Submissions by Minh.Ngu7004 tagged tinymountain

[ Idea 33 - 20/08/2016]
Minh Nguyen | Minh.ngu7004

Source: | Gif Made with
Film: ShangHai Noon directed by Tom Dey

Aspired by the tradition of Native American sport, "Lacrosse", Enter the CrowLands is a online mass multiplayer, virtual reality video game that takes place in America 1100AD where 5 tribes compete in the annual rite of passage.

This Rite of passage is considered a seize and control territory map of gaming with exception that each section of the map has its on play e.g Capture the flag, defend and attack in which the 5 tribes compete to seize the particular area of the map as their own.

As the game's environmental settings are of the 1100AD, players will only have a few classes to select from and minimum sophisticated tools tomahawks, lassos and bows to co-ordinate their assault. This emphasizes more on communication. What makes this game more intriguing is there will be neutral parties such as the wildlife such as, bears, mountain lions, hives that roam map areas and will defend themselves from any player that dares to come to close. Tribe leaders, leading the tribe in these particular maps should keep note of the wildlife as it may make or break the assault or defense.

- Take Down animations: Tomahawk throws, Tree grapples and ledge takedowns
- Communication: Animal cries to Smoke Signals in combination with user interface to express what each call means: "Retreat! Mother bear!" , "Little Flower, Taking control point"