Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
[ Idea 10 - 28/07/2016]
Minh Nguyen | Minh.ngu7004
Image Source:
Manga Fighter is a 2d fighting game with origins based around the main protagonist and antagonists of various past, current and any upcoming Japanese graphic novels known as manga.
The intent of Manga fighter is to introduce various manga to the community and crowds in which enjoy Japanese manga and animation, Manga Fighter will be an interesting way for artists and publishers to promote their work as well as introduce a fun interesting and unique recommendation system, recommending new series to fans by how intriguing and interesting a player were exposed to a new "fighter". Should the player enjoy said "fighter", this could be a gateway to reading the particular manga in which that said fighter's universe revolves around.
Another interesting and unique point is to not only be a medium to end all disputes between die hard Otaku fans but to let fans play their idols and favorite characters from the graphic novels.
E.g One punch man vs Goku.
[ Idea 52 - 07/09/2016]
Aqua Infinite.
Based upon an early summative, and a drafted game design document. The player plays as a bio marine engineer in a world that is majority submerged underwater and the local wildlife are biomechanical, organic in behaviour but 100% mechanical is physiology but the catch is the player is still human and will be forced to overcome various options such as food, hunger, oxygen and sleep.
This is an open world survival video game that combines the elements of a sandbox with "Lego-like" mechanics, which players can harvest, hunt and reuse materials from the local wildlife and manipulate them towards being used as something else.
-For instance: A player harvests the propel engine that allowed a tiger shark to swim to be used as a key engine component for a submersible vehicle. The Predator's so called "blood" can be used to fuel the said submersible or act as a fertiliser and resurrect a pre extinct agriculture.
There will be other mechanics the player will have to overcome as they attempt to survive in this mechanical ocean jungle such as: Buoyancy, Light as well as tidal and seasonal migration effects from the biomechanical wildlife.
[ Idea 51 - 07/09/2016]
Minh Nguyen | Minh.ngu7004
Sleeping Knight
Avast the dawnth of a newth Day young paladin!' Your humble headmaster cries as you he grasps you the scruff of the neck, but with little sleep and still groggy from the ale' and mead from celebrations of a quest yesterday, this will be a difficult day to venture out into the world.
Play as the young knight as you, the player control one and only one function, Sleep. As the young knight you must critically analyse the upcoming events and quests to ensure your knight is focused and energize to take on the multitude of tasks ahead.
Sleeping knight will run on a daily routine as well as a day and night cycle. Should the knight be well rested for the upcoming events he will receive the rewards for participating in the events, should the knight be too tired he will fail and possibly die should it be a quest. As the knight gains experience and level up from performing the tasks, the player will be also be able to manage the knight's stats increasing the knight's survivability and the amount of experience earned from competition of a task and its subject.
For instance: The knight is well energised and has high stats in intelligence, when he completes the "studies with head paladin" he will have an bonus increase experience gained due to the player having high intelligence stats.
Another Instance: The knight stumbles upon a dire flame bear when venturing in the cave, though the knight is tired from the lack of sleep, the knight's stats in combat ensures the knight is able to escape but at a cost of not completing (slaying the flame dire bear) the task and whatever possible rewards.
This game plays in the of dynamic effects of risk and reward, though has the player gamble on their success, the player still has full reign on their success in the game itself.
[ Idea 50 - 06/09/2016]
Minh Nguyen | Minh.ngu7004
Source: My own Instagram |
Play as a tree in this competitive global web browser game, as you compete with other trees to become the largest tree of them all. Relating back to biological competition among trees and the intra-specific and inter-specific competition among the species, the game makes full use of the various dynamics of these said relationships:
[ Idea 49 - 05/09/2016]
Minh Nguyen | Minh.ngu7004
Chain reaction is a local multiplayer that consists of 4 players with the main objective being to eliminate the other three. Winner takes all, all for one brawl style.
Each player holds on to a barrel of gun powder and as they move, a trail of gun powder is left behind. When players bump into one another, they create sparks which ignite any and all trails of gun powder that is on the ground traveling along the created trail. Should the ignited trail of gun powder reach the player it will explode and the player is sent flying across the map.
Players can attempt to extinguish the trail is to walk over the trail, kicking the trail thus, stopping the chain reaction reaching them or the keg of gun powder. Players can roll their barrel away from them to transfer the chain across an intersection but this leaves the player vulnerable to be crushed should they collide with another player or implode their barrel to detonate other barrels within a vicinity.
[ Idea 48 - 04/09/2016]
Minh Nguyen | Minh.ngu7004
800 years before the streets cried their commemoration on the 5th of November on England's bonfire night, a man of legend with no name changed a nation and brought forth a new era of peace. Source:
ChaoYuan is a combat and stealth video game that tells the fictional story set in the Tang Dynasty dating back to the 7th Century during the early discovery of fireworks in China.
The story's depicts the duration of Black paw, the man of legend whom lead a small faction known as the "White Lotus" in rebellion against the corrupt government and the emperor's decree which brought forth the illegalisation in the practice of Kung Fu and its teaching. Which through the development of fireworks as a medium of war, resulted in the destruction and the massacre of various Shaolin temples of that time.
This is another narrative game of the collection which attempts to introduce a more refreshing take on the oriental culture whilst reframing away from the popular mass multiplayer online genre and Japanese role-playing games that currently topples the Asian gaming industry. This is a video game that derives itself on the success on Asian cinematography and television, targeting those who wish to play a gamified Korean Drama for instance.
[ Idea 47 - 03/09/2016]
Minh Nguyen | Minh.ngu7004
Each day a normal bodily function is to poop, to poop one would require toilet paper, but as child at the orphan with dorms shared among thirty to forty others, that is a lot of toilet paper. as the rolls begin to accumulate, Bruce's 8 year old imagination bloom a fresh and wondrous idea, with to make the amazing magical marble run of Arkham orphanage.
This is a Rube Goldberg aspired incremental game that teaches the player about micro management and the benefits of small incremental practice over a long duration as a means of a targeted end goal. The Marble run is a video game that players play as a child who finds fun outside the of the ordinary commercial toy and is more targeting towards players who played with Popsicle stick bridges and cardboard forts.
Over a period of time, new toilet rolls as well as other construction material, all coming in of varying shapes and sizes will come into your position. The objective of the game is using the obtained material to get the marble from point A to point B. It doesn't matter about time nor the perfectionism of the completion but the journey and the creativity that comes from getting marble from one position to the other.
Players will be able to cut, glue, tape and tie together various materials such as using the touch screen to cut the toilet roll, into halves or thirds even.
Players can obtain blueprint pieces that allow them to create awesome homemade projects such as tin can boat or a mousetrap vehicle to transport the marble across a gap or the bathtub.
Should they obtain the necessary materials for one of the blue prints: they will have to wait as if simulating a a older brother or sister helping them out.
In multiplayer, the players can sen various parts to one another to help build these blue prints or craft the sections of the hydro slide, replicating a team base exercise among friends.
[ Idea 46 - 02/09/2016]
Minh Nguyen | Minh.ngu7004
Tired of failure? Tired of insufficient kicking and eye to feet co-ordination getting your hack sack game down? Well not anymore in this virtual reality gun hootin' tootin' hacky sack video game!
Play over a multitude of weapons up in your arsenal as you and your friends, gun blaze in the hell of glory Hacky Sack Armagedden.
Play in the various game modes such as:
RPG football:
Fire some serious "swag" at the massive soccer ball as you compete it out in the 5 vs 5 football, who needs technical fouls when you can just send their rag doll avatars flying across the court in sweet, sweet revenge.
Pie Coon beach volley ball:
One tap your way in the singles or doubles volleyball as you gun down the pie and ensure it falls on their side of the court, bonus points if it
lands on their face.
Sticky Grenade dodge ball:
Duck, dodge, dive as you throw all time classic sticky grenades such as the plasma grenade, duct tape firework in the death dodge-grenade gauntlet.
[ Idea 45 - 01/09/2016]
Minh Nguyen | Minh.ngu7004
Flow through life on a melody
Broken strings tells the tale of a young boy and his journey from adolescence to the man he his today. Orphaned at a young age, his 13th birthday he receives his father's guitar, determined to pursue in his fathers footsteps he begins travelling and busking around the world playing his guitar and tries to understand who was his father and the legend behind the guitar.
Homeless and alone on his journey he never gives up hope, playing his guitar with faith of a better tomorrow and as the years goes past and he finds fellow minds like him and the kindness of others. The guitar deteriorates, the strings that sang begin to snap and corrode but from the life lessons brought forth from his grand journey, he says his dues and leaves the guitar behind as he, all grown up ventures out to the world around him.
Broken Strings is an attempt of providing a more narrative convention towards rhythm genre video games with the depiction of realism and portraying more adult themes without the use of violence and conflict. Reflecting towards the players on progression through life and a homage to those whom have lost a significant other.
[ Idea 44 - 31/08/2016]
Minh Nguyen | Minh.ngu7004
Leap, bound and build your commune as the world renowned squirrel tree house builder.
As the only squirrel builder, send out fellow village members to seek resources and material to build as the herd slowly increases larger in size.
Player's objective of this open world sandbox game is to traverse from tree to tree and seek a home among the multitude of biomes. The one condition is the ground floor is dangerous for the squirrel kind! Ensure the survival of the troop from the dangers down below.
Each biome provides a range of difficulty alongside their benefits and disadvantages; Up in the cliff side of a Canadian waterfall,
the dense jungles of the Amazon. Leading to various methods of solving issues such as water and agriculture and farming.
Players can choose which breed of squirrel he or she may like to be:
- Siberian flying squirrel who can glide long distances
- The Carnivorous Texas Rock squirrel capable of fending off and eating predators.
- The Estonian red squirrel capable of diving into the snow i.e build igloos above and below the ground.
Another unique characteristic of this video game is the engineering and primitive technological wonder of bush craft techniques incorporated into the game play, such as wood bending to make bows, and making fire, wooden bridges or a crankshaft elevator.
[ Idea 43 - 30/08/2016]
Minh Nguyen | Minh.ngu7004
Long ago, the word of message was written on nothing but ink and parchment with the dim glow of the midnight candle overhead.
A king held upon prestige league of the elite scholars, a commune of men and woman known as the "RittonMe'in" a creed seeking the message behind the non-message. In order to communicate the king's message safely and securely over its deep and vast network, RittonMe'in used a sophisticated method that whom were only entrusted upon those who knew the King's Land like the back of their paws.
Source: HK |
Play through the story in many of the eyes of RittonMe'in messengers, as they leap, climb and scamper through the Kingdom transferring messages back and forth through the duration of the king's reign.
Play mode is an narrative driven model with elements of open world and sandbox, specifically targeting towards the theme of exploration and adventure.
- Traverse through the dense forestry, the hustling cobble streets or through Winter's garden.
- Play as through the differing characters: cat, dog, hamster or squirrel.
[ Idea 42 - 29/08/2016]
Minh Nguyen | Minh.ngu7004
Detective Takamura has seen many of strange things but when transferred to Tokyo's Psychic Research department what he finds would lead weaker men to insanity. Unravel the various document cases recording the strange phenomena ensuring the plea from the locals living in the area are not merely cries of wolf.
Film Material:"Grave Encounters" directed by Colin Minihan, Stuart Ortiz, The Vicious Brothers
Hush: Files from Tokyo's PR department is a gamified anthology of short horror stories which players play as detective Takamura and his team as they deduce cases from various clients.
As the game itself revolves around these cases, the of game play changes to fit the feature in particular or the said puzzles revolving round the particular case. Hush, will follow a template that tackles the various and multitude of phobias, paranormal and other pop culture horrors of our time. What makes this unique or stand out from fellow competitors is that some of these cases could be simple malicious acts that use the medium of horror for instance, "Old Man jenkins?!" portraying a mature sense of realism through the medium of a Scooby Do-esque narrative however, the truth is out there.
A possible list of possible "Nope" files.
- Whispers in Apartment B.
- Sombra's Doll.
- Alleyway on fifth st.
- The girl on floor 18.
- Source of energy.
The game will be compatible on PC, PlayStation and Xbox platforms with cross platform capability, alongside with cross platforming into the mobile market as an app that lets the player to read about Takamura's documentation and story behind present or past cases and contemplate clues found within the main game of the current case that the player is investigating. As there is a horror veteran community, the elite demographic whom wish to be horrifically scarred mentally and physically will be able to play the game through virtual reality headsets.
[ Idea 41 - 28/08/2016]
Minh Nguyen | Minh.ngu7004
There appeared before his eyes was the synopsis of death. In its cute egg animation hid its maliciousness.
"Oh Shi- ," roared Ricky Sanchez before an eruption blew rocked him off onto the high heavens, blasting him off once again. As Ricky detoured off on a one way trip to next Wednesday, his expression saddened as he saw one of his shoes flew past his ear, he knew only to well he won't be wearing his favorite pair anytime soon.
Source: Pokemon (C'mon, like you don't wanna be the very best)
Grenadier! Is a virtual reality skill mechanic projectile base game, where players objective is to simply throw a grenade and eliminate follow players.
- Obscene Settings and various scenarios: The mall, library, city rooftops, mini-golf, go-karts...etc
- Players will be place randomly in the said selection of environments.
- Player's will be able to adjust timers on their throw.
- Bounce, Bonk, Bowel and Kobe' various ranges of grenades, wrecking havoc with a multitude of elemental and status aliments.
- Ever changing environments, suppose a wall was imploded, portions of said wall would and continuously be missing through out the particular round.
- Play in teams or every player for them self in various competitive game mode.
[ Idea 40 - 27/08/2016]
Minh Nguyen | Minh.ngu7004
Source: Ridley Scott's "BladeRunner"
They say blood is thicker than water, but blood can be washed away from the rain. Fifteen years had passed since he remembered the death of his sister on these very same streets. As the rain continued to pour down over his coat, he peered down to the young lady in front of him. Her eyes lay dime and soulless. Though the white veil shielded her body, Takamura knew too well that no white veil would hide the mutilation of her innocence. Under the white veil there was no inch of human resemblance left of her. Her lips cried of November's tears as the city rained once again.
"Vexors found her outside in one of the neighboring sewers on a routine Vex inspection. No clothes but only the mark on her, labs diagnostics check seems to be Death Opus same as the other five ladies on fifth and sixth sectors." the elderly man grimaced at the scene of the crime, his breath polluted with the smog of his cigar.
"He's Back isn't he, Vince?" the coroner's eyes peered to the city lights above.
Cries of November is narrative driven thriller video game set in the anti-Utopian future, depicting a cat and mouse narrative between Detective Vince Takamura as he resolves the past and reopen the his sister's murder case from fifteen years ago.
[ Idea 39 - 26/08/2016]
Minh Nguyen | Minh.ngu7004
Nothing brings fear to a competitive chef then seeing his rival cook 100 kg worth of high quality Michelin star worthy food in the mere blink of an eye, but to have them single-handedly lift and serve with the finesse of a exotic belly dancer in one go will shatter a man's dreams.
Source: Arnold Schwarzenegger on QVC: "Get to the Chopper!"
Play as Arnold Schwarzenegger in this competitive food frenzy fight, as you compete to be the best Iron Chef. Elegantly traversing the competitive kitchen like a Black Swan pivoting through the ebb and flow of fine China shop.
- Knock out your competitors behind the judges back by throwing various food items at them rendering the competition... terminated.
- Chop, crush and finely dice food items with only your bare hands for such food items as Pasta' la Vista.
- Go commando as you hunt down and roast boar over an open barbarian fire pit in various other outdoor themed culinary kitchen challenges.
- Professional communicate to your teammates as you totally recall customers orders to a high professional degree: "Put the cookie D'on" , "What'a ya' do'n', get me a Choppa *gesturing at the chopping board", "Let off some steam Bennet", "Thank you, its was ice to meet yo-" (I'll stop now)
[ Idea 38 - 25/08/2016]
Minh Nguyen | Minh.ngu7004
Source: Youtube: Node - Airsoft Minigun Juggernaut
Honor the Call! in the competitive realm of first person shooter in this Virtual Reality FPS, as you the player and your team duke it out in various competitive game modes: Capture the flag, Bomb Defuser, Juggernut, Zombie and much more.
Teams will have 3 minutes to strategical analyze and formulate approaching defenses and offenses prior the upcoming onslaught approaches. Gestures made by the player during play will present a more competitive feel, developing a more immersive and naturalistic of communication as that equivalent in world of sports profession.
Virtual Reality FPS would be an entertaining and interesting hybrid which crosses the fine boundary between electronic and physical sport as players will have to be a combination of physically skilled and intuitive of the underlying game mechanics behind such features as reloading, flashlight cool-downs and the previous mentioned way-point commands.
Though development of Virtual Reality and the equipment to support such a pitch is not readily available, in future it would be a interesting solution to not only the underlying issue revolving around the gaming community and fitness but an environmentally and cost effcient
[ Idea 37 - 24/08/2016]
Minh Nguyen | Minh.ngu7004
After the 40 years of successful photography and fruitful profession alongside the magazine company, Animal Geographic, Nigel Cornberry still itched for the next adventure. He fondly remembered him and his grandfather building boats, karts and tree houses in the fruitfulness of his youth on summer days.
Nigel with only a hacksaw, a hammer and his camera set out once more on his last and grand adventure, with his grandfathers journal Nigel set out for life down by the river.
Aspired by Wayne Adams and Catherine King, a Canadian couple who've constructed and live for past 20 years in a self sustaining floating home on the cove of Cypress Bay. Players will play as Nigel as he too begins his first steps into making his own a self sustaining home along the riverside.
What differs from Adams, King's and the player's journey is that, the setting for this Survival video game is depicted on the world's largest river, the Amazonian River. Through its many procedural generated river ways, players collect resources and continually build and develop their mobile home from drifting wood or upon lush forests that harbours along the sides of the river.
Through the narrative model of amusement park and building block methods, Players objective is to explore, adventure and jot down the wildlife and its locals along down the river. The journal and the camera acts as means of cartography and documentation of the players adventure thus far.
[ Idea 36 - 23/08/2016]
Minh Nguyen | Minh.ngu7004
MicDrop is a inbuilt tool that is aimed towards the growing Youtube community as it turns music content uploaded onto the website into a karaoke game, enabling fellow users of the website to not only sing with lyrics but to accurately practice pitch, tone and note of the songs to a more visually and precise manner.
As the Youtube compromises nearly a third of all internet users, the website has launched into 88 countries consisting of a total of 76 differing languages ( there is a large possibility that there will be users who would be interested in MicDrop to sing along to future, present and past pop culture classics that will most likely be uploaded to the website.
As well as the increase in mobile usage, the game would be able to synergize alongside Youtube's mobile app and browser feature which viewers with the attachment of inbuilt earphones will become players and sing along to their favourite jams.
[ Idea 35 - 22/08/2016]
Minh Nguyen | Minh.ngu7004
Mimic by BenWootten
Ask anyone from the highest mountains of Elderoe'n and they will tell you of their childhood dreams of being a some husking and masculine warrior who topples and leaps into hordes of orcs and goblins or to the physic defying Pyro-Mages but for Franklin, adventurer nonetheless with each and every quest he would find the same thing happening again and again.... Mimics.
The foul stench of a breathing monsteriosity have eaten his sword, his gear or even a few of his fellow adventurers! But not this time! No more! With his trousers missing and his sword half eaten, Franklin vowed on his grey beard and swore to the high gods and it was then and there Franklin became the first Vexor.
"Vexor" a versatile adventurer who defuses magical traps and handles the fine art of Mimic taming and disarming.
Franklin's Tavern: Mimicry & Magical Procurement: Is a Role playing video game where the Player plays a Franklin, a Vexor for hire as you frolic through out the world of Elderoe'n, taking part in many adventures, quests and pioneer as the world's first class Vexor whom uncovers and research the many sub-breeds of mimics and in a 3D puzzle-like fashion, how to disarm them.
[ Idea 34 - 21/08/2016]
Minh Nguyen | Minh.ngu7004
Set sail upon the high winds as you soar the high skies in this paper plane combat simulation video game.
Objective of the game is to maintain and regulate your plane from receiving damage as it soars through the air of your apartment complex as you, the player fight it out in an first person perspective of your paper plane. As with any paper plane engineers, you must find a fine balance in ensuring the combat plane is well armored and equipped with sufficient firepower whilst maintaining the correct aerodynamics to endure each run. When constructing teams as you play with friends and others online in this combat paper plane simulator, on top of the user interface to inform players of friendlies against enemies, players can attach a collection stickers onto their plane(with no contributing weight factors) to help personify each of the players planes.
Build and upgrade you plane as you see fit:
Updraft & Weight:
Though reinforcing your plane with cardboard and other materials will be a priority, variables such as updraft and weight will affect the planes speed and performance during combat flight.
Weaponry and Fire Power:
Construct elaborate and exquisite means of bludgeoning and piercing weaponry to take out enemy paper planes. From variations of rubber band firearms to the type of rubber band used will have recoil and other effects that will affect your plane as it fires as well as the struck enemy plane. Other instances such as spitball fighters to ink darts will lead to interesting competitors during war day.
[ Idea 33 - 20/08/2016]
Minh Nguyen | Minh.ngu7004
Source: | Gif Made with
Film: ShangHai Noon directed by Tom Dey
Aspired by the tradition of Native American sport, "Lacrosse", Enter the CrowLands is a online mass multiplayer, virtual reality video game that takes place in America 1100AD where 5 tribes compete in the annual rite of passage.
This Rite of passage is considered a seize and control territory map of gaming with exception that each section of the map has its on play e.g Capture the flag, defend and attack in which the 5 tribes compete to seize the particular area of the map as their own.
As the game's environmental settings are of the 1100AD, players will only have a few classes to select from and minimum sophisticated tools tomahawks, lassos and bows to co-ordinate their assault. This emphasizes more on communication. What makes this game more intriguing is there will be neutral parties such as the wildlife such as, bears, mountain lions, hives that roam map areas and will defend themselves from any player that dares to come to close. Tribe leaders, leading the tribe in these particular maps should keep note of the wildlife as it may make or break the assault or defense.
- Take Down animations: Tomahawk throws, Tree grapples and ledge takedowns
- Communication: Animal cries to Smoke Signals in combination with user interface to express what each call means: "Retreat! Mother bear!" , "Little Flower, Taking control point"
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