i'm back baby and stronger than ever

also i found the brush pen

smolio7 years ago

P.S.color it.

smolio7 years ago

God this isso good. If me suggesting that idea as ajoke gets you producing work like this, then by all means run it into the ground (or gutter)

More submissions by artbohemian for Daily Art Club

babe keeps calling her the sex rabbit and I think that's hilarious

needed a break, feeling like i've been running a marathon at work nonstop but I have some time to rest now. gonna try to bust out some good artwork while I'm relaxing

"I can provide for you something you've always deeply desired..."

a tree that grows endlessly

the whole reason the story starts is because she gets some guy to fuck her (he's a saint sworn to celibacy but she's a hot demon girl who really needs a father figure)

keep thinking about this character

Daily Art Club

Make art every day, how long can you last?

joined 3,587 days ago
