cararenaextreme is a futuristic 3d car sim for pc and console

the game features realistic car physics and the ability to tweak every component of your car

the game is online so you can't save progress in a race or pause the game

the game has two currency's reputation and coin , reputation is earned through winning races and meeting sponsor requirements ie finish the race without any damage to the car, you earn money from races and sponsers

there is a wide variety of maps including desert , ice , canyon , underground and space maps

game modes include

survival ( players equip their car with weapons and can get bonus weapons from pickups )

pure racing ( try to win the race )

hunter( one player starts of with an op car and their goal is to eliminate as much of the opposition as possible each player has a go as the hunter , the player who eliminates all the opposition the fastest will win or the person who eliminates the most will win)

battle arena ( destroy all your opposition in the arena, this mode can have weapons or not )

chase ( you and your fellow players are being chased by evade the mafia , weapons are available )

an open world is also present

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More submissions by MatthewBall for MDS GDV110 - 'One Game a Day' Assignment

Virtual-puzzles is a 3d game exclusive to Virtual reality and augmented reality devices

The player has a set time to solve the puzzle each room has a different theme and puzzle to solve

The player can walk around the room to and manipulate objects to find clues to help work out the solution to the puzzle also the game can be played with up-to 8 people

Some rooms have puzzles revolving around a story where as other rooms have no story but a puzzle must be solved to escape the room

Each room has a monthly record scoreboard and the actual record for the room, these scoreboards are global though there is local scoreboard as well

The teams or solo player has 3 hints which they can use at any time these do not affect how much time you have remaining

The score boards are in category's these are based on number of players in a team i.e. 1 – 8 this is so players can get a record in different category's also your first time you do a room with a team size your score is recorded so repeating the level with a team the same size will not change your speed record except if the time is in the top 10 for that room

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3d online multiplayer game with large maps for epic naval combat

customize your ship build it for speed ,strength or fire firepower select you base ship to modify to your style of play

art style photo-realistic wooden battleships with cannons

damage to ships is physics based so you can sink your opponents ship if you hit at the water line

the player controls the direction and speed of the ship and also can select which group of cannons to control on the fly

different cannons have different properties ie fixed cannot change its direction left or right up or down however it does more damage the cannon ball due to a heavy cannon ball and power shot , where as a cannon with gimbal the player can change its direction up left ,right and down tho this is limited also the cannon only fires light cannon balls and medium power

their is also special cannons such as triple threat this cannon has auto loading and rotates it barrels their is fixed and gimbal variants each with their own disadvantages but both have light cannon balls

if a cannon ball hits damages a ship component IE the rudder your ships handling will be lost or reduced this depends on the damage to the component

also cannons going through the sail reduce your speed losing your mast reduces the main method of getting speed however you can get your crew to row the boat at an expense of crew firing cannons

the game has a few game modes team battle and battle to the death

in battle to the death the last player with a ship still in operation will win

team battle effectively the same as the previous except the team with last surviving ship wins

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2d puzzle education game for mobile for people with an interest in physics or learning physics , two main game types , house/business and microelectronics as the other

the house/business game mode the player is required two solve puzzles to effectively distribute the power between the house/business devices with the less possible components , the correct grade of equipment is also required

the microelectronics mode requires the player to distribute the power , resistance and current of the circuit can use resisters , capacitors ,power , supply , diodes etc , each type of components have different properties ie the resisters have varying resistance value ie 250k or 156 k etc

additionally the game features different sub game modes

including time-trial , sabotage

in time trail the player is to complete the level as fast as possible and within in the allowed limit

sabotage is where you get to overload a the devices IE remove the resisters not as easy as it sounds requires certain tools to divert the live power

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2d game for mobile with 100 levels which the player is required to protect a human from external substances

when the player completes the 100 levels and new human is assigned each human has different habits and immune system quality also they can me more susceptible to certain illnesses

each level is timed and you must reduce the amount of the external substances to below a certain amount ie 90% of original amount

when a player first encounters a certain substance the player will be required to solve a puzzle which then allows the immune system to attack the substance however the puzzle is timed and must be completed within 2 minutes if you fail the amount of substance will double , also puzzles are just the first stage of the level the second stage is elimination this is when the player controls the white blood cells you can merge them together to create larger cells however they move slower and take longer to turn direction the external substance can also merge . to eliminate you must move the white blood cells into the substances however when this happens the cells self-destruct if you run out of white blood cells you lose. this stage is also timed and has 3 minutes to complete if you fail this stage you lose the level and move onto the next level if you lose more than 30 levels you lose the game and a new human will be assigned to your protection

additionally as the player progresses through the levels the immune system may vary in strength making more or less white cells available if is also possible that in the last 20 levels you host gets a secondary effect from getting ill this occurs if you fail a level in the last 20 levels IE your host gets Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) or may get a terminal disease. in these stages more options are provided to the user like exit elimination, this means the white blood cells will not attack the target so you could risk losing a level however with GPS if you keep taking it out you will put your host in critical care as your immune system is taking out the nervous system this you will lose the game if this occurs. if your host gets a terminal illness you get a boss level this has much harder puzzle to solve and also the spawning rate in the elimination is increased , successfully complete this and you win the game

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3d cross platform game free to play game

extreme pinball features 10 different tables to play on each with their own global and local leader-board

realistic physics for the ball and the table creating a challenging experience

ability two tweak your paddles between rounds IE more tense elastic , or wight and length of the paddle(is limited to prevent it becoming to easy)

design your own 3d tables using a collection of free art and objects or go to the shop to buy art and more objects , the shop also has the option for the player base to sell their own art , objects and tables

the game also features a variety of game modes

including pinball combat - pinball combat is a mode which has 2 players and a symmetrical table design also the table design allows the ball to travel easily between players the goal in this mode is to score the most points in 5 minutes , the players score points by getting the ball between the other players paddles , power ups are present in this mode these include gravity well , increase speed , decrease speed and many more

traditional pinball score the highest possible score , game is over when you run out of life's start of with 3

survival score the highest possible score with just one life

also the game features mods which can be added in custom games such as sticky ball , elastic ball , turbo ball , big ball also in custom games parameters of the board and objects can be altered

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3D adventure-fps-puzzle game for PC and console with support for puzzles and high level management being done on tablet or smart phone on a companion app IE looking at a map of the known areas

set in 2015 in an alternate universe where bionic implants are mandatory as the roman government requires all its citizens to have them by law, however some-people have become angry with the way the government is run and have formed a rebel- alliance the player will control one of the rebels.

the game will feature non-linear campaign which can be played with up-to 5 friends

upgrading of implants and weapons through finding new technology in each sector

large variety of puzzles with some involving the environment

also the game has 6 degrees of freedom and a unique control system which allows advanced and precise control of the whole human body and the items the character holds

as the player gets new technology through exploration new ways of solving puzzles or doing missions become available

the movement and damage system is physically based with the environment being 100% destructible

tools available to the user include grapple hook , jet-pack , power grapple hook - allows the player to transfer power to their suit from the target or deliver power to the target , infrared and ultraviolet vision visor

the whole body of the player can be modified through bionic implants and through an external suit which interfaces to the player this suit can also be modified to provide more advantages , all modifications have pros and cons

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3d game for mobile where the player takes control of earths first and last line defense against super large space objects

using cutting edge technology you are required to destroy objects to a sufficient level that the remains will burn up on reentry

the player loses when all members of board of earth defense drop out of the program

members drop out when panic reaches to high or when their country is hit by a asteroid , panic increases on the surrounding country's when this happens

each month each member on the board reviews your performance giving a rating from d to a+ this determines the amount of funding you get from each country in that month also different country's also offer unique benefits if you build a base in their country such as bonus funding , extra researchers , engineers etc

the player starts of by choosing a country to build a base and have one engineer , one scientists , $1000 and an asteroid cannon

engineers allow you to build more buildings and also to repairs or upgrades to structures while researchers develop new technology's based on artifact the research is complete you can than manufacture the technology. you can allocate researcher and engineers to certain tasks with some requiring a minimum and or maximum amount , you can gain engineers by employing or from certain missions or country benefits.

a battle occurs when an asteroid or group of asteroids is detected you than take control of your weapons to fire at the targets

the game allows the player to choose which base to attack the asteroid from

weapons have range, damage, area of affect ratings and different fire rates this determines their effectiveness in battle

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3d infinite diving game for mobile with 6 degrees of freddom

the goal of the game is to get as far as possible using your high-tech suit which can withstand the extreme pressure

however you need to get to certain pickups to recharge your suit and the quality of the liquid which allows you to breath at extreme pressure while preventing your suit from depressurizing

as the game progresses levels become more difficult with longer gaps between pickups and also more obstacles and challenges for the player

moving into obstacles will damage your suit damage is dependent on speed , angle and surface that your collide with if a system is damages it will become and if it becomes critical can not be used thus the player can lose from having a damaged suit or running out of oxygen to breath

also once a system or part of the suit is damaged it cannot be repaired so the more damage you take the harder the game will become

also the game has a global record board which stores the best 100 dives to provide a competition with players

the game also features a racing made this is get to the bottom of a specified canyon the fastest and back the fastest and also has a global leader-board

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3d game exclusive to PC

in wilderness your goal is to last in the wild for long as possible using just your equipment however you can use what nature provides to make additional tools and to get food

the game features randomly generated maps in infinite size with a large variety of terrain including forests , mountains , deserts , lakes and many more

the game has different modes

survival - Permadeath once you die you lose , IE fall of a cliff , eaten by an animal their is also co-op and team attrition for this game mode start of with basic equipment and few resources

in team survival your team has to last the longest

creative - unlimited resources and no life;

there is also modifiers to creative such as permadeath , or start with no resources etc

examples of tools that can be made include bow and arrows , spears ,traps , shelters , can also make poison arrows if you find a poison frog or over creature that has poison also as you gain equipment you make make more complex tools such as arrows with stone heads , stone knife etc

in survival if your character does not get water in 3 days you lose also if you fail to feed your character in 3 weeks you also lose the longer you hold of feeding or drinking the harder it is to move around

the player can also make survival more difficult by adding increasing the dangerous animal population

wilderness also features procedural weather and also simulates the full year cycle in your area so some parts of the year can be more difficult

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business sim is a 2d sim cross platform game

at the start of the game you are living in your parents basement with a cash total of $1000 your goal make the most successful company as possible.

the player starts of in the 1970's and can play up to 2020.

product development involves three stages , research , prototype , production.

in the research stage you mix and match different theory's together you gain research points from this which you can then purchase other theory's also by mixing and matching you can unlock other theory's , the next stage is prototype this requires putting the theory's into practice and the last stage you go into production you can do this whenever you want but product may be dodgy. you can earn money by selling your products and licences to your intellectual property(ip) , you can also sue other company's for using your ip without a licensee however this may cause outrage from your customers if you become a patent troll , you can also get ideas from your competitors tho they may sue you if its to similar

additionally you are required to pay 2 taxes , gst and corporate tax which are 15% of each product and 33% of total revenue you can use tax avoidance with the risk of being caught and being charged an extra amount if a repeat offender your business is shut down and the game is over you also lose if you become bankrupt, it is possible to get funds through loans or putting your business on a stock exchange if you fail to pay of the loan in agreed time your assets will be sold of until you pay it back this means you can lose your IP and or equipment

also you can gain hype for your product through advertising through different channels I.E. TV, internet , newspaper and word of mouth

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3d game for console and PC. the player takes control of character who has just inherited land the size of Auckland, develop every part of the city including utility's , parks , business , houses and other buildings you make money buy renting out buildings and or selling you can also charge tax up to 70% and can include specific taxes such as income and fuel tax, GST etc, but may affect the happiness of the population and they may move away, crime , fire and injury's are common and if you are charging tax you are expected to provide , police , fire and medical services ,if you miss manage the traffic the population will become happy and may start to move away which reduces your income , also like the drivers in Auckland they have different behaviors IE gapper's ( people who leave gaps to big :( to the reckless red light runners ) .

the aim of the game is to develop the best city possible while becoming super rich


global market place , buy items , materials required to build buildings and infrastructure ,

realistic population growth

traffic problems if not managed

power and internet outages ,


range of buildings

ability to create businesses ie internet or power company

can appoint a local government if you wish to not risk having problems with population outrage however you lose the ability to create and change taxes

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memory-games is a 2d multi-platform game featuring many types of games that test you memory

the game features global achievements for each game and difficulty

there is many types memory puzzles for the user to play as well as quizzes which have a time limit of 3 minutes , the quizzes can be general knowledge to subject specific depending on what the user chooses

memory-games also has games to help train the brain this games include a version of pong which speed can be increased to insane speeds which can help with you cognitive and prediction skills and reaction speed

other games include chess , silver-sphere, towers of hanoi

their is also many types of tests like reflex test which has a square changing to different parts of a gird rapidly and require the player to hit the square while its in the grid

the 2d version of the game is free to play with 3d version which has more advanced puzzles and games a one of payment example of a game in the 3d version is the Rubik's cube

memory-games is a set of games and exercises designed to test and improve the players memory and other parts of the brain

also the questions are generated on the fly on server side so are different each time the user plays this adding to relpayability

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2d mobile game where the player manages a mobile coffee van in Auckland New Zealand. the player starts of with no brand awareness and the right amount of coffee beans and milk for 120 customers , each sale you have to pay 15% GST and at the end of the year your have to pay corporate tax which is 33% also you need to pay your staff if any at least the minimum wage and pay for ingredients and fuel

in coffee-van you have control of the cost of your coffee and can add additional cost to flavored coffees such as vanilla latte

your coffee must be served to the customer within 50 seconds but also must be at the right temperature if its to hot or to cold you have to make another coffee for them for free or return their money depending on what the customer requests

as your brand awareness increases more customers will come making it harder to achieve the 50 second time limit

as the owner of the coffeeVan and sole worker at the start of game you have to make each coffee from scratch by grinding the coffee beans , getting the right amount into the portafilter you can also set how large the grind of the coffee beans will be thus affecting the flavor you then have to place the portafilter in the correct place and flick the switch to let the hot water go through the portafilter, the player also has to super heat the milk and turn of the water when it reaches the right height or colour the player than adds the milk and serves to the customer it is possible to burn the milk and the coffee grind this making unhappy customers

when your ingredients and fuel is running low you must buy the ingredients or your business will lose potential sales 'if the player runs out of money they lose the game and the total amount of sale and money made is recorded

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2d mobile tower defense game which the player is required to defend their house from an insect invasion

the game features many insects including ants , spiders , crockroaches and many more

the player can exterminate the insects with a range of towers and can also slow the insects down

their are towers dedicated to anti air and anti ground and also mix also the type of weopan depends on what the tower will be good against

the game also features sticky bombs which attracts certain insects which allows for a distraction or easy group kill

each type of insect has diffrenet strengths and weaknessess this allows such as speed or heavy resistance to weapons in later levels insects can gain abilites such as stealth making them difficult to detect

the insects can only attack your base and not your towers also each type of insect has diffrent amount of health

2d mobile game which the player controllers a snowboarder

game modes

racing , race against 7 other opponents which can be AI or players

infinite runner get as far as possible on procedurally generated levels

trick is multiplayer and single-player objective is to do the best trick of a ramp and land in the correct place



random obstacles , such as rocks , other people

unique movement system works with physics system to provide realistic movement I.E. gain speed and momentum as the player goes down hill

before entering each game mode the player can select from a range of players witch have different sizes in height and weight this can make tricks more difficult. the player can also select from a variety of boards which have different widths length , weight and friction potentially making the level more fast or slow

ProgrammingWizard is a 3d infinite procedurally generated open world for PC . the player assumes control of a wizard which the player can create or modify spells by programming in c++ or java. the world is 100% destructible, once a spell has been created it is added to the wizards spell book to use the spell your have to add it to your spell inventory which can have up-to 5 spells

example of a spell is fireball this launches a big ball of fire at the desired location another example is levitate which allows you to lift up any object including yourself warning dropping yourself from a height will kill you or do damage to you depending on the height you drop, levitate consumes magic points every second unless the player modifies this

the game also features the ability to make and craft items and the player can build a large base

their are a few game modes in ProgrammingWizard and all are singleplayer and multiplayer

survival last as long as possible build a base spells use up magic points the more powerful the spell the more magic points game mode has only one life so once you die you lose and have to start again

zombie slaughter you have unlimited magic points zombies come in waves gets progressively harder with different types of zombies and more of them each round when your life's run out you lose

practice , no enemy's unlimited life's and magic points

2d casual time waster for mobile and web. the player assumes the role of a software engineer at a major stock exchange. the software engineer has become frustrated with not getting his bonus and his manger and the bosses getting pay-rises. this leads to him developing a some software that allows him to manipulate the financial markets in his favor or to screw up the investments of his bosses. your goal is to make as much money as possible without raising suspicion if you are caught you will be sent to prison for life and the game ends. you will make money by buying stock while the price is low and selling when the price is high using your program will help with this but can increase suspicion and may cause an investigation.

at the start of the game you have $10000 available for investing and you will get $2500 every 2 game game weeks however that has to pay for your family's , food ,power , mortgage etc so little becomes available for investing

is a cross platform persistent 2d social hacking game. the game features two classes of hackers white hat and black hat the game always maintains a 1 to 1 ratio of white hat ,black hat hackers by creating AI controlled hackers

when you first play the game you can choose a class once chosen you cannot change class all players have a home node which other players cannot gain control of however they can apply hacks/viruses to your computer systems

their is many type of nodes which players can gain control or protective rights to depending on which class you play

nodes include primary nodes these connect to local nodes which then connect to government , corporate and home nodes

each node has a certain amount of processing power which you can use to attack or protect over nodes

the home node : for white hat hackers you are paid to protect the home nodes you own the amount you get is dependent on the wealth / greediness of the owner you have some homeowners allocate processing power but pay you less , for black hat hackers you can get unauthorized access to the node can steal small amounts of money and their processing power

corporate nodes : for white hat hackers provide high payment but less frequent than home nodes also provide processing power usually some of the processing power must protect their node you also are required to have a certain amount of processing power before they consider offering you the contract. for black hat a corporate node is more difficult to get access to but offers much more processing power than home nodes

some are worth more than others depending on the wealth of the home owner and may allocate some of their processing power to you but pay you less

2d puzzle game for mobile.

in this game the player manipulates different mirrors to divert a laser beam

the laser beam is required to get to the end with a intensity within an intensity remember of what it was at the start

each reflection reduces the intensity of the laser beam

in this game their are 8 sets to play with each set having 100 levels

some mirrors can increase the intensity and other will reduce the the intensity drastically

additionally some levels require the beam be a certain colour this can be changed through a certain material this will reduce the intensity

also some levels have multiple beams which have to reach the end in a certain sequence

all levels must be achieved in a certain time frame and within the allowed intensity

2d fighting game for mobile , players can play pvp or pve the game features local and global achievements for pve and tournament modes

the player can improve their fighter by doing training this targets certain areas such as fitness , strength , speed and reflexes the player has full control of the training process

also on creation of the users profile the player can choose a category , light , medium or heavy and can also choose the height , skin colour , hair colour,

during the fighting the player has control of the players position , attacking and defensive moves as well as the direction of the punch or kick by dragging their finger across the screen to the desired location this adding precise controls to the fighting

in tournament mode their is 4 rounds which you have to win each stage to progress to the next stage if you lose a stage you are out of the tournament this can be player versing the computer or versing players

MDS GDV110 - 'One Game a Day' Assignment

Media Design School's GDV110 students come up with a game idea a day.

daily from 2015-07-21 to 2015-09-11