The Infection is a strategy game where you are the zombie apocalypse that is sweeping over the world. You start the game in control of one zombie, and must work to spread the infection to all areas of the world. To do this, you have to send your zombie around and have it bite people. People that you bite are then turned into zombies, and you get to control them as well.

You can control individual zombies, or select a group of zombies and control them as a horde. Your goal in the game is to convert every human in the entire world into a zombie. You will achieve this by building up large hordes of zombies and sending them to other continents, and spreading the infection there. You can create different types of zombies that have different strengths and weaknesses, and must use these effectively.

It's not as easy as it seems though, as the humans will fight back. They will send their armies to try to counter your hordes that you need to wipe out, and set up safe houses that you need large numbers to conquer. The humans will change their tactics every game, so that each one is different, and real time reaction is necessary to winning.

You need to make sure that you play your numbers correctly and position your hordes of minions well in order to take over the world. You win if you do this, and lose if the humans wipe you out. This game is about planning and real time strategy, and will appeal to gamers who enjoy this genre.


More submissions by chrisstone for MDS GDV110 - 'One Game a Day' Assignment

In your nightmare you stand at the crossroads, haunted by the dead and the living, by the memories and dreams. If only you could wake up. You know that the salvation of daytime lies at the end of the road, and so it is there you must go.

Dread Road is a horror game in which the only objective is to make it to the end of the street that you are walking on. The game is set In the dead of a moonless night, and you start at the beginning of the road with nothing but a flashlight to help you. To complete Dread Road, you will have to follow the street until the end, which will take a while as it is very long, but you will be plagues by horrors at every twist and turn along the way.

There will be jump scares very often, with things popping out at you and a soundtrack of jolting strings. You will hear the sound of a chainsaw, and turn back to find you are being chased by a bloody killer. No sooner are you done outrunning him that monstrous figures start leaping at you through the bushes, ready to cut you up. If a creature gets a hold of you, you will die, so you must make sure you're always a step ahead. The game will try to scare you into quitting, making you wish you hadn't picked up that controller, and you have to not let that happen.

Getting to the end of the game is easy, you must simply outrun your demons and your nightmares, and not lose your courage along the way.


Once every five years, the most famous and dangerous Assassin guilds send their best members to take part in a competition to prove who the strongest guild around is.

Assassins Online is a first person, skill based multiplayer arena game, similar to games like Call of Duty, except for the fact that instead of soldiers with guns, all players are Assassins that fight with knives and traps.

In this game, there are several different types of assassins that players can choose from to play. From a more stealth based type that rely on point blank one-shots to kill their enemies, to more technical fighters who set mines and tripwires.

Before the game starts, each player can choose a type of assassin to play as, equip it with various types of equipment, and then fight in a free-for-all in one of a variety of arenas. Games last for around five minutes, and ends only when the timer runs out. Players are awarded experience based on how well they performed.

Assassins online is all about mind-gaming and out-skilling your opponents, in order to prove yourself as the best assassin around.


To the Stars is a platform game that follows the story of Robert the Rabbit, who dreams of journeying into space. Since he's a rabbit, and can't really become and astronaut, the only way Robert can make it to the stars is by jumping. And jump he will. You guide Robert on his climb into space, by moving him from platform to platform, ever upwards into space.

There will be different platforms along the way, some that will help you, like bouncy platforms that give you a high jump, and some that may hinder you, like falling platforms that crumble when you land on them. There will be enemies as well, that you have to either avoid, or jump on to defeat. Enemies will try to stop your progress, by either shooting you, or throwing bombs, or dropping things from above.

You start the game with three health, and can find extra health along the way in the form of heart shaped pick-ups. If you take damage from enemies or from dangerous platforms, you lose one health, and upon losing all of your health, you will reset back to the beginning of the game, or the last checkpoint that you reached. Checkpoints will be found throughout the journey, at which points your game will be saved. If you leave the game and come back later, you will start from the last checkpoint you reached.

The game is completed once you jump your way into space, and ends with Robert being among the stars, as was him lifelong dream. This is a game for casual players and hardcore alike. It will appeal to casual players with it's unique art style and happy story, and appeals to hardcore players who want to test their skill by completing the game as fast as possible.


Take Down the Titans is an online multiplayer game where the only objective is to progress through a series of levels consisting only of boss (Titan) fights. Each level contains one boss fight that players will have to team up to defeat, and its own unique environment that can be interacted with, by players and bosses alike. Each boss is unique, with its own attack patterns, and an AI that allows it to react to the players movements and attacks. Only once you defeat the boss, may you progress to the next level.

Players can have up to five characters (save slots) active at a time, each one of their own creation. When creating a character, players can choose from a number of classes and races that each give unique abilities and passive effects. They can customize runes that give special bonuses, and select an arsenal of weapons to fight with. Each character will have a special role to fill when fighting the bosses, whether it be supporting, tanking or damaging. Each of these roles must be played well and effectively, which takes skill and teamwork, two qualities that are necessary to beat bosses. Bosses will drop loot, including runes and weapons, when they are slain, that can be split up between party members, making you stronger as you progress.

Players can start a lobby, and party up with friends or match with other players online in order to tackle a level (only if every player has unlocked that level). If they fail to kill the boss, they can attempt it again, or disband and try with a different group, and if they beat the boss, they can choose to go to the next level. Players can also attempt to take on a boss solo, which is extremely hard to do at early levels, and basically impossible at higher levels, and is not recommended.

This game is about teaming up and working with other players to tackle very difficult boss fights, that require skill, timing and cooperation to complete.


Sick of paying those ridiculous fees and using all that effort and energy to go to the theme parks and ride on roller coasters. If you said yes, then this game is perfect for you! Roller Coaster Engineer is a sandbox game that lets you build roller coasters to your hearts content.

You have an area of land and unlimited supplies, and with these you can build whatever kind of roller coaster you want. Whether you want a little kiddie ride, or a crazy coaster that only the most daring of thrill seekers would ride, it is up to you. Any wacky design, or even dangerous ones are permitted, so long as you are prepared to face the consequences. Once you have built a roller coaster, you can decorate the land around it and edit the views in the distance to create a more immersive ride.

After the ride is complete, you get to test it. This game has oculus rift support, so instead of just watching it from the screen, you can actually get into one of the carts and experience the ride you made from a first person perspective inside the game world! Featuring high quality graphics and sounds, you will get all the thrill of riding a roller coaster without even leaving your desk! Perfect for all of the introverts out there.

You can upload your creations so that other players can try out the rides that you designed. Players can rate other rides, so the best ones can be given credit and be put on display.

For all the players who want to ride roller coasters but can't be bothered getting to the amusement parks, and for players who enjoy sandbox games and the creative freedom it gives.


Death Maze is a 3D platformer game for phone and tablets, where you have to guide a ball through a maze using the gyroscope to control its movements. To get through the maze, you will have to get past obstacles like spiked floors, moving death traps and moving platforms. You can rotate the phone a full 360 degrees to move the ball in any direction you choose.

This game is meant to be super difficult, like Super Meat Boy kind of difficult, but it can easily become addictive, like those kind of games can. The only controls other than the gyroscopic movement is a jump, which can be executed by tapping the screen. Using only these two movement mechanics, you must successfully make it from the start to the finish of each level. Levels get progressively harder, and only the most hard core players will be able to finish the game and all of its content.

There will also be a feature where you get to make your own levels, play them, and share them with the community. You will be able to place the platforms yourself, or start with a template level, and decorate it with all the obstacles you wish.

This game is for players who like games similar to Super Meat Ball, and appreciate the challenge of it.


King of the Disco is a 3D comedy dancing game, in which you must dance your heart out to please the crowd and a table of judges and be awarded the title of Disco King. You are getting ready to go on stage when you suddenly feel weak and numb. You stumble, and catch a glimpse of your arch-nemesis, Edward Van Tootenshclaff, smirking over in the corner. He spiked my drink! you realise. Even though your legs are wobbly and you've lost feeling in your arms, you know you must perform. The show must go on.

Now you have to control your movements and perform your best dance moves, even in your sorry state. To do this, you have to separately move each limb with your mouse. To switch between limbs, you use the W, A, S, and D keys, each one enables a different limb. Once you have selected a limb, you can hold and drag the mouse to move it. Because you are in a sort of rag-doll state, pulling on one arm too hard might pull you over completely, so you have to balance your movements very carefully.

If you manage to pull of some sweet moves, the crowd will cheer you on, and the judges will become more impressed, each of these conditions awarding you points. To be crowned King of the Disco, you have to perform a number of dance routines, which you have to complete with the required amount of points. Every couple of levels you will face a 'boss' in the form of a dance battle. To pass these, you will have to successfully copy the opponents dance moves. The final boss is Mr Van Tootenshclaff himself, and if you beat him, you win the game and are given the title of Disco King. As well as story mode, there will be a free play mode in which to practice your moves.

This game is for players who are looking for a game to entertain them for a while. This game, while humorous, is pretty difficult to play, so it can appeal to both casual and hardcore players alike.

This game has a similar concept, with having to control all limbs individually.


"The Murder of Jerry Goodman" is about a cop, Jerry Goodman, who gets called to the scene of a murder, only to find that the victim of the killing is himself. Though it is clearly his body, nobody around him seems to realise that the person standing with them and the person lying dead on the ground beside them are one and the same. The cop requests to be put in charge if the investigation, in order to figure out what is going on.

Playing as Jerry Goodman, you must solve the mystery of this murder by researching into your own past, which you thought you knew well. But as it turns out, everything you thought you knew was a lie. You come to discover that some greater evil is at work here, and it is up to you to find out what it is and how to set things right. You do this by talking to people, researching into records and visiting locations to look for clues.

This is an indie mystery game that appeals to casual players looking for a unique, story driven experience.


Battle of the Bots is a game where you battle against other players with remote controlled robots, based on the TV series robot wars. You start the game with a basic Bot, and use it to fight other players or AI in an arena, in either a team death match, free for all, or tournament mode.

Playing games wins you money, which can be spent upgrading your robot with different weapons and armour and special abilities. These upgrades will make your Bot more powerful and more competitive as you climb the ranks.

You spectate the game on the side-line, controlling the robot from a top down view with either a controller or mouse and keyboard. In the tournament mode, you can compete against other players around your rank, and earn massive rewards like rare robot parts and money. There is also a betting system, where you can place bets using in game money on friends and on tournament results to try and further increase your bank.

This game is for players who like to watch games as much as they play, and also for players who love competitive online games.


Bomb Squad is a party game for Xbox Kinect, where you and up to four other players try to disarm a bomb. To do this, you and the other players have to take turns cutting the 10 wires that are inside the bomb. You cut a wire by swiping it with your hand. All the wires are different colours, and a random one in each bomb will set it off.

You and the other players win if you can cut all the wires except the random trigger wire, which will successfully disarm the bomb. If you win, all players gain points. Obviously this is extremely unlikely, so for each bomb that goes off, every person gets points except the one who cut the trigger wire. At the beginning of the game, players decide on the how many rounds to play, each round being one bomb. After all the rounds, the player with the most points is the overall winner.

This game plays sort of like roulette, where the excitement of the game comes from the tension of the game, because there is always the possibility that you are going to cut the trigger wire. Intended for audiences of all ages.


Guild Crusades is a MMO RPG about battling among guilds. When you start a new character, you can choose a race and a starting guild to be a part of. Each guild is of a different class, so there is a guild of assassins, guild of warriors, guild of mages etc. Each class can be built a different way, so that the parties within your guild are unique. For example, you can build a tank mage, or an agile warrior.

You can do quests with other players of that guild in an open world, or tackle tough dungeons. But along the way, you will run into parties from other guilds in which case you can do battle. The combat is similar to other MMO RPGs, with a heavy focus on spell casting rather than hack and slash. Winning guild vs guild battles, as well as completing quests will earn your guild points, and each guild is ranked based on points.

You can climb the ranks in your guild by collecting points yourself, and even become the Guild Master. Alternatively you can join leave your guild and join a new one, which will change your class. If you want to, you can attempt to infiltrate another guild, and bring it down from the inside, giving players a lot of opportunities to wreak havoc in the game world.

This game is about a constant online battle between different factions, for the players who like MMO RPGs, and enjoy the PVP side of these games. For PC.


Escape the Maze is a first person online action game, where you and other players attempt to escape an ever changing maze. There can be anywhere between 5 and 10 players in a match, and all of the players start in the middle of the map. The winner of the match is the person that escapes the maze first, but there is a second and third place for the next two players to escape. Once the first three players exit the maze, the match is over.

In this game, the map is your enemy. It will twist and turn, the walls changing randomly every few seconds. There is no map to guide you, so you have to find other ways to find your way out. There are also dangerous traps and creatures that will try to hunt you down as you run through the maze, which can kill you. If you die, you respawn at the center of the map, or the nearest checkpoint.

The maze is not the only enemy though, as you are fighting against all the other players who are trying to escape before you. You can decide whether to team up with fellow players or your friends, or to tackle the task alone. At the beginning of the match you are equipped only with a knife, but scattered throughout the maze are weapons that you can pick up, including various types of guns.

This game is for players who love FPS games and online games in general. Developed for PC and consoles.


You are RocketMan, the main event of the Circus, and the reason that all the people come to see it. Your act has you launched from a cannon and shot far into the air, where you fly as long as possible. You wear a special suit that allows you to somewhat control the path of your flight. There are obstacles that are put up that you must dodge as a part of the show, as well as rings to fly through.

You can only stay in the air for a short amount of time (around 1 minute), and in that time you have to get the most amount points you can. To get points, you must please the crowd, by dodging and flying through hoops and doing tricks in midair like flips and poses. If you fail to dodge an obstacle or hit the side of a ring or fail a trick, you can crash land, which will end the stunt and disappoint the crowd. Luckily, since you are the only attraction that people actually like, they will allow you to fail a million times before they want to watch another act.

Once, you complete an act, you can attempt more difficult ones. There will be about 20 different acts that you can unlock and attempt, or alternatively you can go into free play mode. Free play mode allows you to fly forever, collecting as many points as possible, and only losing if you would fail the act. There is a high score table on free play mode that allows you to compare your score with other players around the world.

This is a first person arcade game developed for PC, with Oculus Rift support.


'War Commander' is a medieval war simulation game. You have to control your army and fight against other player's. You decide how to position your troops, how to use your war machines, and where to spend your resources. Before that battle begins, you select the troops and war machines that you want (you have limitations on each class of troop), and position them how you want.

Once the horn sounds, your army marches. You have to tell the archers when to fire and what type of arrows to use, and the same for the troops manning the catapults and ballistas. You have to control how to position the swordsmen and the horse riders, and show them where to attack. Basically, you take on the role of the commander and have to strategically plan your battle in order to win against the opponent.

You can play online against another player, or vs a bot. You win a match by destroying all of the opponents troops, but either player can choose to surrender if you know you are going to lose. Playing matches grants you Experience, which can be spent on upgrading your equipment or training your troops.

This game is for players who are fans of RTS and simulation games, and is for PC, consoles and tablets.


Mallopoly is a simulation game where you get to build and manage a mall from the ground up. You start with a certain amount of money and an area of land, and get to control and oversee the construction of the building. The bigger and better you build it, the more money it will cost, so you have to be good at managing your money.

During the development, you can choose what shops you will have in your mall, and where to position them. To help you decide which shops to make, you can look at the interests of people in the town you are building in. Again, you will have to be wary of which shops you choose, as the bigger ones will cost more money.

The aim of this game is to build the biggest and best mall that you can, and get huge amounts of customers and make a massive profit. To do this, you have to manage your resources and money carefully, and use strategic planning in order to attract business.

This game is for players who like any of the other tycoon games, and simulation games in general. Developed for PC.


You are a child of the forest, having been born and raised by the trees themselves. The forest is a mystical place, rich with the flow of magic, but now a threat approaches. The humans have come, seeking to bring down your home, and in doing so destroy the magic that brings life to the forest. And with them come the Omens of Death, creatures of darkness that drain the energy of things around them. Now, it is your job to stop them in any way you can.

Child of the Forest is a first person story-driven RPG, in which you play as Wym, who is trying to stop the humans and the dark Omens from destroying his home. The game is split into chapters; in each one the forest becomes darker and the enemies stronger.

The humans will come in their hundreds, with their great machines of destruction, and cut down the trees that are your family. They will not come any further than the edge of the forest, but if left alone, they will start their killing, and they will move inwards as the trees start to fall. To stop them, you must either frighten them off, or kill them.

There are many different ways to go about doing this. You can collect ingredients from the forest to make weapons or bombs, and engage the humans in combat. You can harness the magic of the trees to shut off their machines. But as mentioned, the humans are not the only threat.

The Omens of Death will roam the forest, slowly taking the life away from the creatures of the forest. You must also kill them, by using the weapons and tools you make. Each one you kill will make you and the life force of the forest stronger, which makes it easier to fight against the humans. You are not alone in your quest however, as you can employ the help of animals, who will fight for you, collect for you and scout for you.

The thing that will keep players entertained in this game is the movement. There are many different ways to get around the forest. You can run along the ground, climb trees and jump from branch to branch, swing between vines. This provides a fun and fast way to move around the environment.

This game is for casual players who will love the movement mechanics and the exploration of the environment as well as those who like a good narrative.


Master of Duels is a first person sword fighting game, where you have complete control over the way you use your weapon. In this game, you play 1 vs 1 against either an online opponent or a bot, and fight to the death in a fencing style single combat.

You control your character's movement using the W, A, S and D keys, and use the mouse to look around, the same sort of controls you would usually find in a typical first person game. When you hold left click (for normal attack) or right click (for a strong attack), you enter the attack phase. Once in the attack phase, you can move your mouse in the direction you want to attack to swing your sword instead of looking around. The attack phase lasts until you release your mouse. For example. You hold down left click and move your mouse down and right, you will swing your sword down and right.

If you press e, you can parry an attack from your opponent, but the timing has to be on point, because there is only a small space of time where the parry will actually block the attack. This type of combat allows complete control over how you use your sword, meaning that this game is 100% skill based, and rewards players with good reaction times who are dedicated to practising this game.

Each player starts with a full health bar, and the winner of the match is whoever gets the opponent's health to 0 first. Each game you play will grant you experience which goes towards your overall level, and to make matchmaking fair, you will only be matched against people the same level as you.

There will be a ranked mode as well as casual, so that you can test your skill in a serious environment and attempt to climb to the top of the ladder and become a master of duels! Available on PC, as well as consoles and Wii.

The pic above shows a similar concept, but not quite the same aesthetics as Master of Duels will have.


James is a cheeky young lad who lives in a hotel with his parents. He likes to create mischief around the place, causing trouble for the staff and guests alike. One thing he likes to do the most though is try to steal food from the kitchens. This is his favourite hobby because it is a real challenge, and he has been caught many a time by the grumpy chef. Now the chef is extra vigilant, and ready to catch him if he tries to come back. This is where you must help.

In Kitchen Thief, you control James as he attempts to steal more food from the hotel kitchen. You will start at the kitchen entrance, and navigate through the 2D room, looking from a top down view, to steal the food that will be on one of the benches. Not only do you have to collect the food, but you have to escape with it as well. The head chef will be on the lookout though, so you must stay out of his vision otherwise you will fail the level.

Each time the chef loses some of his food to you, he will become more vigilant, his line of sight and the frequency of his kitchen checks increasing per level. As well as this, he will rearrange his kitchen every level so that he can see you more easily. He will even get some of the other chefs to help him look out for you in some of the later levels.

To stay out of sight, you will have to crawl between and behind the benches and trays that are in the kitchen, timing your movements carefully around the movement of the chef. And be careful not to make too much sound!


In Defender of the Cosmos, you can either be the last salvation for our Galaxy, or you are the force that seeks to destroy it. Defender of the Cosmos is a two player tower defense game, where one player controls the towers, and the other controls the horde of aliens that are attempting to pass.

The player defending has access to a wide array of tool, most in the form of satellites bearing giant weapons that are capable of destroying enemy space crafts. There will also be small moons that you can place in certain areas on the map, which can be used to activate special abilities.

The player attacking has access to numerous types of enemy space ships, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Some carry weapons that can take down the defenses, or special equipment that can temporarily shut off some of the defender's structures.

Each player has a starting pool of coins which they can use to buy towers in the case of the defender, and ships in the case of the attacker. Players will get coins for each round they pass, as well as for taking down enemy units.

Defender of the Cosmos looks to revolutionise tower defense games by giving the role of the attacker to a player rather than the computer, making this game an epic battle of strategy as you attempt to either save or destroy the galaxy!


You are a veteran basketball coach, having competed at the highest level as the head of multiple organisations, bringing great success to all of the teams you were involved in. Now you have retired from the professional scene, and are looking to coach high school development teams.

You weren't expecting much when you were introduced to your new team, but as soon as you saw them play, you realised it would be a near impossible task to make decent players out of this lot. You're pretty sure your grandma could beat them one on five. Nonetheless, you are determined to try.

In I'll Make a Team out of You, you are responsible for training the players you have been given, and turning them into a competitive squad. You train the players by clicking on them; the more you click, the harder you work them, and the better they get. As they get better, you earn experience points that can be spent to simulate games. Simulated games earn experience for the whole team, and winning will advance your team's rating.

The objective of this game is to get the highest rating possible, and you can only do this by clicking as much as you can. Good Luck!


MDS GDV110 - 'One Game a Day' Assignment

Media Design School's GDV110 students come up with a game idea a day.

daily from 2015-07-21 to 2015-09-11