Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
It's funny, when I was 17 and decided that I wanted to be a composer, I imagined I'd hopefully one day write music for movies, about made up feelings seen on screen.
I never imagined my own life will become so complex and hard to understand.
Now I'm 33 and I already don't have the notes to describe my own feelings.
It was my daughter's birthday today.
Got the BBC One orchestra Discovery and played with it today.
This week I had to write a 15sec Radio News Jingle.
Then I thought about what makes it work being so short and what it would take to turn it into a longer piece. I had to deconstruct my jingle and rebuild it with a new structure, trying to keep everything else the same, such as tempo, instruments and theme, but stretch it and make sense of it still.
It wasn't as easy as I'd thought but that's what makes it a great challenge.
Below is the 15sec version which I made first.
Thought of letting go of expectations and mindlessly play with arps and synths for a while.
My goal for this year is to get better at building piece structure, mastering build-ups and encoding strong emotions. This piece is not part of that search. Hopefully from now on I'll better manage my time in order to follow through with my plan.
I was inspired by NASA's sounds captured on Mars and used some samples here. First thunder like sound is actually wind on Mars.
I was also inspired by the post rock genre, with its steady buildup, echoy notes, delayed guitars and strong release of that buildup (about half into the piece).
It was a rushed project to meet the deadline, so I'm not too sure about the mixing process which was... simply not done at all :)) Just winged it.
It's been a busy and stressful week so I tried to sqeeze in at least a minute of music today. Hopefully next week will be more creative. I tried playing with Kontakt's Session Strings, not trying to make something in particular, just test how it sounds. This is what came out. I started with a few chords and I added a piano melody and some funky synths and a flute to back it up.
It's a poorly executed piece but that's the best I could do today.
Featuring "Empress Cicada" from George Vlad's field recording @ 0:27:
weekly from
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Wow! It's full of emotion. Amazing! I too find it hard to find the words or even express myself clearly at times. I'm hoping that one day I'd get better at that.
That's beautiful.
Happy birthday to your daughter.
Oooh i like what you did with the vocals there. Subtle layers, a great texture. Most of the vocal merge into the pad but they can be heard sometimes, like a breath or a word. This reminds me of swimming in the ocean at night and having the stars reflect in the water and you don't know where the ocean stops and the sky starts. This immense relaxing feel.