This enemy chases after the player, occasionally pausing and rushing, just like in the original One Room Dungeon.

It's easy to deal with when it is alone, but in large groups, Ghosts can become a serious threat.

Today I created the movement code and implemented the art I drew a couple days ago. There is no collision detection or defeat state for Ghosts and the player, as you can see in the attached GIF. Maybe tomorrow.

saluk9 years ago

I love the ghosts umadbro chase face :)

Make games.

Work on some aspect of a game, let's say 5 days a week.

daily from 2015-01-25 to 2016-01-25

"One Room Dungeon" remake

Remaking my Ludum Dare game "One Room Dungeon" one day at a time.

daily from 2015-01-27 to 2015-02-28