The aim of the game is to try to chew your gum for as long as you can, discreetly so that no one will notice you have it, and enough so that it stays firm/ not soft and mushy and gross. A significant amount of the difficulty of the game would be from how hard it is to actually control the gum and chew it effectively. So you wouldn't automatically chew it and just control other stuff, you'd manually have to control the gum and your jaws and tongue. The first level would be just like a tutorial safer mode where you'd just learn how to control the gum and chew it and move it around in your mouth. In this level of the game you would just be like walking to school and not having to worry about the other mechanics that would get introduced later. In this first level you only have to worry about one way of losing which is by not chewing and moving around the gum enough, making it too soft and yuck so that you just can't deal with it anymore. When you get to school (next level) you would be introduced to the other mechanic where while you're chewing it, trying to keep it a good firmness and such, you also have to worry about other people and being discreet about you having gum. In this level, you would be with your friends and you don't want them to notice that you have gum because you don't want to give them any. Having them detect you having gum would be the other lose/game over state. They won't be as difficult to deal with in regards to them detecting you chew much because they would be more distracted by doing stuff and socializing. The next level would be in a classroom, where you would have that mechanic where you have to try to not get the chewing detected but it would be harder since the teacher is strict about you not having gum in the classroom and will be more attentive about it. This would definitely be the hardest level and in addition to having the mechanic of making sure you're not detected chewing this gum (like by doing smaller more discreet chews, stop chewing when someone looks at you directly) while keeping the gum firm enough, the teacher could call you out on and ask you a random question and expect you to answer it. While something like this happens, you would have to make sure that the gum firmness is in a good state before you place it somewhere in your mouth to be hidden so you can speak.

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More submissions by MarinaChan for MDS GDV110 - 'One Game a Day' Assignment

Story: Your parents have gone crazy and now to the point that they've decided to go on a killing spree starting with your older siblings, and so you barricade yourself into the living room (moving furniture in front of the door) and you have to find a way to escape through the other door to the deck so you can escape and scream for help but there's a combination lock to it.

Puzzles: In the fireplace is the decapitated head of one of your siblings with one of the ears missing. On the other ear is a set of four earrings of shapes and colours. From top to bottom order they are a silver circle, blue diamond, black circle, red square. In the living room there is also an abstract art painting with basic shapes on it like your sibling's earrings but with numbers on it everywhere. The shapes and colours of the earrings from top to bottom, with the numbers they have on the painting, would be the combination to a lock of a chest.

When you unlock it what you will find is a bloodied and ripped up shirt of one of your siblings and you have to put it together like a puzzle to see the design it makes. The actual print on the shirt is of a person, and the blood markings on it are numbers on specific areas of body parts e.g. 12 on left hand, 42 on head, 30 on left foot etc. Also something you will find is that the cushions on the couch have body parts inside of them, and on those body parts would have equations cut/marked into the flesh that would shapes/silhouettes of real things with math symbols like + – ÷ etc. So for example + (tall rock shape) ÷ (castle shape) – (orange coral shape). You would fill in what the others number are from looking at the things in the fish tank which would have numbers hidden on them somewhere. So from there you should get an equation for each limb/cushion, starting with the number on the shirt, then doing the rest of the equation starting from that number with the substituted numbers from the tank. Every cushion/body part would then end up with a final number.

So now you have cushions with body parts in them which have final numbers assigned to them. Now, somewhere else in the room would be an actual literal puzzle with puzzle pieces. When you put together that puzzle you would be given the image of a key for every letter of the alphabet with a random number assigned for every letter of the alphabet. With this, you could get letters with the cushion numbers that you have figured out.

From there you would have the simple puzzle of a six letter anagram (since there's 6 cushions, 6 numbers, 6 letters) of all those letters to make a word, which would be the passcode on the computers. Then on the computer you could find the code for the door by going through a bunch of files.

Game set in the world of someone's mind while they're sleeping and your goal is to explore and find ways to wake up. Getting into very sudden and intense type experiences/situations would bring you up a level closer to waking up. If you spend time in too much peace and neutralness the dreamer will start to think about stuff more to fill it in and you'll go deeper into sleeping and further from waking up and in the game, down a level.

The deeper you get into sleep the more complex and confusing the situations in the dream level will get. The higher the level you are to waking up, the more simple/straightforward and 'normal' the situation are in the dream. This means that it would be harder as you go up to get into intensive/climactic experiences that would be enough to wake you up since the higher the level the more boring or normal the situations are. Your aim should be to try and twist every situation that you get into, to something scary or exciting or generally sudden and intense and weird for you to go up.

The reason why dreams get normaller as you go up levels is because it means it's closer to the real world of the person sleeping. You would eventually get to levels high enough so that are so close to the reality of the dreamer that the transitions into them would show them waking up sleeping somewhere. The places where it would show you waking up wouldn't be the same place that you're actually sleeping but would get more similar to it as you progress until you finally finish waking up in the actual reality.

Intense things that would 'partially wake you up' bring you up a level would include things like dying or anything intensely violent, or doing anything intensely strange which doesn't make any sense or isn't compatible with that dream level (so people or other elements of the dream wouldn't know how to respond).

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Game where the aim is to destroy all forms of life on the planet. It is unknown what kind of creature or being that you are playing as but your motive for this endeavor is that you believe that life is the cause and core of what creates all suffering in the world or could be said as living is synonymous to suffering. If everyone and everything could not exist anymore no one would have to mourn for anyone and no one would feel alone. It is presumed that the character you play as is some kind of alien or something foreign to earth mixed with some kind of abstract force of nature. Every expression that comes from life like all sounds and sights or any sensation absorbing information about the world is painful for the player. When you start off, like being born or awakening, you are in a lot of pain while there is so much loudness and life and happenings all around you until you scramble and wander around to smash something that causes a huge explosion which kills everything around you in a huge radius, making everything quiet and black. That would be the tutorial showing you the before state where everything is messed up, and then what you're supposed to do in the game, how you respond to it, and then it would tell you that you still sense that there are areas in the world that are still loud and you have to go travel and fix them until you sense none of it anywhere anymore. It would be similar to Aether by Edmund McMillen in that you have to explore a lot, going to different far away places and then leaving them until all of them are fixed. You would win the game once you have destroyed all life and everything on earth and sense nothing anywhere anymore. You wouldn't destroy individual people or like smash buildings and cities so much, you would really just be finding things that make huge explosions that destroy large areas at a time, besides the whole point is to get rid of suffering and loudness, and when existing life sees other life not exist anymore suddenly it makes them suffer and live more loudly.

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A breeding simulation game like any other except instead of having cats or insects or dolls that you collect and breed into good specimens, you have to breed game ideas. The aim of the game is to produce at least forty seven specimens which fit a certain criteria making them count for acceptable game ideas. The criteria would include things like being above certain levels of 'originality' (rareness and difference to other ideas), and size/complexity, appeal, and coherence. The game would have some parallels to other breeding type games and the 'ideas' would be visually represented as like weird miscellaneous abstract bug reminiscent type creatures that wander around in an area of your mind, interacting with the other ideas and will sometimes breed on their own. You have to 'feed and take care of' the ideas or else they will 'die' as in like you'll forget them. The view you would have in the game be abstract and inside the character's head. Not necessarily abstract as in the artstyle though, just in that the visuals would be representing abstract things and ideas.

The character you sort of play as would have the asset of experience which is constantly generated. With experience(s) you can take small chunks of it and refine and detangle it until you have a simple design which would be the start of an idea. When you have ideas formed from there they would get sent to another screen where the ideas roam and play. This is where you would take care of them, feeding them, breeding them. You would feed them with another asset called 'thought' (just thinking about them more can make them develop, and it will make it less likely to forget/die) and also with really small bits of 'experience' to develop them. You would be given a random limited amount of thought to use a day. Breeding ideas would mean making a specimen with combined higher levels for everything (complexity, rarity/originality, coherence, appeal) unless you force breed them and they aren't good matches for each other. It's generally better to let them roam and breed naturally than to put them on top of each other but you may want to force breed to speed things up if you're sure enough that they will be a good match. Children ideas will always be more complex than their parents but a bad force breed could make you end up with a child idea specimen has stats that are lower than the parents like appeal and mostly coherence. Once you have made 47 idea specimens that all have high enough stats you win the game. You lose if you 'kill' (forget) all your ideas, or if you reach the total game time limit and haven't created 47 idea specimens.

image source "FWG Evolution" (beetle breeding sim game)

Like an infinite runner but your opponent is the 'infinitely' running character and you have to try kill them. As they run you place obstacles in real time that they could smash into, pits/gaps they could fall into, and pathways that are split or bent and they have to turn into.

You would have an automatically increasing currency that you could spend on for buying obstacles and gaps they have to jump over or dodge, obviously harder ones to avoid would cost more and easier ones would cost less. You could take the strategy of buying many small/easy obstacles and placing them quickly so they're nearby each other and the character would have to dodge all of them quickly, or you could take the strategy of spending your currency on harder and higher cost obstacles less often, or you could have a mixture/inbetween of those strategies.

You can also place down runner coins or power ups for a boost in your currency although it would give advantage to the runner if they are able to get them. The trick is to place them where it's really hard for the runner to pick up (while you would still get your money for placing it). You can also place coins to your advantage to make them approach the level in a more difficult way that they wouldn't go for normally as they will be obliged to try to get them, luring them into a path that they may not be able to manage dodging everything. The runner's powerups would include things like increase health, invincibility for a limited time, big score boost etc.

Your score would depend on how low the score of the runner is. Their score depends on how far they run and how many coins they've managed to pick up that you've placed, and sometimes powerups will be big score boosts. So that means your score is higher the quicker it takes for you to kill them and the more effectively you place coins and powerups so they're hard to get.

There would be progressively harder levels for after you've killed an infinite runner, each level would get progressively better 'players' at running and dodging things. So as you progress the runners will increase in skill, so you in turn would have to have your skill and strategy at placing things in the level increased too.

Simulation where you play as someone who always has very vivid nightmares at night which are related to everything that happens to them in recent memory. The aim in the game/simulation is to try to have one peaceful night where they don't manage to twist their recent experiences into something nightmarish. During the daytime, you play as this person and try to avoid any even mildly stressful situations because when you sleep you will get a nightmare which will be generally parallel to any bad situations that happened that day but exaggerated. When you play the game you will be presented with options on what you make the character do at certain points, trying to predict the resulting situations and how the character will feel. Examples of options in situations that you decide on how to respond to would be different routes to walk, choosing different people to talk to, choosing how to respond to someone talking to you, paying more or less attention in class, working, writing, drawing etc.

Daytime situation example: You decide to walk a route to school which you've gone through a few times but don't feel as secure about it because the times you did go you were with friends and you don't pay attention as well to your surroundings when you have to socialise at the same time. You have a fair enough idea of the route though and you know it's a bit faster than the route you normally take. You get slightly confused and then intensely worried that you're lost for a few moments but you eventually make it to school fine and you're earlier than normal and don't have to worry about your homeroom teacher hassling you about being late like they usually do. You sit and chill for a while thinking about how silly it was for you to doubt yourself and get so stressed over feeling like you were lost for a second going that different route.

Dream translation: You're walking with friends to a place that they say is really great and that they've all been to before and that you'd really like it. You're weary about going to this vague unfamiliar place that they're not explaining very well and as you're still walking along the route that you know, everything around you starts getting enveloped in darkness including your friends so you're alone and don't know where you are. There was no expression of fear in them when they were swallowed by darkness so you wonder if they had just transitioned into that place they were talking about, and you're not worthy of being able to go there because you're so irresponsible and stupid and directionally challenged. You walk scared and aimlessly through the darkness until you finally find yourself in a familiar albeit not most desirable place, your school. From there you have a moment of peace because you realise you're at school at a good time.

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Game where you play as an alien that has ended up on earth somehow and looks like a plant with beautiful flowers on it. Your goal is to survive and thrive in the world by trying to feed enough and avoid situations where people will try to destroy you. As this creature/plant thing you can absorb some abilities or attributes of the people you eat. When you eat more attractive people you can become a more attractive plant so then you can lure more people to you. If you manage to eat smarter people you can absorb their intelligence which would increase your mild telepathic abilities. Since you eat people/make people disappear, it would make sense that people would get weary of your existence, so to deal with that you have to charm them by being more beautiful and putting thoughts into their heads that they don't want to harm you when you have these advanced abilities/stats. It's important that you eat people that will be substantial to your growth since the more people you make disappear, the more likely that people will start to get suspicious and weary of you, wanting to get rid of you. The most fun part of the game though would be how your appearance changes depending on who you eat. If you eat a lady wearing a flowy light blue dress then the petals on your flowers could turn thinner and light blue, like being inspired by the aesthetic of that person. The proportions of your 'plant-esque body' (because you're not really necessarily a plant within the definition on Earth) can also change as you eat people of different body proportions, if you eat a lot of people and it's mostly tall people you'll grow tall etc.

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Game where you eat fries. You would get a randomly generated set of stats for each stage which would be the ideal type of fry the player wants to eat. These stats could include: long, short, skinny, wide, softer, crunchier, no sauce, lots of sauce, coldest, hottest, least salt, most salt, etc. The main aim in the game is to get the most out of your fry eating session, trying to find the most ideal fries for your character and eating them before anyone else does. You are eating an amount of fries with friends so you have to make sure that they don't steal the fries that you want. You can do this by making sure you take the most ideal fries from others views first before getting the ones that are more safe, being within your view. Another tactic to take is you should try figure out the other characters ideal fry types as you play by observing their fry choosing patterns. If you notice that another character has a very similar taste in fries as you, you should prioritize taking good fries that are within their view because they would be gone quickly, and that character would just have to go for eating other fries that both of you don't like as much (other characters aren't as persistent as you for taking the most ideal fries and are very unlikely to take fries from parts further from them or not in their view). If you observe and conclude that another character has a very different or opposite taste in fries than you should take the tactic of not worrying too much about the good fries within their view and mark it in your mind as a 'safe(r) zone' for the fries that you like in there.

Eating too many fries can cause you to feel sick, so it's important that you strategize properly and not just try to quickly eat as many fries as you can to score points. The player's goal should be to get the maximum amount of satisfaction from the least or limited amount of fry mass your body can handle, quality over quantity. Getting too sick from eating too many fries would be one lose state, and the other would be not scoring enough points for a stage. Would be like an arcadeish simulation type game where you have to last as many stages as possible getting enough points each stage and try to get a high score overall.

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Game set in an alternate world where everyone's brain sticks out of their head and is in a less modern age so not much technology has been invented to protect/cover up their brains or keep them clean. You play as a person who makes their living out of cleaning out people's brains, being somewhat of like a surgeon but not really, like a mix between a cleaner and a repairman and a surgeon. You would deal with customers that have all sorts of different things in their brain, some just sort of stuck on top, stuck inside, or long things tangled in within their brain. You would have to be very deliberate and careful about how you choose to approach each customer's brain because you don't want to hurt them too badly or worse. They would have a pain meter similar to like in tattooist sims and there would be stats on the damage of their brain, that you cause or what they already came in with. You would mostly just be using your hands to take stuff out and untangle things and you could also rinse their brains with water or chemicals. The amount of money you make from each customer would depend on how much pain they felt during the procedure and how 'fresh' they feel after i.e. how well you had cleaned and tidied their brain out (extra if you do more than fix the problem the customer told you (they can't see their own brain and know everything that's wrong with it as well as you can)). You'd get customers with more complex messes in/around their brain which require more strategy and skill to fix up with minimal damage as you progress through the game.

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A game where you play as someone with a strange curse/condition where they can sense little beings around them that scream all the time and no one else can see or hear them. The only way to make them stop screaming is if you let them eat a small amount of your flesh like at the end of your finger, then for a short while they will be quiet and do things for you like a little imaginary servant. Once you've quieted one you can allow it to do things for you like bring you things, steal from people, get things from places that hard to reach to, or try to quiet the other beings slightly (covering their mouths or pushing them further away from you putting them in boxes/behind doors) or they can go and like kick people that you don't like and they will feel it even though no one can hear or see them. You would have to make decisions requiring you to balance how often you feed them and how much you choose to tolerate the screaming. You would have a meter that gets filled from the annoyance and loudness, and a meter for the pain it takes to let of them eat you a bit. You could also run out of areas of your body that are easy to feed to them so you have to make conscious decisions with that in mind too. The character you play as would be an (otherwise) average student with stuff they still have to do everyday and every level would have some kind of task that needs to be done like 'study/work/listen/socialise this much' and so you have to manage trying to do that task as much as possible while dealing with the effects of your condition. There would also be freer and slightly easier levels where there is no set task that has to be done and you can wander the game world with your little screaming people trying to feel better and keeping your suffering meters low

like an infinite runner but less fast paced/actiony and focusing on aesthetic and theme. Your score would still depend on how far you have gone, and there would be things to avoid, but it wouldn't be fast paced and fun, it'd be like slow and weird but aesthetically pleasing. The setting would be in nature with some remnants of man made structures around like paths and archways and it would have a painterly high contrast artstyle with a dreamy/nightmarish mood. You have to avoid mysterious dark figures that try to come up to you slowly and make noise at you, or like talk to you in a weird alarming and quiet tone. If too many people talk to you then you die and lose. Your score would be how far you can get without dying so like the distance you have traveled since you started. You could get powerups that you pick up along the way which could increase your 'health' or make enemies less attracted to you for a short time.

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The n stands for normal. You play as subject n. The setting is within a game like the sims, where there's some higher being controlling the lives of other people. You live in a 'household' with two other people who are very largely controlled by the higher being, while subject n is not controlled by it/them at all. The other two people are subject a and b, one is male and one is female and each of them inhabit their own separate isolated little room where they have everything that they need in them which fulfills each of their motives/needs, i.e. energy item, hunger item, 'fun' item, hygiene item etc, except for one need of course which is social. For them, every so often a way would be opened to a fenced narrow pathway connecting their two separate rooms so that they can socialize for a small bit until the higher being decides they have enough, then they go back.

Your area is super normal, like a little house type deal with a bunch rooms for everything, like a bathroom and a bedroom and a kitchen and dining area and whatever. It's theoretically not a very efficient use of space because you only need one item to fulfill each need and they don't need to be organized into rooms. The point of you existing in this 'household' is for the higher being to test how efficient it is to let people have freewill and live in a normal/expected looking household compared to the way that they set up for the other two subjects. They theoretically should go on to live successful fulfilling lives after they have been isolated in their rooms with everything they need in them including skill building things (books, easel, desk, etc.). Your point of existence is to try and prove that people are capable of leading successful lives without brutally efficient and intense control from the higher being, which enforces weird unnatural ways of doing life. The aim of the game as you play as subject n is to try to lead a super successful life, fulfilling your needs, making lots of money and friends, and then making really good babies. You would have to be more efficient at fulfilling needs and getting more skills than the other subjects. You would get a head start in one way since you can get a job whenever you want but a and b will only get to do things other than fulfill needs and get skills when they have got all maxed skills. The lose state would be if you're failing or doing a mediocre job of doing life for a long enough time, since what would happen is that the higher being would just decide that in fact that their weird way of making them live is more effective and they would take control of you and end you. You would be able to keep track of how the other subjects are doing (skills, needs) so you can compare it to yourself.

Game similar to 90 second portrait, mixed with a hairstyling sim with very fast paced gameplay and simple controls. You would play as an amateur hairstylist/barber and you would have to try to copy the hairstyle from an image provided by the customer in a very quick and efficient manner. The type of haircuts you would have to do at first would be very bold, strange and easy things to cut like half of it shaved or all of it or two large parts longer and one part short, and you would just try to get the basic overall shapes and like composition. There would be a reasonably short time limit for each customer (depending on the complexity of what they want), having fast paced gameplay much like 90 Second Portrait and Cook, Serve, Delicious (which is a cooking game but it's still fast paced and involves simple activities and serving people in some way). There would also be a pain meter (like in tattooist sim type games) for when you accidentally hurt them like them by like for example cutting them with your hair cutting scissors, or burning them with a straightener. If you hurt them too much they will leave without you paying them and 'reputation' will go down by quite a lot. The amount that they pay you after the time limit is up would depend on how well you replicated the reference image and how much pain they felt during their time getting their hair cut. They can get used to pain after a while, so if you hurt them once and then don't hurt them again for a pretty long time it would be fine in that they wouldn't be in too much pain to leave if you hurt them twice in far increments of time. After you've played for a while, progressed, got more money and reputation, you could unlock more tools for styling to have a wider and more complicated range of haircuts. You start of with nothing but a straight razor, and with more money you could buy scissors and electric hair clippers, then eventually even complicated stuff like clips to keep parts back while you cut, bleaches and dyes, driers, straighteners, extensions, curling irons etc, and more complicated tools would be unlocked by spending 'reputation'.

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Game where you manage an establishment similar to something like a maid cafe. It would be somewhat similar to normal games within the genre of playing as a watier/waitress, where you would click where to go to take orders and get and bring food to customers, except you would manage different characters at a time. The significance of controlling more than one character is that you would make decisions based on who you think would be best for certain tasks. Certain customers would prefer certain maids, and will be generally be happier, get more invested in the establishment and pay more money when they get the most preferred maids.

When a customer comes into the place, you could click on them to view a short sort of profile, listing just a couple of things that they are into e.g. extra shy, extra perky, long hair, short hair, glasses, more mature, less mature, etc. The more a certain customer keeps coming, you could progressively get more information available on their little 'profile'. This would mean that it would be extra valuable getting loyal and invested customers, the more they come the more you get to know them and can make them even more invested.

After getting to a certain milestone of success/money, you could arrange special days where all the maids wear glasses, or cat ears/costumes, or cosplay from ingame (double) fictional media. More certain types of special days could be unlocked as you progress, glasses day would be easier/cheaper and unlocked early, cosplay would be unlocked later. This mechanic would compliment well with the mechanic where you learn more stuff about customers as they come more, since you would be able to attend to those extra things that you learn with these special days. Sometimes the only way you can attend to/ fulfill certain extra desires of customers would be on these special days, since you could learn quite specific things like that they like a certain anime, and then especially a certain character, and then you could make their favourite maid wear cosplay of that character and serve them.

You could also upgrade your establishment as you usually do in management and waiter/waitress type games, better décor, food/chefs, more space/tables, and buy extra stuff like a setup where customers can take pictures with their favourite maids, and upgrade it.

image source ("Kaichou Wa Maid Sama" (anime))

Game where you play as a highschool student who has an excessive love for plants. In this game the underlying main mechanic in this game is about minimising situations that stress you out or managing/dealing with your stress resulted those situations and it all stems from your intense commitment and love for plants.

You would have to make sure that you never harm any plants in your day to day chores, like with walking to school or anywhere you must avoid stepping on any plants for taking shortcuts. Stepping on grass and weeds would increase your stress by a little, small flowers like daisies and buttercups would increase your stress more by stepping on them, and basically the more complex or large a plant is, and the more you harm them, the higher your stress would go up.

You are also going to see people a lot who casually disrespect and step on or harm plants in any way, and that's going to stress you out too. Ways you can decrease your stress is by beating up people who you see hurt plants, and by taking care of plants and petting them.

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Survival crafting game where you play as some kind of crafting genius who ends up on a deserted island which is very very small and just has like 2 coconut trees and one good rock. Your goal as expected would be to survive and thrive on this island using the very limited amount of resources you have on the tiny island, and in the water that you can access. Luckily for you for island contains like the adam and eve of some slightly more special species of coconut tree which grow faster than you would expect and have more sustenence. One of the first things you'd do is find a way to manage to cut down one of the trees for a crafting table. A crafting table is like the first stepping stone in a lot of games towards countless possibilities and opportunities for crafting, it's always a crafting bench. You'd then definitely sometime plant some of these 'coconuts' (but they're not really coconuts they just seem very very similar while they grow quite a bit faster and there's more nutritional value in them, but I'm just going to call them coconuts from now on) and you would eat some too so you could survive a bit while you let others grow. You could later craft a spear for spear fishing, more food, and then eventually you could find ways to do tons of stuff even including like artificially expanding the land/surface area of the island through more crafting and digging down into the small area you have to start with. The goal is to eventually be thriving living on your own artificially expanded and messed with island with everything you could ever want even compared to the normal world, except for real friends I guess, but you could make 'sand buddies' and similar things like you could in Sims 2: Castaway.

Also inspired by the Minecraft survival map called Survival Island I think which was popular a long time ago, before there was sandstone too so it was harder, and then also the Skyblock one which was popular later. I just like the idea of starting off with such a minimal, clean, and impossible amount of resources, while in the game there's actually so much content and possibilities for creating your own amazing place that is so drastically different from what you started with.

Game where you play as an alien who has ended up on earth somehow and happen to look really really similar to human beings. So everything is pretty fine for the fact that you don't have to hide any part of your physical appearance other than wearing clothes, and you don't need to find food because you can photosynthesize and filter feed. All is good except for one obsession/problem you have, you're addicted to breaking/smashing glass and then collecting it. You would have a hideout where you keep all your glass pieces and after every session you have to go back there to go and store it. Storing the glass that you smash is part of the addiction because you just like to roll in the glass and feel its broken messy harsh vivid clear sharp glass essence, and you reminisce and flashback to the times you smashed them. The thing about glass is that it's pretty hard to go out and discreetly break it and then take it away. You'd have day and night levels which would be different in that during the day time it would be hard to smash glass and take it when there's a lot of people around and you'd have to deal with that, maybe pretending it was an accident or just waiting until no one is around. At night you wouldn't have to worry about too many people being around so it'd be easier in that regard, but then it's also quieter at night and when people hear loud smashing noises they'll assume it's something like someone breaking glass to break into something and steal shit or something else bad, so you'd have to deal with misunderstandings and problems that would arise from those situations. Your score would be the amount of glass you have 'experienced' as in broken, as well as how much you have stored. Your base would get full of glass eventually so another mechanic would be about having to expand your base by finding more little places for you to hide your glass. You could try to really condense the glass in the space that you find and you could also try to find other places that are safe, like 'sub bases' even if they're really small.

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Casual arcadeish type game where you play as a giant person type being, and you have a lot of minions that choose to worship you just because you're huge and think you're amazing and worship worthy for that. All of your minions are about the height of your middle finger length and often the more obsessive/intense ones will have moments where they will get really determined to climb up onto you and try to get themselves into your mouth so that you can eat them. You really don't want to eat them though because that's gross and weird and they're alive and you don't want to really hurt them and kill them. So the aim of the game is to try to get them away from you and your mouth preventing them from getting you to eat them. You can control your hands and arms to try to pick them up and take them away or push them away. While picking them up and moving them away with your hands you also need to be cautious of hurting them while doing that, like not flinging them far away with your hands, because the whole point is that you don't want to hurt them in the first place from eating them. You can also control your legs so you can walk or run away if there's none on you, but would still have to stay within the level/area. You can also try to cough and gag if you get to that point where you have to, coughing them out of your mouth/throat. There could be different levels of different difficulties where you're in different situations and places. Harder levels would be more cramped small areas, or while you're trying to do something else at the same time like trying to talk to a crowd and having some from the crowd occasionally try to get into your mouth, with there being some security there to help you. A pretty hard level could be where you're trying to eat dinner or something, and you have to try to eat your meal while trying to avoid eating people climbing up to you and jumping into your mouth, or getting onto your food. An easier level could be where you're just trying to get from point a to point b, walking out in public while some people/minions/fans might try to get into your mouth. Picture is from attack on titan even though it's like the opposite, but it's the same in that there's giant people and eating involved. Partially inspired by the idea of "The Tallest" in Invader Zim kind of mixed with vorarephilia

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Game set in a world where everyone has cute animal tails and the aim of the game is for you to feel as much tail as you can. It's very unorthodox to feel someone's tail in public, especially of someone that you don't even know, so it would be quite difficult to start feeling someone's tail a lot. There would be different levels that are in different places/settings, like on a train, a bus, elevator, etc. You have to be discreet, and you have to work your way about feeling them so that they don't get too suddenly alarmed and want you to not do it. I.e. start just by being closer to them, let a jump in the bus make you accidentally brush your hand against their tail, get even closer slowly giving them the impression that it's just getting more crowded, get into a state where your hand is just situated really close or even where it's just 'naturally' (sort of) in constant contact, and work your way up into slightly petting and feeling their tail.

Game where you grow babies out of your face and then you can put them in pots of dirt to make them turn into a plant of some kind or just leave them not in some dirt and treat them like a baby and then they'll grow into a normal human seeming/looking thing after a little while. You have to make decisions on whether you'll want to have more babies to take care of so you grow in power or to choose to turn them into food (plants). the more babies you take care of allowing them to grow up into about a young adult human looking thing, the more kind of servants you can have which are good for everything, like getting them to go out and buy more pots or dirt or food, buying anything, taking care of plants, taking care of 'out babies' for you etc. training/managing babies that fully form and come out of your face is very important since it'll be very good to have them as fully grown 'out babies' that are like human adults, because going out and buying things is very hard for you considering your baby face condition where it's hard for you to go out in public. Progressively it'll get more important to have fully grown out babies that are adults because your condition will make your face worse throughout the course of the game because every time a baby comes out it leaves that area where they came out all stretched and gaping, and you'll be having a lot of babies. So from that, other people/the public will shun and be afraid of you more meaning it'll be harder for you to go out and buy all your necessities like food and more pots and soil for in-dirt babies. In dirt babies always turn into plants that make food though, like fruit trees or meat trees if you're lucky. So you may choose to rely more on that side, putting more of the babies in pots and stuff rather than always taking care of them the hard way like a normal baby and not a plant. Plants (and before-plants that still look like babies) just need to be watered while out-babies that you choose to make into things that behave like people need food and water.

MDS GDV110 - 'One Game a Day' Assignment

Media Design School's GDV110 students come up with a game idea a day.

daily from 2015-07-21 to 2015-09-11