Equations from a class I'm taking. Seriously

Michael10 years ago

The equations aren't directly related. They are, from left to right, the state transition formula for a non-deterministic Turing machine (NTM), a convoluted definition of big-O, and a NTM transition as a conjunctive normal form clause.

a_baez10 years ago

Scratch that. Can't be a hamiltonian. *ugh* Too tired to use brain. So it now could be some quasi matrix approaching a functional transform for delta, A surface time independent motion for O(), and a component expansion of H, Q, and S.

a_baez10 years ago

For whatever reason, I'm thinking you solving a physics problem by using a hamiltonian with normalization of potential. It's either that or time independent normal distribution of some surface.

This is going to eat me, in my sleep, trying to figure what. -_-

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It looks better when smaller, tiled, and translucent

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Poor Pore Pour. Thanks English

Slightly creepy obey avatar for the löve forums

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'cause that's not creepy

Missed yesterday, which is sad, because now I start my streak from zero :(

Trying a new style. My fire's got issues. Using MyPaint

Don't know if this can rightly be called art...

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