a short 2 min song i made for a small private game! i like how i used the glissando little synth thing in the beginning. using a lot of acoustic-like synths with Live.

Paulgami10 years ago

I love how you slowly upped the tempo throughout the piece. I also loved the little jazzy notes here and there - really nice addition to a pleasant song.

Sean Hogan10 years ago

@Aeronic thanks! i like that glitchy synth a lot. it's the "Geiger hold" LFO in the Carbon 2 VST.

Sean Hogan10 years ago

@leafo hey thanks!!!! and thanks for these cool sites!

leafo10 years ago

Just added an mp3 player to streak club and testing it out and just wanted to say I really enjoyed this song :)

Aeronic10 years ago

The tempo change was a very nice touch and kept the song from feeling too repetitive. The glitchy synth is a very cool addition to the song.

Weekly Music 2015

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