Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Game Genre: arcade, 3D, third person
Platform: PC, Playstation, Xbox
In Mini Tantrum, you play as the mini. The game is a level based game, where players must clear a level to advance. As a spoiled mini, players must perform a convincing tantrum to beat the level. The main mechanic is a rolling tantrum.
Levels are set in shopping malls, food stores, on the streets and anywhere where there will be a lot of people. The objective of each stage is to get what the mini wants! Players will stroll through these places with the mini's mum. When players reach the objective, they must cause a tantrum and convince the mini's mum. Players must roll around and cause havoc to fill up the embarrassment bar. The mum will react in many different ways: walk away, try to pick the mini up, turn her head away etc. She may even walk all the way home! Players can literally roll around in tantrum as a movement mechanic to follow the mum. Rolling in front of a crowd or into things and destroying them will fill the embarrassment bar quicker. You may roll into things like stacked tissue boxes, but if you roll into heavy things and knock them over, they may injure you. Injuring the mini will cause the player to lose automatically.
Game Genre: 3D, strategy, defence
Platform: PC, mobile, playstation, xbox
In Terrain Defence, players must defend their city from attacks. Players do not control, nor affect the soldiers that defend the city. Instead, players can strategically change the terrain and defend the city. Players are able to lift or sink terrain, creating mountains and valleys. There is a limit to how much the terrain can be moved.
The game is level based, and players are given a set amount of defence in an already altered terrain. The attacking soldiers will come in variation: archers, mages, catapults etc. They will increase in numbers and strength depending on the level difficulty. Some soldiers can climb mountains, and some soldiers can slide down valleys very quickly. Catapults in this case, cannot climb or go down steep mountains and valleys. Players can only alter terrain by a set amount; therefore mountains cannot be turned into deep valleys.
Players must alter terrain strategically to slow soldiers, and allow the defending soldiers to defeat them before they breach the city.
Game Genre: third person, 3D, casual
platform: Consoles with built in gyroscope. PS4
In Clumsy Waitress, players play as a waitress in a restaurant. Players receive orders from customers and must head towards the kitchen to take orders to customers. Unfortunately, your character has very bad hand eye coordination along with balance. You must carefully guide your character to the table you must serve without dropping the items you are holding. Players will start off with simple one or two plates, and increase in difficulty as you successfully take orders to tables. Using the built in gyroscope, players must move their console to balance the character. Along with balancing, players must also carefully move, otherwise there is a chance that you will slip or crash into an object.
Players are able to freely customise their waitress with accessories and clothing. These can be purchased at the cash store. There is no end to the game, therefore players are able to also level up their character. Increasing in speed, agility and strength. Clumsiness is not curable.
Game genre: 3D, horror, arcade
Platform: PC, playstation, xbox
In Fire Slap, players are trapped in a dungeon full of flammable zombies. These zombies are extremely fast, and when lit on fire, they are even faster. Player's vision is limited to only 5 metres, because all you have is a small lighter as a source of light. Fortunately, players are able to use a special 6th sense which sends out a shockwave and a return wave comes back. This shockwave and return wave is used to locate the exit that players must go to. The place is a very tight labyrinth maze. When zombies are lit on fire, they will run around at immense speeds and light up the path they take. Unfortunately, other zombies will chase this zombie and is highly likely you will be in the path of a chasing zombie. While constantly using the 6th sense, players must manoeuvre themselves towards the exit without being killed by a zombie.
Players can only move and run as a mechanic, and use their lighter to light up a zombie. Only one zombie can be lit up at a time, so players must be cautious when they use this.
Game Genre: 3d, puzzle, horror, first person
Platform: mobile, pc
Walking in the rain is a 3D first person puzzle horror game, where players must find their way out of a rainy storm. In order to escape, players must find their way through a thick rainstorm and enter buildings. In these buildings are clues to escaping the rainstorm. The map is randomly generated and buildings are placed in random places. Each building will have clues to which building to go to next.
The rainstorm is extremely thick; therefore players are only able to see up to 5 metres in front of them. In Walking in the rain, there lives a monster that hunts when it rains. The rain dulls every sense of a prey, so it uses this as an advantage to hide itself while hunting. Fortunately, they do not enter buildings or shelter. There are small shelters and places to hide in this map.
When players are running in the rain, the monsters will chase. When players walk, they are somewhat stealthy and show signs of confidence. This confuses the monsters and will approach very cautiously. There is a limit to how much you can walk, until these monsters will attack you.
If players visit every key building and find all the clues, they will be able to go to the final safe house to stay safe and dry until the rainstorm passes.
Game Genre: 2D, arcade, fighter, multiplayer
Platform: PC, Playstation, Xbox, mobile
In Aegis, players play as a support/tank role in a medieval warfare. Their job is to protect the entire army squad that consists of many archers and swordsmen. Players can choose from many different classes such as an agile acrobat with small shields, or a large macho man with a gigantic gate shield. In Aegis, players are always on vanguard. They must block all incoming projectiles with their shields and even deflect them to inflict damage to the opposing army.
Players are given the ability to: doublejump, run and a timed block. If they block projectiles with a timed block, they can reflect the projectile to its origin. Players are split into two teams in multiplayer. When players fail to defend their army, their numbers will decrease and slow down their progress forward. Eventually, armies will clash into each other and fight. Players do not have any attacks or offense skills to fight the opposing armies. Fortunately, they can block from the front line or defend the back line from projectiles and assist in the clash. When a player's army is wiped out, the player will automatically lose.
Platform: PC, mobile
Flower creator is a game that helps players to improve their creativity. In this game, players are able to create flower designs of their own. Flowers are divided in many different parts: The ovary and ovule that acts as the base and extends into the style towards the stigma, and the stamen that surround the carpel. The receptacle and stem holds the entire flower from its base. The petals act as an important visual design that helps attract insects.
These sections are divided and held in a database. Players are then able to select different parts of the flower and choose designs from a large database of designs. They can also colour each section with colours and gradient patterns of their choice.
When players create a flower, the scientific names of the combined flowers are also combined, and it is added to the player's library. The game will calculate the maximum possible amount of combinations available and will add an achievement progress bar to show how many flowers the player has created. Players are able to upload their designs and for other players to see and download.
Game genre: 2D, arcade
Platform: mobile
Brewing, is a tea brewing game app. Players own a tea shop and must give customers a perfect cup of tea to start off their day. Customers come in very different varieties including ethnicities, gender, personalities and emotional states. Players must research and find out which tea will suit the customer the most and serve them the prefect cup of tea.
Making a cup of tea is not that simple. The water must be boiled to the right temperature, the teabag mustn't stay in for too long and the amount of tea must be appropriate. Some customers will tell the player what kind of tea they want, but many will not mention things such as their mood or health. Players must observe the customer carefully in order to match their preferences.
For example, an elderly Japanese man visits the café and asks for some tea. He does not mention anything else and sits down.
Players have a small manual book they have, and it says that Japanese people like green tea. Also, considering the elderly's health, you make the tea very mild in an average quantity because you want him to enjoy his drink for as long as he can.
Serving customers quickly will earn the player more point and increase their experience. With the money earned from serving tea, players are able to purchase new types of tea and upgrade their equipment.
Genre: 2D, strategy, multiplayer
Platform: pc, mobile
"Stem it!" is a fast paced 2D strategy game. The goal of the game is to grow your plant as fast and far as possible towards the top, racing other players. Players start as a small sprout in the ground. They must receive as much sunlight as possible to grow their next stem. Stems are grown on a set grid that players can take path of. The grids are made up of hexagons and players are able to grow their plant stems on the edges of these hexagons. Overlapping with other players will be allowed, but the sunlight both players receive will be split by 50%.
As for receiving sunlight, players can take various strategies. Players will receive more sunlight if they take up more horizontal surface area. But if a stem is already above another stem, the lower stem will receive less sunlight. Some stems will eventually receive no sunlight at all.
At first, the players should take the strategy of growing sideways, to receive the most sunlight. This will enable them to grow upwards faster. Some players could take the risk of growing upwards as soon as possible, then growing their stems to the side to block other players' stems.
Game Genre: 2D, arcade, infinite hack and slash
Platform: PC, mobile
This game is inspired by the story "The Little Prince".
In Low the Mawn, players play as a lawn mower on a circular planet ever so small. Unfortunately, the planet is always growing with weeds. Players must mow the ground all the time to keep the planet clean.
If some plants are left alone, they will grow into an enormous plant monster that becomes very difficult to mow, but gives a lot of money when mowed down. When the planet reaches a point of no return, players can activate a skill that can be used only every 24 hours – a fire. They will set the entire planet in a blazing fire to kill off everything. Unfortunately, players will not receive any money for the destroyed plants.
The movements are simple. Players can move left and right to move and mow the ground at the same time. As players mow the ground, the mown weed can be sold off as money. This money can be used to buy upgrades for the lawn mower.
Upgrading comes in many different parts:
Lawn mower wheels: improves the speed of the movement.
Lawn mower blades: improves the cutting speed.
Lawn mower case: improves weight, allowing it to be durable.
Game genre: puzzle, 2D
Platform: PC, mobile
Box Drop is a level based, 2D puzzle game where players must correctly place boxes in their rightful spots. Box Drop starts with a simple box hanging from the sky. If the box falls, it will just drop onto the ground and not make it to the rightful spot. Therefore, players must place a floating box to correct its flight path towards the rightful spot.
As levels are cleared, more boxes appear to hang, and in different colours. These different coloured boxes must be placed in their rightful colour spots. Players are given only a specific amount of floating boxes that they can place. Some boxes are limited in only a certain area, and some boxes have special effects: bouncing the falling box, disappearing after being hit by one box, colour coded so only a specific coloured box can collide etc.
Stars are earned for clearing a stage. The most optimised placement and least use of boxes will earn the player three stars. Spamming boxes will result the player in only one star.
Genre: 2D, arcade, action, racing
Platform: PC, Playstation, Xbox
In Missile Run, players are faced with tonnes of missiles flying towards them. They must reach a goal while dodging missiles. Players are able to jump, slide, and move towards the left or right. Missiles will be shot at the player in many different ways; vertically, horizontally, diagonally, and from behind. Players must manoeuvre themselves through this barrage of missiles to reach the goal.
Missiles come in various shapes and sizes. The main mechanic that players will be making use of is the jump. Players are able to jump onto incoming missiles, and jump to the next. Missiles will only explode when it touches the ground, and players will die if they are within the explosion range of the missile. The main objective would be to stay airborne for as long as possible during the race towards the goal. When players are faced with an inevitable death situation from missiles, they are able to use a slide skill every 10 seconds. Sliding will allow the player to emerge unhurt from a missile explosion.
Missile Run will come in many different modes:
Game genre: 2D, fighter, adventure, platformer
Platform: PC, Playstation, Xbox
Soul Blade is set in the distant future of the year 2450. Kal, the soul swordsman is a survivor of a galactic war. He is stranded on a planet, and must find his way towards survival.
In Soul Blade, players view Kal at a cross sectional viewpoint. Players can move Kal with the arrow keys, and is able to jump and crouch. Kal is also able to attack, using the attack button. Kal also has a special ability, which is to pull out the shape of the soul of the enemy. The souls come in different shapes and sizes, and are often a weapon such as a hammer or sword. Some will even be as shields.
Players must orient themselves across the planet, fighting enemies and acquiring souls to fight even more difficult enemies. Players are able to encounter bosses and acquire rare souls to keep them. Whenever players level up, they are able to upgrade their abilities such as the soul strength, agility and defence.
Game Genre: 3D, arcade, fighter, third person
Platform: PC, console
In Stone Cold, players play as a fighting character in third person. The main character is able to turn into a mist statue, which nobody is able to touch, and is permeable. Also, the main character has a special ability that is able to turn other people into stone statues, which recharges every 3 seconds.
When players start the game, they are faced with waves of fighter robots running towards them. These robot fighters will just straight away charge at the player, and players must dodge their punches when the robots approach close quarters. Dodging is possible in many ways:
Using the mist statue ability, to become an untouchable mist for 1 second and causing the robots to punch each other. When players use this ability, they are not able to move, because they become a statue.
Using the stone ability to freeze a robot forever. This has a cooldown of 3 seconds.
Using dodge abilities used in boxing by pressing the dodge button along with a directional input, which lets the character dodge into that direction.
When players are left with 0 robots left, they win the wave, and the next wave of robots will appear.
Game genre: 2D, arcade
Platform: mobile
In "Leng Jemp", players play as a small frog named Freg. Freg is the product of a disoriented mutated frog caused from human pollution. Everything appears to be moving for Freg, so he has a hard time swimming. Unlike other frogs, Freg will drown if he goes into deep water. His aim is to jump from water lily leafs to another, and set a high score. Unfortunately, for Freg, the water lilies sway back and forth.
Players view the game at a cross sectional viewpoint. Freg starts off on land, and will jump onto a lily pad that is in front of him. There is only one simple mechanic for players; pressing and holding down jump to control Freg's leg power. When Freg is on lily pads, the lily pads sway back and forth, adding to or subtracting to the forward jump velocity. Players are to control Freg's leg power to match the lily pad's swaying, to perfectly land onto the next lily pad. Players cannot stay on a lily pad for too long, because the swaying's centripetal force eventually pushes Freg off the lily pad.
Game modes can be accessible in:
Time rush: Players must leap onto a set amount of lily pads in a set amount of time.
No rush: Players can stand on a lily pad for as long as they want.
Hell mode: Freg is super disoriented, and lily pads sway extremely fast.
Game Genre: 2D, arcade, puzzle
Platform: mobile
Float Your Boat is a level based 2D puzzle game. Players must move their boat across the level to the finish line to progress to the next level. Initially, the boat starts on water. There will be many different obstacles players will encounter:
Gameplay: Players are given basic movement abilities of moving left and right. There is no jump, going up or going down because it is a boat. Instead, players can fold their entire boat into a ball. Folding the boat will result in many different outcomes depending on the obstacles:
The ball will roll on land, and will not be stranded unless players are in boat mode. The boat will sink in water, and also be affected by a tiny bit against wind obstacles.
Players are to tilt the mobile device to manoeuvre the boat, and hold the screen to turn into a ball.
Game Genre: 2D, music, rhythm
Platform: PC, Mobile
In Melodisc, players are freely able to come up with songs they want to create. There are few basic sounds that players are given at first. All sounds are 120bpm. Sounds include:
Drum beats with intro and outros, piano melodies, guitar riffs, electric melodies etc.
These melodies can be set to a certain chord, such as the G or C chord. Players are also able to create melodies with ease, because there is a simple rule to creating melodies with chords.
Players can record their song and put it up on the game server for other people to listen to. People can rate, comment and download these songs. Good songs are featured on the 'popular' tab of the song list.
On the game store, players are able to purchase extra sounds. Sounds such as dubstep riffs, bass lines, trumpets; sounds from all genre in music.
Game Genre: 3D, adventure, shooter
Platform: PC, mobile
In One in a Million, players control a space fighter jet that is lost in space. The space-time relativity meter has broken, so the last time you knew the time of your homeland was the year 2,420. Luckily, your jet is super advanced in technology and is able to operate for more than 80 earth years without refuelling. Planets, vast asteroid belts, solar systems and galaxies are all open world to explore. A galactic war had been going on between galaxies and different races on different planets, but a single ally was not to be found ever since becoming lost.
Players are to explore the extreme open world, exploring planets and retrieving data and upgrades. The final objective is to find your home planet, and continue your duty of protecting your planet. But during this journey, players will encounter many different enemies, ranging from other space ships to alien life forms.
Game Genre: 2D, arcade, racing, multiplayer
Platform: PC, mobile
Droplet is inspired from looking at the droplets of water running down the car window. In Droplet, players play as a small droplet on a window. As a droplet, the objective is to get as far down as possible down the endless window without running out of water. When droplets slide down glass, it usually leaves a trail of water and eventually loses its mass, failing to push itself further down. But when these drops crash into another drop that is idle on the glass, the two masses merge into one big drop of water. This will allow the drop to drag itself further down the window.
There are many different obstacles and powerups on the window. There are idle droplets that players can merge masses with, a trail of water that allows the player to speed down the trail, etc. Sometimes there will be a large pile of dust that will split the droplet into two.
Multiplayer modes can also be played, and players must race each other and see who can run down the furthest. Players cannot merge with each other.
Game Genre: 2D, arcade, shooter
Platform: PC, mobile
In Interception, players will be the commander in control of ground turrets at a cross sectional viewpoint. There are a total of three turrets, and each turret shoots a long range missile that is used to intercept other airborne missile. On the left hand side of the screen, is a skyscraper that must be protected. Missiles that target this skyscraper will be flying from the right hand side of the screen and players must shoot these missiles down with the three turrets given. Players are able to select the turrets, such as pressing 1 to select the turret closest to the skyscraper, 2 for the centre turret and 3 for the furthest turret. Each turret cannot shoot until the missile shot from the turret is out of the map or hits an enemy missile.
Enemy missiles come in different shapes and sizes.
The game is wave based, so players will be clearing waves until they lose the game. Upgrades will be available as the difficulty increases by each wave.
Upgrading will be in terms of damage, speed of missile and length of missile.
Game Genre: 2d, platformer, racing
Platform: PC, PlayStation, Xbox, mobile
In Endless Sprinter, players are to play as a running character that must overcome obstacles and achieve a high score. The reason this game is possible to run on almost all platforms, is because of its simple controls. The game requires the player to either give an up or down command. The up command will be a jump, and down command a "dive" into a roll.
Obstacles come in variety, but they have a pattern. When facing a large wall, there will usually be a springboard before the wall for the player to jump. Players must jump in time to land on this springboard. Sometimes there will be a gap underneath the large walls. Players must time their dive roll correctly in order to make it out to the other side. At times, the gap distance underneath the large walls will be long enough so that players are unable to dive roll past. These gaps will have a skateboard in front so players can "dive roll" onto the skateboard, which will take them swiftly through this gap.
In the simplest form of the game, there will be only two options, going up or going down. If the player fails to time these jumps or dives correctly, they will crash and the game will restart.
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@JoshuaLee That's amazing! Really happy to hear the lecture inspired some of your thought process. Awesome stuff :)
@lucy Haha that looks hilarous!! I'd love to play it :D
@Adam Thompson It was inspired from an anime I was watching (Himouto! Umaru-chan). The main idea was to maximise the use and fun out of one single mechanic. Which of course, was also inspired from your awesome lecture on game mechanics! :)
This is a neat idea that reminds me of a particular arcade game I found in Japan - link attached. :D ('Super Table Flip')
This sounds so hilarious and fun! How did you come up with this idea? :)