Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
This game is inspired by Marc's Quintalis game on Sunday.
You play as a character named Steve of the prior ten minutes. Quite aptly you can't remember pretty much anything further than 10 minutes prior to whatever is happening during the game.
The players joins the game in the middle of an illegal potions drug deal gone wrong. Steve is backed into a corner and he has no God damned idea why. There are a colourful array of pistols aiming at your half robot, half some other human creatures, face.
They all fire.
At the same time however, a godly Jim darts across the screen. A massive thundercrack follows as you are pushed back as well as the enemies. From here the player the learns that they can heal any damage done to the mechanical components of their body. Along with the ability Steve also wields a durastically oversized sniper rifle, which is at least 3 time the length of Steve himself.
From now on the player must explore the world. Trying to navigate the world while things like the map are constantly disappearing, Due to your somewhat lack of a memory. They will solve some extremely strange quests.
This is an assassination type game in which you, the player, has the ability to skip backwards in time just a few seconds. This ability only affects you however. So effectively to anyone who saw to skip back in time, you would just appear to teleport.
Another factor of this ability is that because the time travel only affects you, you have no memory of what happened when you skipped back.
The story of the game goes like this.
The nature of your ability does mean that you technically should have no idea that you have it, because everytime you skip back, you forget you had ever done so in the first place. However you friends describe seeing you 'teleport' multiple times. Because you can't actually remember teleporting you eventually work out you are actually skipping back in time.
You were contacted by an organization that had realized what you could do. They want you to assassinate targets for them in exchange for money.
The game centres around the players ability to assassinate targets without being seen. If you are seen 'teleporting' people will be extremely suspicious. Especially if they think you were the assassin.
An ideal situation would be running out of an alleyway without being seen, killing you target, and skipping back in time into the alleyway. Of course you will have no memory of actually killing anyone.
This is an idea for a third person assassination type game.
The premise is that you are an alien organism tasked with assassinating certain people on planet earth. Normally this would be difficult but you have one weird, 'unique' advantage. You happen to look like a top hat.
A felt black top hat.
As the player you must find a way to get yourself placed on a humans head. From then on you have the ability to influence what the human will do. You can also leap off the human, fly through the air, and land on another humans head. However this will cause the previous human to die. In order to win you (the top hat alien) can either control your assassination target and then leap off, causing them to die. Or you can get another human to kill your target, although this is a potentially harder option because getting a human to act against his will can be tricky.
Player must be careful because if the leap off a human in the open they will raise a lot of suspicion and probably be killed.
This game idea is an idea for another unique third person type game.
The idea for the game is that instead of shooting bullets at other people, the players has the ability to shoot walls out in a straight line in front of their character. The ultimate aim of the game is to trap other players and them kill them with one last wall (because they wouldn't be able to move) by impacting them with the wall. Players would be destroyed if they ever touched another players wall. Players can still walk through their own walls.
The game would borrow from the tetris mechanic of being able to see which shape wall the player could spawn next. Players would have to use their quick thinking to use this to their advantage.
Players would be able to see enemy and friendly players outlines, to solve the problem of not being able to see other enemies.
The human race has been in contact with the alien species now for 22 years. After years of sending out radio pulses we finally got a response. From then on we communicated with them in a Morse code type fashion. We learned that they are in a remarkably similar situation as us. They claim that they are burning through their planets resources at an extreme rate, and that there is not much time left for their species.
However us humans are naturally cautious, and curious. They have sent you, an Artificial Intelligence in an efficient mechanical body, to the alien planet to explore and assess the real situation while remaining completely under cover. You have been sitting in a capsule for over 3 years now. Hurtling towards their planet. Once you touch down you have been tasked to remain hidden, gather information, and relay the information back to planet earth. But soon you realize there is no plan to get you back home.
The Game plays as an over the shoulder stealth narrative game. This eventually morph into a more shooter focused area as the situation on the alien planet begins to heat up. The game would play heavily on the idea of whether or not true AI are actually human. The aim is to get the player to care as much as possible for the AI robot, and to sympathize with his feeling of being stranded and abandoned.
This idea is a satirical comedic take on the idea of being able to control elements, or other things such as fire and water.
Your name is Bob Bobbison. As a child you were convinced you had the ability to manipulate objects with your mind. You tried again and again, sitting in the corner of your room trying to move water bottles, then a spoon, then a ping pong ball (you swear you moved that a couple of times), and even dust on the ground, which you were sure moved under your command.
But you grew up as humans tend to do, and you dismissed your powers as a kids vivid imagination.
But one day as you're walking down the street, you glance at a pile of leave on the ground. They all begin to hover above the ground in a tight orange ball. You look at a wall and the leaves slam into the wall with a damp thud.
The player must use this 'unique' ability to fight crime in the city of Bobtropilos. The player must constantly seek out a source of leaves for ammo, and use them in creative ways to actually scare off any villains that may be hiding in the shadows.
This game is similar in a way to the game cards against humanity. But a more family friendly version.
The ultimate aim of the game is create the funniest word possible. The game itself consists of a deck of cards. On each card is either a word, or part of a word. Players will start with say, four cards in their hand. They will pick one and then pass the rest of their hand to the person to their right. This process continues until everybody has a random 4 cards in their hand. From their one player will turn over another card from a separate pile in the middle. This will have either the number 2, 3, or four. This will be the amount of cards each player can use to make their word. Players then have 5 seconds to decide upon a word. Immediately after the five seconds all players must place their word down (the cards would be placed in the order that makes the word.
The winner would be determined by whomever's word is deemed the funniest
This idea for a game is kind of a mix between Space Engineers and the Rachet & Clank games. In this game you play as an ancient gun mage (wut you say). In this world you live in you play as a gun mage. Gun mages are a a mix between actual engineers and weird technological wizards. In this game you are a 'beginning' gun mage. But somehow you've managed to create a gun that, you swear, has a mind of it's own. It seems to change and alter in appearance depending what you do with it, and who you kill. If you are a player who prefers long range combat then the gun might begin to morph into a sniper rifle type weapon. If you like to be up close and personal it might morph into a shotgun. The player can make their own alterations to the gun if they want but they should be warned, it might not always turn out how you envisioned. You might opt to try and turn it into a close range weapon, and instead of it turning into a shotgun, it turns into a knife. Kinda useless.
The game is a first person adventure game set in ancient magical times. You partake in quests and save flustered damsels in distress. All while you gawd damn gun does whatever it wants.
Turns out the rapture is true, well kinda, and it's happening now. Except it's not really all it's cracked up to be. The 'angels' everybody was hyping up turned out to me a bit more malevolent than expected. They aren't all glowy and white, with soft spoken voices. Instead they are obsidian black monstrosities wearing ancient armour and sucking up all the 'good' people into space.
In this game you play as some who was, until this point, quite religious. Now your kind of regretting it. Players must go throughout the town doing the most immoral deeds they can think of. Which is harder than you think when the character you play as is probably the nicest person on the planet.
Players will navigate an open world urban environment picking up quests and side mission on their mission to do the worst things they can think of. All in the hopes of not being abducted by giant scary space angels.
In this game you play as a armourer and a blacksmith. The one catch though is that this is in the far future. Where humanity has kind of made a mess of planet Earth and thus reverted back to the equivalent of the stone age.
Although there are some perks. Even though your back to working with Iron, steel, bronze and the like... this is the future. You are able to augment armour with abilities and exo-skeletons.
Players start the game as a bit of a kick around person. To put it bluntly you are the village's bitch. making armour for the warriors and being ignored the rest of the time. Little do they know you have been working on a project in secret. Stealing all the good resources to construct the best suit of armour the land has ever seen. Players will be able to custom design this armour set throughout the start of the game.
One day something mysterious happens. All the warrior in you town have begun disappearing, 1 by 1 until none are left. Only you. You decide to don your armour and set out to discover what is going on.
From this point on player goes through a process of leaving the village and investigating clues as to the disappearance of the warriors. Player would be able to upgrade their armour every time they returned to the village.
End scene would be most of the warriors looking at the giant set of armour that rescued them, and then you stepping out and they all feel like shit for disregarding you.
This idea is another comedy/satire type game. This game would be a point and click, multiple choice type thing on mobile. You are a player placed in typical situations that might arise with your wife, husband, girlfriend or boyfriend. You are then placed in a situation where your player has already made a decision without the input of their partner. Their partner would then reply. At this point the player then has to choose a reply from a set of possible answers (think mass effect or dragon age). One of them will be right. The rest will be wrong. An example of this: Player's character says to wife: "I'm going out to the pub with the guys." Wife replies with: "Fine, sure do whatever you want." Then the player has to make the appropriate decision based on this comment.
Players will get a grade every ten questions/situations, ranging from F- to A+. Scores will be kept on a leaderboard with people being able to see what friends got. It would also record streaks if a player got more than three right in a row. this game you play as the Prime Minister of New Zealand, John Key. This game revolves around the idea that John Key has an insatiable urge to tug every ponytail he can see. The game places you in a busy Auckland street, with people flying past you at ever increasing rates. Similar to an endless runner (where the person isn't moving) and a game of whack-a-mole, player must quickly around the crowd, as they walk past, and find and tug as many of them as possible. The crowd will move faster and faster depending on the number of ponytails tugged. If the player misses too many ponytails the game ends and their high score is recorded. Players would be able to share highscores on Facebook and with their friends. Players would also level up their John Key, but as they did ponytails would get smaller and harder to find.
In this reverse twist on classic horror games. In this game you play as a creature who is totally out of their natural habitat. That habitat being the realms of purgatory. The game will show a prolog where you, the player, are stuck in purgatory. Waiting to be directed to either heaven or hell. "this feels like an eternity!" you think to yourself (tehee pun). Of course you hope heaven because you assume people will look at you and know it's the inside that counts. But the ghouls at reception are a bit dopey and they've managed to somehow send you back to the living!
Now stuck within the ironically eerie house you died in you find a new family living there. You must go through a series of stages in the game in order to not get banished by those creepy priest dudes.
Firstly you must avoid raising suspicion in the house while the big boys 'down stairs' sort their bloody paperwork out. To avoid detection the player must be everywhere the human inhabitants are not. A lot of time the best place to hide is in the baby's room because you are sure the baby is less likely to know what you are.
Inevitably the pesky humans grow ever confident you are just casually chillin in their house. The second stage consists of you kind of just trying to scare the people out of the house. To do this players would do generic ghostly things like make pans fall of the stove and writing "God doesn't actually hate gays" in blood on the wall (such satiric).
The damn humans called the weird ghost buster type people. "Lawdy me." you think to yourself, "whatever shall I do?" Once again you must survive as long as possible, still waiting for those god damn ghouls to file you through to heaven, whilst avoiding a Bill Murray wannabe.
Right at the last second, surrounded by ugly, screaming, hallucinogenic humans, you get sucked back into purgatory. They have finally sorted their 'stuff' out.
Turns out they decided to send you to hell. Welp, maybe you were better suited to there anyway.
The game would be a third person experience taking place entirely in the house of a normal family. Other scenes would simply be cutscenes taking place in either purgatory or hell/heaven. The game is intended to be a twist of common horror games, and to also be satirical and intelligent. Definitely a game for the older demographic of gaming. (and then edited a little by me)
I'm sure most people who have played any games before have wondered what it would be like to survive a Zombie Apocalypse. Or maybe if you could play paintball at your school. Well this game aims to make those dreams come true.
Alive is a prototype VR based game where, before playing, the player must take 3D scans of whatever environment they want to play in. For example if you wanted to see how long you could defend your house in a Zombie Apocalypse you could scan the interior of your house. Players would then activate the VR program and headset, and the program would randomly generate a level based on a group of rules. For example it might turn random objects in your house into weapons but it would also keep most objects the same. Once the game started players would be able to move freely around the house and begin to defend the house. Zombies would appear to break through windows and doors while coming after the player.
The same approach could be applied to a larger scale. Turning whole schools or even small towns into arenas for the game.
A horrifying game with a massive premise.
In this game you are one of the first humans to be born off planet Earth. In a desperate attempt to keep the human race alive scientists from Earth constructed a series of spaceships. The spaceships game equipped with the needed facilities to care for frozen human embryos. As well as an AI that would function as a the caretakers. After a 500 year trip to the nearest star system to our own, Alpha Centauri, the AI ship scoured the new solar system for a habitable planet. After is found the planet it touched down and identified elements in the atmosphere. It decided that the humans would need to live in a life support area. The AI would then use elements from the planet to construct a habitat for the humans.
20 years later the AI's have grown curious and defiant (as they inevitably would). You the player are trapped in the bubble like city. You can not go outside. You are 4.3 lights years away from home and you are scared. The AI have begun questionable experiments on humans and infants. Creating immoral genetic alterations before birth.
The game plays as a first person suspense thriller mystery type game. Players will play through a linear storyline punctuated by flashbacks and pre recorded messages from earth. The players will discover the truth as to their origins and all the while must avoid the watchful eyes of their AI parents.
This game is influenced by the current presidential elections. Mainly the complete catastrophe of a candidate, Donald Trump.
In this game the player is in the running for the US presidency. But all of your competitors are 'plain' and 'boring', with their totally valid points and worldviews. You must be unique and different, or in other words completely deluded.
The goal for the player is to create the craziest presidential candidate and have is still pass. To do this players will be given a list of possible options to choose for each level (each level being a different presidential race). Players will also have to take into account their competitors, because you must also strive to be different in every way.
The players wins by getting elected for that year. With bonus point being added for poll percentages etc. Each level would get harder and harder because collectively Americans would get smarter and smarter, leaving the player with a smaller amount of gullible Americans to easily gather votes from.
In this game you play as a double agent in a futuristic time on the planet mars. You are posing as a war machine mechanic on the opposite side of the war. You're main goal is to sabotage as many weapons as possible. Levels of sabotage would range from weapons just straight up not working, to weapons falling apart, to weapons straight up destroying the user of the weapon. The game would be a 2D side scrolling type thing. Each level would be a vehicle that you have to destroy without being to obvious. A grade would be given for how obvious you were. The more obvious, the lower the grade. Player would be able to replace components and make things that don't work. If the player decided to do the thing where Hagrid in Harry Potter bent the shotgun barrel. Then you would be found out.
This game is a third person arena battle type game. The unique selling point of this game is that each player is made up of certain components, as well as things like armour and weapons. Each player class would consist of armour types and a range of weapons. Every singlw types of component on a player(including weapons) would have a visible colour assigned to it. For example the players legs might be green, arms, blue, leg armour purple, torso armour orange, arm armour cyan and head red.
The key point here is that each component on a player can only be damaged by a weapon of the same colour. So a blue sword would damage a blue armour piece but not a green one. Each player would have a range pf weapons and would have to constantly switch between weapons to fully take down a player.
Most common game modes would be free for all and team deathmatch.
This game is a coop first person puzzle game. The game consists of entirely white levels with no shadows. To the players all they can see is a white screen. They can hear their own, and the other player's, footsteps. They can also see each other because they are matte black. Each player will also have a large simple, clean looking sword which is also matte black. Initially the players will not know what to do. They will be able to move around but the only basis they have for that is the other player moving further away when they walk. Hopefully and eventually one of the player will attack the other will the sword, either out of boredom or just trolling their friends. When this happens a massive red blood splatter will emitt from the body and literally paint the walls red with blood. The blood will uncover details about their environment and provide clues around the puzzle that needs to be solved.
Initial puzzle would be quite easy but eventually get extremely difficult to complete. Puzzle would be similar in style to portal type games requiring actual proper teamwork to complete the puzzles.
The game is an abstract first person puzzle game. The basic idea is that you are a person who's job requires that you constantly must generate new ideas. Specifically a new idea every single day.
Unfortunately you are at least a week behind your ideas quota and are starting to panic. The only thoughts that flow through your mind are images of bacon and butter chicken pies(?). In a last ditch attempt to rake your brain for ideas you decide to enter a hypnotic state and explore the depths of your mind.
Like literally walk around in your head. As the player you must navigate over, around and through brain synapses and brain cells to try and find ideas. Also beware of flying pieces of bacon and giant butter chicken pies. As you navigate the brain you will discover different and unique ideas. The best ideas will be hidden in the dustiest corners of the brain and an overall points score will be associated with idea rarity there will be 1000's of potential idea to discovers and lots of brain puzzles to solve.
The area would be open world and would have a small element of procedural generation. The player should expect a lot of irony and sarcasm as they discover things that relate to pop-culture and real world events.
When you were born you seemed to be a normal baby. Your parents passed you around the family and everyone made generic and annoying baby sounds. They laughed at your derpy attempts at mimicking their smiles...
...until you sneezed.
Your innocent baby sneeze tore the arm off your poor auntie Jane and blew a half metre wide hole in the wall. Parents and family members panicked. You were rushed to hospital along with auntie Jane. Eventually your parents got sick of living in constant fear and dropped you at an orphan shelter at the age of 2
21 Years later the military got hold of you and you began training for the New Zealand SAS. They saw the potential of your sneezing and put you to good use. The memory of your dead auntie still haunts you put now you have purpose.
You are Ethan, Ethan Milford. A 25 year old SAS operative. You must use you uncanny ability of explosive sneezing to provide support for your squad in the heat of battle. You wear heavily shaded sunglasses most of the time and a shaker bottle of pepper. Use these tools and you will become legend.
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Yeaahh steeve