Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
finished that skiploom lineart, may try coloring it tomorrow. i worked on several sketches of my nookington, it's getting to the point where i'm gonna hate it no matter what, so i'm gonna take a break and try finishing it tomorrow
we moved to a different hotel while we're waiting on our application to process. maybe this says something about where we used to live, but even the supposed "sketchy" parts of seattle look better than the worst parts of our old city. perspective, man
needed a break, feeling like i've been running a marathon at work nonstop but I have some time to rest now. gonna try to bust out some good artwork while I'm relaxing
the whole reason the story starts is because she gets some guy to fuck her (he's a saint sworn to celibacy but she's a hot demon girl who really needs a father figure)
joined 3,587 days ago
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good job! 8)