with a super hot set of days ahead and a very stressful night before i have to drive myself around tomorrow, i'm trying to distract myself by looking at some of the code in the outline for the blank luxe project.

honestly, it's hard for me to wrap my head around lines of code that are definitely setting up some vital, application-level stuff. i'm poking through the github as well, which has really only confirmed to me that i don't understand enough about the problems the engine is solving to understand what people are talking about...

that being said, i've been in this situation before. and strangely enough, bombarding myself with lines of code that are totally foreign to me might actually start to at least build some recognition for certain modules or code structure. so it isn't completely useless, even though i'm definitely still barely treading water trying to read this stuff. i just have to reach a comfortable point where i'm a little more eager to jump into this, but that is not tonight.

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