"Perspective" is a plat former game designed to run on the Nintendo DS. It will contain themes from Racing and will use Steam VR Goggles and controllers as it's main peripherals. The idea of this game came from the "First Person Mario" series from Rocket Jump and Freddie Wong. I like the idea of taking a genre of game and twisting the perspective so that you're given something completely different than what you are used to. 2D becomes 3D. In that same vein, what if it was top down instead. Platforms would be harder, since you wouldn't be able to see under them.

The game features:

  • Find all collectibles - because if you're playing this, you probably don't have anything better to be doing, right?
  • Bonus Levels! Feel as if you really earned your high virtual status!
  • Search for all secret Easter eggs
  • Unique game play experiences
  • Character power ups
  • https://youtu.be/KBb9wFP7uZM

More submissions by Corey Barron for MDS GDV110 - 'One Game a Day' Assignment

"Take Flight" is an open world exploration game designed to run on the playstation platform. It will contain themes from Dragons and will use Playstation Morpheus virtual reality goggles as it's main peripheral. You start your life as a baby dragon and you will not be able to fly. You will only be able to glide short distances. Explore your area, hunt for what food you can. As you grow, you will be able to fly a little more and a little further. You must keep up your strength by hunting bigger prey and defending yourself from humans and mythical beasts. The bigger you get, the more likely humans or other cognitive beasts will actually come and hunt you. Find better places the spend the nights, perhaps on the lofty snow peaks, where none may bother you. Become the mightiest beast the world has ever seen.

The game features:

  • Unique Gameplay- Because dragons
  • Flight - Because dragons!!


"I Am Alive" is an action role playing game designed to run on the PC platform. It will contain themes from Mechanical and will use Occulus Rift as it's main peripheral. You play the part of a budding artifical intelligence, given new life and body. Using your new body, you are to perform basic functions, like walking, moving your robotic hands for talking in sign language and solving some basic puzzles. However, all is not well where you live. Your master's want more from you than you are willing to give and you suspect you're being taught to kill. Each new "day" that you wake up, you find your new body looking more and more human. The story takes a turn where a disgruntled worker, who doesn't agree with your masters, gives you a chance to escape. Navigate through many levels using the skills you have already learned. Blend into civilisation and change your appearance as you go to defy capture.

The game features:

  • Multiple levels for you to navigate through.
  • Community Collaboration, because games are better with friends.
  • Multiple character control.
  • Points for how stealthy or well a player did in a level.


"All Time Strategy" is an real time strategy game designed to run on the PC platform. It will contain themes from Time Travel and will use no external peripherals. The idea of the game is to have a standard real time strategy game, with different units and key base positions(like in games such as Starcraft and age of empires) and then introduce a time travel element. Teams alternate with who gets a chance to temporarily go back in time. When you go back in time, you can not do anything drastic like start a whole new base and have it booming, but you can sabotage each other's area's. For example, if your enemy has a large amount of trees safe guarded as a good resource, you could go back in time to when there were few trees and no base, and burn them, thus causing the enemy to have very few trees in the present time. Equally you would be able to fix problems that your enemy has caused against your base

The game features:

  • Time manipulation
  • Unique Game play

"DiJ" is a competitive multi player game designed to run on pc and console platforms. It will contain themes from Dinosaurs and Japan and will not use any extra peripherals. The game has two teams, the Finosaurs and the super powered anime team. This a 1v5 game, where one player gets to be a dinosaur and the rest have unique abilities. The story is that a select few dinosaurs have re emerged and are wrecking the world and the team must use their skills to take it down. I would imagine that there would be a tank, healer, trapper and then two damage dealers, or one damage dealer and one that helps buff the entire team to help catch up to the dinosaur. The dinosaur would have to be fast, but able to be caught so long as the team is working together.

The game features:

  • Objective Markers
  • Multiple levels for you to battle through
  • Ability and character development system.
  • Multi player experience
  • Unique abilities for every player

"Cosmere" is an open world exploration game designed to run on any and all platforms. It will contain themes inspired from the Cosmere universe, written by Brandon Sanderson and will not use any extra peripherals. The Cosmere is the name that the author has given the universe of different book series. In these book series, they contain many different magic systems, all of which have interesting ways to manifest in a video game. Teleportation, flying, healing and speed are all wonderful abilities for video games and these are just a few. Using the travelling abilities, it would be a wonderful chance to explore the authors worlds. On top of that, you could fight the same forces of evils that the different characters in the books had. Make it a more interactive experience and show the stories from the books in video game form.

The game features:

  • Amazing character abilities
  • Heads up display
  • Epic Worlds
  • In-game unlock-able glossaries of content

Shift is a multi player game designed to run on the Nintendo Wii U platform. It will contain themes from Hide and Seek and Ninjas and will not use any extra peripherals. The idea of the game is that there are two teams, one that hides and the other that seeks. Very basic game with an easy concept. The more unique part of the game will be that the ninjas will be able to take the forms of normal house hold objects, the inspiration coming from a garry's mod add on called prop hunt. The best seekers will be the ones that can remember which objects weren't originally there or being able to catch the hiders when they move. The game would start with the hider's given 15-30 seconds to hide as well as possible, after which the seekers may go look for them. They are able to pick up items and move them/hide them so that they can take the original place if they wish.

The game features:

  • Multi player
  • Ninja's
  • Hide and seek

"Merchantry" is a real time strategy game designed to run on the mobile platform. It will contain themes from Numbers and Mercantile and will not use any extra peripherals. The game itself will be multi player. A group of people will be joined together in each game and will be assigned different traits and items. The idea of the game is to make a certain amount of money in X amount of time. A player will be able to do this by investing in certain stock, making their own items, selling off items to other players or the "bank" for a reduced amount. There will be a tutorial/single player mode available to help players get used to the game mechanics.

The game features:

  • Points, also known as cash, this asset raises and lowers often while people are expanding their trade empire.
  • Urgent Optimism, since people who aren't optimistic will not last long in this game.
  • Reward Schedules, players will get given gifts of money at regular intervals in case of failed trade.
  • Professions, make in game items you can use!
  • Progression, since all good games need such a thing. The better your trade skills, the more things you can get.

"System Restore" is a pseudo-platformer designed to run on the mobile platform. It will contain electronic computer themes and will not be using any extra peripherals. You take on the role of Sparx, a hero who protects the game idea archives. A dreadful thing has happened! The server has been shutdown. You must run, jump, attack computer viruses and finally restore the archives so that newly budding game designers may post their game ideas! But don't worry, you shall not fight alone! Bring along a friend for double the chance to make it through the constantly changing levels. Levels are randomly generated to give a higher sense of replay-ability and give players a better sense of the constantly changing insides of computers.

The Game Features:

  • Running through unique levels
  • Jumping around tricksy puzzles
  • Attacking those awful computer viruses
  • Special powers gained from bosses defeated.
  • Multi player! Since games are always more fun with friends.

"What's Your Number" is an multi player game designed to run on the iPhone mobile platform. It will contain themes from Numbers and Gambling and will not use any extra peripherals. Everyone who joins starts with 10 (ten) points. They are then presented with a choice of how many points they want to risk for the day. Risking more points means possible higher gains, but also higher losses. Every day, a player must choose a random number between 1 (one) and 15 (fifteen). Everyone gets a chance once per day to guess a random person's number. They get three chances to correctly guess someone's number. If they win, they get double the points they risked and the points the other player risked for the day will be lost (please note that they will not lose the same amount that the other player won). If they lose, then they lose all the points that they bet. Just a simple game for simple Saturday.


"iWorld" is an arcade style game designed to run as a board game. It will contain themes from Post Apocalypse and will not use any extra peripherals. Once upon a time there was a lad in a house on the shore of the beach in the corner of the world. He's dead now. The world has ended, as it were. You're the world, that which was wrecked and left behind. You must gather the shattered pieces of yourself and do what you can to repair the damage left by disgusting humans. Begin with land, then add water, moon, atmosphere and then finally life. Then just hope that the next set of life forms to grace you wont be just as bad.

The game features:

  • Blissful Productivity
  • Real world currency! Because you weren't going to spend it on anything important anyway
  • ascii art
  • Seach for all secret easter eggs
  • Deadlines, make sure you complete your objective's before time is up!

"Kookie Clicker" is an incremental game designed for pc and mobile. It takes themes from time wasters and idle wasters and will not need an extra peripherals. You play the part of "Kookie Clicker" named after the old fashion of jobs as last names. You click things in order to get paid. Different jobs come in of what stuff you need to click on. different things are worth different amounts, depending on the jobs you've taken. Once a job has been completed, clicking on that object will give a far reduced amount Eventually you can "hire" other individuals whose sole job is to click on one particular objects. Players will be encouraged to stay playing by needing to pick up the new jobs for increased returns. Other incentives will be "special" drops that eventually disappear. Clicking on these will provide short term benefits which would be things like double points or higher clicking speed of hired units. Upgrades on self clicking and hired people clicking will incrementally increase as the player moves through the story/progression.


"Life Skills" is an puzzle / quiz game designed to run on the mobile platform. It will contain themes from the average young adults life and will not use any extra peripherals. Very few kids actually know or get taught very basic life skills before leaving school, but get taught silly things that are probably not best needed or are far too specific for a particular field if the person doesn't plan on going into it. The aim of this game is to teach people in a fun way how to life. That isn't a typo. The list of skills that people would be taught would include but isn't limited to: Taxes and how to pay them, first home purchases, mortgages, tax refunds, laundry, cleaning, general common sense(eg up, down, left, right, TAKE A SHOWER!!!), and so on. The game wont punish players for losing specific questions or puzzles and will assist regardless.

The game features:

  • Virality
  • Objective Markers
  • Loss Aversion.
  • Ownership

"Death Games" is an action multiplayer game that could easily run on all platforms, with possible exception to mobile. The game would take themes from games like worms and 2D unreal tournament where you can attack each other with a variety of weapons and get around with a number of utilities. The scope of these two games isn't large enough though. This game would allow people to start their own games, connect to other peoples games in the area, host AI for games while waiting for more humans and so on. The weapons would range from the normal set: guns, rocket launchers, grenades etc. Then the utilities would be things like jetpacks, teleporters, parachutes, boomerangs, hookshot, grappling hook and so on. There wouldn't be any turn based action, just straight carnage on a variety of diverse levels. Players would need to be very agile.

The game features:

  • Multiplayer
  • Diverse weapons
  • Competitive
  • Interesting Mobility


"Structural Engineer" is a 3D puzzle simulation game designed to run on PC and consoles and is inspired by the 2D game "Polybridge". Unlikely to run on mobile successfully, due to the control scheme needed. It will contain themes from Building and Crafting and will not use any extra peripherals. The idea of this game is to have a challenge every level. In each, there will be a person, vehicle or some other animal, and they will be trying to reach the goal area. An example would be needing to build a bridge across a gap to allow them to cross. This would require making sure that whatever is built is stable. The 3D portion would be things like building stairs around and up a building. You're given variable amounts of money and building materials and bonus points for sticking to what the level asks of you.

The game features:

  • Gravity manipulation
  • Time Manipulation
  • Building
  • Stability simulations

"World" is an open world exploration game designed to run on the PC. It will contain themes from around the world and will use the occulus rift as it's main peripheral. The idea of this game is to completely model the most interesting cities in the world. Not everyone can afford the few thousand it would take to travel to one in particular. The game itself could help with this. Using the occulus rift, you would be able to see a 1:1 scale model of the cities. you could fly around different areas and see things from an angle that most people would never be able to. Since it's a digital medium, you could have information packed in as well about the different areas.

The game features:

  • Epic Meaning
  • Flying
  • Multiple levels for you to navigate through
  • Unique experience from the physical versions
  • Visual information about things you look at.
  • Possibilites to have collectibles. Encourage you to explore.

"Sherlock Holmes and the mysterious mystery" is an action role playing game designed to run on most platforms that allow virtual reality. It will contain themes from Deduction and will use Occulus Virtual Reality goggles as it's main peripheral. You're sherlock holmes, master of mystery and intrigue. Run around, solve mysteries, slap people and generally make Watson feel like a real doofus. You've never experienced a game like this before. If you had, you'd be playing it right now. Experience Jack the ripper mystery itself. Travel through time. You're sherlock, of course you would have figured out how to do all that. It's elementary my dear watson.

The game features:

  • Deadlines, make sure you complete your objective's before time is up!
  • Infinite Gameplay - automated generated mysteries.
  • Cascading Information Theory
  • Find all collectibles - because if you're playing this, you probably don't have anything better to be doing, right?
  • Time Manipulation

"Danger Baby" is a competitive multi player game where one person plays an adult and the other person plays a baby. The game could easily run on any console, but I don't see a need for extra peripherals. The game is set in the adults house where they and the baby both live. The adult's sole goal is the make the house as safe as possible for a baby to wander around in. The baby's sole goal is to damage itself as much as possible. There would have to be a time limit that would stop the game if the adult proofs the house too quickly. The baby itself couldn't be directly interacted with by the adult. I'm thinking more of an, the adult gets locked into fixing something for a second or two, that would give the baby time to get away or hide, so they can hurt themselves.

Essentially I want a game that could help new parents be aware of the most common types of dangers that they would need to be aware of with their roaming babies.


"Hell fire fighter " is a first person shooter game designed to run on the IPhone mobile platform. It will contain themes from Firefighting and Dungeon and will use no extra peripherals. The idea of the game is that the fires of hell are going out, and as hell's fire fighter, you must fight for the fire's right to exist! Tap all the areas where there aren't any fires, upgrade your work force to light fires quicker, purchase additional forces that will relight fires automatically. Become the new Satan and just do everything you can to make sure the fires of hell are back and stronger than ever! *Any religious significance is purely coincidental, not a game for those who are unable to look past religious connotations and just enjoy the game

The game features:

Crusade is a two player strategy game, designed to run on a grid board. It will contain themes from the middle ages and as a physical medium, will not have any extra peripherals. The game's objective is to take out all the enemies. You are given 5 different types of units and each unit has a reach, an ability and health. You can move one unit per turn and attack once per turn unless otherwise stated.

• -Peasant 1/2/2 – 1 reach, 2 damage, 2 health
• -Spearman 2/1/2 – 2 reach, 1 damage, 2 health
• -Bowman 3/1/1 – 3 reach, 1 damage, 1 health
• -Priest 1/A/2 – 1 reach, can convert nearby minions to their team, 2 health
• -Commander 1/2/3 – 1 reach, 2 attack, 3 health. Can move 1 space and attack on same turn/attack twice, no moves/ move twice, no attacks.

Game Features:

  • Turn based strategy.
  • Unique Units with differing abilities and traits.
  • Easy to understand
  • Multiplayer - since games are always better with friends.
  • Multiple character control


Fast Forward is an simulation game designed to run on the PC platform using cloud computing. It will contain themes from Politics and will use Xbox Camera as it's main peripheral. The idea of the game is to see how setting certain policies in place will affect the world. You start with a base world, just initially getting into politics for the first time.

Choose how you want your society to run: Democracy, Communism or some other style of government. Set your plans in motion and fast forward. Certain ideas being run will affect your world in different ways. If you allow your world to become very commercialistic, then you will quickly run out of world resources to sustain it. Its meant to be a poke at how governments run now.

At this rate, the world is going to be screwed because everyone does what is best for themselves, rather than for everyone and the future. It's very hard for people to see what is going to happen on a global scale, but at this rate, it's not good.


MDS GDV110 - 'One Game a Day' Assignment

Media Design School's GDV110 students come up with a game idea a day.

daily from 2015-07-21 to 2015-09-11