Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
People lied.
It's Sunday so not a huge amount of time to work on anything today, but I am piecing together a sort of "what I need to learn" list for the 3D prototype I'm working on for Rainbow Jam (yes I started another game jam, shush). It's a long list.
This might be the one that breaks my 100% jam success record, but it should at least teach me a lot even if I can't get it finished in time. I'm hoping to make heavy use of Cinemachine's state camera, so currently playing with that. Then I'm building out the physical structure of the game with scriptable objects (I promise this does make sense), and then since the actual gameplay is very simple it's mostly going to be learning some Blender and content writing.
joined 1,603 days ago
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