Genre: Autobattler, Strategy

Platform: PC, Mobile, Console

Demographic: Interested in Iddle Games, Strategy, Card Games, Autochess. 10+

This auto battler is designed around purchasing and placing unit spawners. Each unit spawner will have a set price. Every time you spawn a unit you gain income for your next round. Some units will be stronger and provide lower income, while other units may be weaker and provide bonus income.
Players will automatically send their spawned units down a corridor to fight that turns opponent. There will be 8 players per game, every round the player will face a different opponent. At the end of the round the surviving troops will be counted in order to damage the opponent. In this way, players will be eliminated as the rounds progress, eventually ending in a one versus one encounter with the remaining players.
Certain units will counter each other, because of this it is important to note what units your opponents are using. Everytime one of your units kills an enemy unit you will receive points towards a round multiplier. At the begging of your next round you will receive your income times your round multiplier.
Upgrades: Players may choose to spend their income in upgrades which will help a particular type of spawned unit, this upgrade however will act as a gold sink, not generating additional income. Players must find a way to balance the income they generate with their performance inside each round. Focus too much on defeating troops and you will fall behind on economy. Focus too much on economy and you will be eliminated early on.


More submissions by alejandro.anguizola for GAME 1100 - Diseño de Juegos (Febrero 2020)

Genero: Simulador, Carrera conta el tiempo
Audiencia: 12+

El simulador de viernes negro (Black Friday) es un juego en el cual te encuentras en una tienda de departamentos la cual se encuentra en baratillo. La tienda entera esta en descuento, sin embargo, algunos productos tienen 5 % de descuento mientras otros productos más limitados tienen un 80 % de descuento.
El objetivo del juego es realizar la mejor compra posible. El puntaje se calculará en base a el total ahorrado al final de la partida. El jugador deberá correr a través de los pasillos con su carreta, agregando diferentes productos, cada sección tendrá algunos productos “black” los cuales tendrán el mejor descuento.

El jugador podrá obtener los productos ya sea directamente de las tablillas de la tienda, o robándole los productos a las otras carretillas. Esto podrá ser logrado de manera sigilosa, o por lo contrario embistiendo las otras carretillas con la propia. Embestir otra carretilla puede valer la pena, pero también corre el riesgo de dañar una llanta de la carretilla actual, lo cual puede reducir la velocidad de movimiento del jugador. Si el jugador es atrapado robando de otra carreta, o si embiste otra carreta, se podrá formar una pelea, durante la pelea es posible que otros compradores aprovechen la distracción del jugador para robarle productos de su carreta.

Black Friday Simulator se podrá jugar en modo Desafío, los desafíos agregar condiciones al jugador, como “Solo comprar del departamento de tecnología” o “Solo comprar productos rojos”. De esta misma manera habrán desafíos diferentes como “No agarrar ningún producto de las tablillas” o “No robar ningún producto de otra carretilla”.

Estilo de musica:

Genre: City Builder / Tycoon
Audience: 8+ with interests in city building, or tropical islands.
The player has bought a remote island in the Caribbean, he or she may choose to develop it in different ways. The player must manage different resources, including population, water / food supply, housing, public appeal, crime, education, and happiness.
At the beginning of the game the player will start with his mansion, and a chanty village. As the player progresses he must rule this privately owned island in order to progress and improve his island. The player may choose to keep his people ignorant, in an attempt to get them to treat him as a monarch, or possibly a god. On the other hand the player may choose to industrialize his island, plant fruit, or create a world renown vacation spot.
Through a diplomatic relations menu the player may offer incentives to certain markets in order to sell his fruit, precious minerals, oil, etc. The player may also enact policies in order to attract new residents to his island, or boost tourism. Which ever strategy the player chooses (or combination of) he should do so in a way which creates synergy. For example, a tourism focused island should not be harvesting oil outside of it, as an oil spill may damage its beaches. On the other hand, agriculture may create food tourism, better quality ingredients in restaurants, and have the island be famous for its fruits worldwide. As the island progresses the player may also grow his mansion and gardens.

Music Style:

Genre: Historical, Religious, Cultural, RPG, Non Profit
Demographic: 8+ with parental control.
Scripture is an interactive environment through which the player may explore our worlds most important religious texts such as The Bible, the Torah, the Tanakh, and the Qur’an. The game will allow its players to experience many of the passages in a 3D AAA environment. Scripture will also attempt to include in as much as possible external religious documents such as the apocrypha documents.
We have decided to implement parental control in Scripture as certain aspects of these religious texts include mature content, such as death, war, famine, pestilence, torture and general despair. The virtual experiences of the passages of creation, will be rated differently from more gruesome scenes such as those of war. The intent of Scripture is to provide a never before seen experience to these texts, including the good, the bad, and the ugly.
After going through the passages and experiences, players will then have the option to see videos digesting and interpreting the passages, these videos will be user submitted and require moderation. The purpose of these videos will also be to reflect how some of the lessons in these passages can be directly applied to modern life in the twenty first century.
Scripture aims to be a fun and engaging way for people to experience and digest religious lore and dogma. Furthermore our game aims to re enact historical events of the different eras, recreating environments as faithfully as possible to their geographic locations.

Genre: Metroidvania, Platformer
Target Audience, Metroidvania fans, coloring fans, 8+.
Chromo is a Metroid & Castelvania type game where the player will have gated progression content in the form of not being able to see color.
The game will be heavily stylized with vector art, and completely black & white. As the player progresses the story line he will unlock colors which will fill the world, unlocking previously unnoticeable platforms, doors, stairs, etc.
The game will feature dynamic audio, as the player walks and uses skills their audio will blend into the background music. The background music will be an important factor in the ambience of the world, focusing on lofi beats to help the player relax during their gameplay experience.
Since the goal of the game is to offer the player said relaxing experience, the combat system will be somewhat limited, focusing more on exploration and platforming.
The story of the game will feature a main character who is depressed, as they explore the world to fight their depression, they will unlock more and more colors, bringing color and life into their world. The player may choose what each color they unlock represents. In this way the player may choose to color the sky green and the grass purple. This will add a certain level of replay-ability into the game, allowing for players to show off how they colored their world.
As the player progresses and brings more color to the world the lofi music will change from a relaxing but melancholic music, to a upbeat / feel good type of lofi beat.
Music Style 1:
Music Style 2:

Game Genre: Runner, Music.
Demographic: 13+ (Language).
In this endless runner style game the player may run through three different tracks (top track, middle track, and bottom track). The player must position his rapper (character) in the screen with the lyrics he wishes to create.
In the making of this game we will work with rappers in order to record interchangeable lyrics, up to three options for each set of lyrics will appear at the screen at any given time. We could have 16 different options, and of those three would be chosen randomly for that run. The player may change lanes in order to mix and match the lyrics to his desire, creating a story of his choosing.
There is no set win condition, however the player will receive a score based on the cohesion of the lyrics, this will be sorted behind the scenes, the player will find their final score at the end of the track.
The community will be able to see the top scores of the songs and vote on different criteria as to which versions of the songs are the best. At the end of the month the highest rated songs will be uploaded to Spotify, essentially creating a community composed song. Funny songs will be grouped together, while other themes may be used to create albums using similar rhythms.
Players may choose to play a single track, or play an endless mode, essentially playing through an entire album, this endless mode however will not be featured for voting.

Music Style:

Genre: Endless Runner
Plataforma: Mobile
Demographic 8+, Commuters

Monkey Run is an endless runner style game where you control a monkey who is adventuring through the jungle. The player must collect bananas which he may use as currency outside of the game, as well as projectiles inside of the game in order to throw them at obstacles and enemies.
The map will be a straight line with three lanes, the line itself may curve horizontally as well as vertically, adding additional change to the landscape aside from the regular obstacles, pitfalls, stampeding animals, and peripheral vegetation.
AS the player progresses through the world he will reach higher scores, at certain thresholds of score the player will unlock different areas and modifiers. Progression will be handled visually by using shaders in order to denote the zones which change by score.
Monkey Run will feature a leaderboard which will show what scores your friends have.

Music: without vocals.

Genero: RTS Real Time Strategy
Plataforma: PC
Demográfica: Fans del genero RTS, Jugadores que le guste la comedia. 13+

Eres el jefe de una mazmorra, deberás crecer tu mazmorra recolectando recursos a través de diferentes métodos. Podrás crear minar dentro de tu mazmorra, produciendo minerales los cuales podrás utilizar para reclutar y pagar nuevos tipos de tropas. Ocasionalmente te atacaran héroes, matar a estos héroes, defendiendo tu gente te dará recursos de comida (los cadáveres de los héroes muertos), además de conseguir sus armas, armadura, u oro.

Podrás también enviar expediciones a la superficie, no tendrás control directo sobre las mismas, pero podrás designar unidades para que vayan a asaltar pueblos en la superficie para obtener recursos adicionales. Deberás hacer esto con cautela ya que no necesariamente regresaran todas tus unidades, y esto atraerá mas héroes a atacar tu mazmorra.

Deberás también defender tu mazmorra de otras razas de jefes de mazmorras. Estos podrán invadir tu mazmorra ya sea para asaltarla y llevarse recursos, o para capturarla y ocasionar que pierdas. A cierto nivel de progreso podrás crear portales para tener acceso a mazmorras enemigas las cuales podrás asaltar, destruir, o anexar a tu imperio.

Genre: Mini Game, Puzzle, Driving, Simmulation
Demographic: Ages 13+ , this game features legally gray actions, such as evading police officers.

The player controls and drives a car, however, the driver has noa car license and has to commute from one place to another while avoiding routes which may include checkpoints or patrols.

The game will use real live data from platforms such as Waze, to simulate scenarios where the player has to get from asigned point A to asigned point B. The game will asign the routes randomnly, generating a map arround the suggested but not visible route.

At the end of the journey between both points the player will see his route compared to the computers, and receive points by how optimal his route was compared to the obvious one. Each route will take between 5 to 15 minutes, averaging at 10 minutes in order to assure quick game sessions.


Genero: Sim / Tycoon. Single Player.
Plataforma: PC / Switch / Movil.
Demográfica: 13+ Interesados en prensa.

Eres el editor de un blog / periódico y debes escoger el contenido para crecer tu lectura. Para hacer esto podrás apoyarte en diferentes herramientas que te permiten ver los artículos de otros blogs, dando estadísticas de cuales temas son de mayor interés al publico. Al ver estos temas se los podrás asignar a tus escritores para que investiguen y escriban los mejores artículos.

Cada tema tendrá un formato ideal, algunos temas son mejores para trabajar en formato de video, mientras que otros son mejores para consumir escritos. Otros formatos que podrás utilizar serán podcasts, infográficos, artes para redes sociales, tweets, artículos de modalidad lista, checklists, y muchos mas. Al asignar el tema al formato indicado incrementara un porcentaje la efectividad del articulo. Podrás también decidir estrategias de curación de contenido. Por ejemplo, podrías implementar una estrategia de entrevistas las cuales darán contenido para video, del mismo le podrás sacar audio y transcrito, de ahí mismo decidirás si quieres sacar tweets o citaciones para artes.

Es importante mantener un balance entre el contenido, ya que podrás agobiar a tu audiencia si utilizas un solo contenido demasiadas veces. A lo que siga creciendo tu audiencia tendrás opción de escoger estrategias de monetización. Con el dinero recaudado de tu audiencia podrás invertir en campañas, infraestructura, mas escritores, o crear un segundo blog no relacionado al actual. Tendrás tres años de crecimiento, los periodos divididos por semanas. Al finalizar los tres años venderás todos tus blogs, el valor total de la venta será tu puntaje final.


Genre: Simulator
Target: 12+ with interested in Sims, tourism, travel.
A simulator type game where you must develop your eco lodge, balancing between comfort for your guests, and their demand for a pristine environment. As you build your eco-lodge you may spend its income on upgrading its different amenities. The amenities would help you reduce overhead, increase the amount of tourists travelling to your development, or increase your nightly rate.
For example, installing solar panels and a fresh water well with a water treatment facility would decrease your overhead and mark you as off the grid.
Having Wi-Fi would increase the amount of guests who are willing to come stay at your eco lodge, however it would reduce the amount of guests who arrive interested in disconnecting.
Alternatively, you could build a fire pit, a camping area or trails to increase the activities you have available. You’d also be able to spend resources in running a targeted ad campaign which would result based on how well your target aligns with your eco lodge.


Image Attribution: Samana Eco Lodge,

Género: Puzzle, Arcade, Física

Plataforma: Computadora y teléfono Móvil / Tableta
Audiencia: Edades 6+, personas que les gusten los minijuegos, personas que les guste la física o ciencia ficción.

Mecánica: El objetivo del juego es coleccionar las esferas atrayéndolas al punto central. El jugador podrá oprimir con el ratón o con su dedo un lugar en la pantalla. Esto creará un círculo pequeño que atraerá las esferas de diferentes colores. El juego tendrá 4 tipos de esferas, 3 positivas y 1 negativa. Las 3 esferas positivas serán de colores diversos y se moverán a diferentes velocidades. Las esferas negativas serán mas lentas que las otras 3 esferas, pero al atraer una esfera negativa al centro el jugador perderá la partida. El jugador podrá también crear círculos de repulsión, los cuales empujaran las esferas en vez de atraerlas.

Temática: El juego tendrá una narrativa de que el centro al que se esta empujando las diferentes esferas es un planeta el cual esta bajo un proceso de terra-formación. Los círculos que aparecen donde se oprime son un objeto de tecnología futurística el cual atrae o repela los asteroides y cometas. El jugador busca atraer los asteroides con características positivas. Por ejemplo, el jugador deberá atraer los asteroides azules los cuales están compuestos por hielo; de esta manera le agregara agua al planeta. En cambio, el jugador deberá de asegurarse de no atraer los asteroides marcados con rojo, ya que estos destruirán el planeta.


Nota: Estare usando esto para un game jam esta semana.

Genre: Arcade, Shoot Em Up, Space Shooter
Demographic: E for everyone, high skill cap.
Platform: Mobile Phone, and PC

Pew Pew is your general space shooting game where you control a spaceship in a two dimensional top down view and shoot at enemies who come from in front of you while avoiding their fire and other stationary obstacles.

What makes Pew Pew different from other games of its genre is the fact that you will control two spaceships at once, who will move and fire at the same time. As you travel through space you will find temporary power ups that will give you multiple skills such as shooting multiple projectiles, stronger weapons, invulnerability shields, and speed boosts.

Weapon power ups will activate immediately upon collection. Shield and movement speed power ups however will be activated when the player decides to activate them. The powerup received will only affect the ship that collects it or activates it. In this way the player may alter the positions of the ships relative to one another.

Normally most ships move perfectly at sync with one another, however, when a speed power up is activated on a single ship, the speed difference between both ships will increase or close the distance between them.

Obstacles will be carefully positioned at set intervals between each other, allowing the player to have time to adjust the distance between his ships. Should the player be unable to adjust distance between his ships on time, he may choose to only dodge with one ship and shield the other.

Music Concept:


Género: Simulador, Novela Visual

Demográfica: Adultos: Debido a tener mayor experiencia con la burocracia.

Plataforma: PC

Vuelva Usted Mañana es un simulador de la burocracia disfuncional inspirado en la corta historia la cual lleva el mismo nombre “Vuelva Usted Mañana” escrita por Mariano Jose de Larra en 1833. El juego es una sátira / crítica social de la burocracia.

El objetivo del juego es posponer por el mayor tiempo posible a los diferentes usuarios del servicio público del ministerio. Utilizando excusas como “el sistema está caído”, identificar motivos reales como “usted llenó el formulario equivocado”.
El juego también permitirá crear situaciones las cuales atrasen a los usuarios del ministerio. Algunos ejemplos de acciones que el jugador podrá tomar será sabotear la impresora, desconectar el modem, enviar a los usuarios a la fila equivocada, o dar formularios equivocados y cancelar el proceso después de semanas o meses.

El juego tendra un sistema de progreso a travez de un arco de historia relacionado los bochinches de los diferentes empleados del ministerio.


Estilo de Musica:

Genre: Mobile, Puzzle, Web
Platforms: Mobile, PC.
Demographic: 6+
Game Description: You control a character in the bottom of the screen who has a isometric view, he must toss tetris pieces towards the top of the screen.
The player will usually toss the tetris pieces in a straight line, very similar to the original Tetris game but with a skewed perspective.
The game will progress through multiple levels, adding different mechanics. The following are a few mechanic ideas:
Unbreakable blocks in rows.
Solid Line Rows.
Throwable pieces that can reach behind solid lines.
Single bricks which may be thrown into places to break lines.
Frozen pieces.
The game will introduce and remove different mechanics over time. Levels will get progressively harder. The game will feature leader boards, energy / time, removable ads, reward ads, and unlockable skins.
Music concept: Similar to the music from Two Dots.

Género: Iddle, Simulador

Plataforma: Teléfonos Móviles y P C

Demográfica: 13-40 Adolecentes, Adultos Jóvenes, hombres y mujeres. Millennials y Generacion Z.

El jugador será un creador de contenido el que se dedicara principalmente a crear videos para subir al internet y crecer su canal de Video Tube. El jugar podrá decidir qué género o tipo de videos quiere crear dentro del juego. Esto será una opción dentro de un menú, el tipo de contenido que se decida por afectará ligeramente las opciones que tendrá para difundir su contenido a futuro.

A medida que el jugador vaya escogiendo opciones de tipos de video para subir, crecerá su canal de Video Tube. Mientras más crezca el canal, el jugador podrá generar ingresos los cuales podrá utilizar para ir contratando servicios de diferentes contratistas online; dependiendo de los servicios que contrate afectará el crecimiento del canal, lo cual le generará más ingresos. Con los mayores ingresos podrá contratar cada vez más servicios, culminando con el jugador siendo dueño de un estudio multimillonario de Video Tube.

Considero este juego podría ser interesante por utilizar el género de simulador el cual le da un sentimiento de productividad al jugador. A su vez el juego también es parte del género idle, el cual permite lograr progresar con poco esfuerzo, permitiendo que el jugador se distraiga de otras actividades. Video Tube es ideal para el jugador que busca escapismo de su rutina diaria.

Inspiración para musica:
Musica de espera.

House Elf

Genre: Stealth / Mini games /

Platform: Mobile, could be later ported into PC to

Target Audience: Young and adult 10+, main audience 20-40 year old Harry Potter Fans

Game Description: Dotty is a joyful but mentally deranged Elf who lives in a Castle. Dotty must work in the castle taking care of its maintenance while remaining unseen by its owners. If he get seen by his “employers” they will verbally abuse him in a whimsical way. Dotty must sneak arround the castle in order to complete his chores unseen, each chore will be a single player minigame. The game will monetize through advertisement, purchase to remove advertisement, and a energy over time system with purchasable energy boosts. As the player progresses through the game they will further explore the castle as Dotty, earning new chores to complete. While Dotty does not like his “employers” he takes great joy in performing the different maintenance tasks around the castle, because of this he will forever remain in the castle. Through time he may become friends with other creatures hidden in the castle (birds in the yard, mice between the walls, maybe an owl in the tower). These new friends will serve to introduce new minigames with updates to the game.

Music style example:

Image Attribution:

Género: Puzzle / Acertijo / Rompecabeza / Simulador

Plataforma: Móvil, el juego estilo puzzle puede ser jugado fácilmente en teléfonos móviles y tabletas utilizando el sistema táctil.

Demográfica: Para jóvenes y adultos 8+

Descripción del juego: Juego o mini juego en el que uno debe de soldar diferentes tipos de estructuras ligeras, tubos, carriolas, ciclón, etc. Puzzle 3D en el que se deberá girar el objeto, cortar en los ángulos correctos, y soldar en los puntos indicados, cuidando la cantidad de material y movidas utilizadas para conseguir mejor puntaje. Los modelos incrementan en complejidad con el progreso de el juego. Empezando desde ángulos y cuadros, luego pasando por sillas y mesas, y culminando con estructuras ligeras. Las visuales serán de objetos sólidos sin texturas sobre un fondo oscuro. Se podría monetizar con anuncios, pago para remover anuncio, sistema de vidas por tiempo y boosts.

Link de música:

GAME 1100 - Diseño de Juegos (Febrero 2020)

Ensayos Semanales

daily from 2020-02-25 to 2020-05-26