Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Kinda a half finished song was making with my friend today trying to find a sound for our new project. I'm mostly responsible for the synths,
Really dig the sound he got out of the guitar part - sounding like a rambling sitar. We tracked it out the parts in Ableton.
I have a feeling we will be making more beatsy world music so stay tuned ;D
The guitar fits well into this electronic landscape. I like also how you placed the drums in the background, lower in the mix and with a lot of reverb. This sounds really nice.
Give us more beatsy world music!
Starting to think it might be helpful to start naming tracks lol. Story behind this one .. This song isn't entirely new, it's been progressing in stages for a while.
About 6 weeks ago I played a gig and came up with this instrumentation ... the guitars got recorded (sampled into MPC) on the day of the gig, and I think the rest of it got put together the night before, but the synth patches had been kicking around for a while. It was sort of a fun song to break up a dance music set, and the only song with any guitars.
So really all I did today is come up with the vocal part, record/sample it with a Shure 57 straight into the MPC, then try a composition and recorded it completely dawless. Kinda first time in about 10 years I've done any singing on a track, so it was quite the challenge. I've been enjoying singing and playing guitar a bit lately, and would love to 'find my voice' more, so I thought this exercise today was a valid/useful one.
Can't help but feel like I might of accidentally knocked off this vocal melody from somewhere, but not sure if it's just cos i've been humming it for a while. If anyone recognises it please let me know!
Soooo was all set to upload and then went ah ffs I gotta do another take it's too half arsed, and I'm super glad I did. The percussion, and synths are recorded in my usual dawless fashion, but then added two guitar layers over the top. They were seperate long improv takes, but then I just decided to layer them up, panned left and right. There's some super basic prodution on there, using Audacity. And actually had heaps of fun so yay for software.
It was the percussion and synth layers I went back and recorded again (not individually, just another take) , because it was sounding super shitty and tin canny, and the original was just kind of a boring take really. So after doing a bit of a wilder take, and adding the guitars back in, the composition (by luck) landed way better. I think i might do some more software stuff, just with Audacity .. and subtle stuff .. I really don't want to go crazy listening to things a million times making tiny adjustments etc ... like I used to with Ableton back in the day. I just want to listen through and go oh yeah that track up a bit roughly. If i get more time next week i might track out a few more of the instruments, maybe. ;D
Everyone's tunes sounding sick btw, y'all killin' it this year!
Feelin' the experimentation vibes of the beginning of the year. This began as a jam with a mate playing guitar, started kind of stoner rocky then started sounding like disco, then he had to head off before we recorded .. and it ended up as a beatsy synthwave sort of tune with a phasing (cross) sine wave lead. Recorded straight off hardware .. might try multitrack something out with a daw soon if I get time. Trying to up effects game, ran the lead and arp parts coming from the korg ms2k through Electronharmonix Cathedral pedal just to spice it up a bit.
Back to weekly music after a year off, haven't done any recording and not a lot of music in the last year. Back to trying to find my sound somewhere between acid and detroit techno, where things are a bit weird dark and not 100% in scales, but melodic and funky enough to be able to dance to. Kinda the territory i find interesting. Didn't exactly hit it but happy with the synth patches that came together in the process. Got like 8 variations of them now, heh, this is a couple of them ... akwardly put together in a jam, recorded on my zoom recorder straight off the hardware: MPC1000, Korg MS2k, and Mog Slimphatty. Composition sucks but did about 20 takes and had to call it ;D Going to try and work on composition this year!
weekly from
Sounds like a fun jam.
I like the background ambient effects.
I like the guitar part. When you combine the synth and the guitar, everything has a nice downtempo feel to it. The thick reverb gives it character.
Not too sure that first synth grips me as a lead - maybe it's a little too spread out across the harmonic range? Not too sure yet what I think about it. Maybe it feels like it's covering both bass and midrange so my ear is getting confused about what to listen to? It's hard to describe.
Drums are good too. Hope to hear more in this direction as the weeks go on!