the jam coming up. if i get some time and energy after thanksgiving dinner, i think i should try to put some shaders into URP, and maybe build up the structure of drawing images onto the UI.
another sunday busy with other events. glad to relax from work, but given little time to press on projects. i did read some solidjs again. there's a lot more tutorial to go through before i get enough confidence to just plunge into making more components, but i'm getting closer
a little bit of work on the uno magic mash, and i also opened the web project to check my work from the weekend. i wanted to get around to more of the web thing today but things didn't time out well.