Submissions by ZacWatson tagged robots


The Mechanist is an entertaining and humorous game starring Orion, a down on his luck ship mechanic who has crashed on a planet full of robots. Orion can assemble a small army of robotic minions as he fights to get off this planet, beating gigantic bosses and puzzling his way to the only ship that can get him off this garbage-filled rock.

Core Mechanics

Mechanist is controlled from a 3rd person perspective, with players taking direct control of Orion and guiding him between levels. As he encounters robots in the scenery around him, Orion can boot them up and reprogram them with a variety of functions. Orion can tell robots to attack, or perform a variety of puzzling functions. These can include stacking themselves, throwing each other, and even rebuilding other robots in the immediate area. Robots carry over between levels, so one robot that performs a specific task in one level might become immensely useful in another level. Certain robots also have different attributes, and combining smaller robots can create bigger ones. Larger robots can lift heavy equipment, while taller robots can reach items that are out of reach. Experimenting with the construction system can create interesting and exciting ways to solve puzzles.


Orion, being a mechanic is obviously skilled at robot repair and construction. Orion also has a backstory, which is discovered both through his interactions with the robots, and logs from the ship that he crashed. These can be found in crashed sections of his ship, which are scattered throughout some of the levels. These narrative logs provide insight into Orion's past, as well as other characters that Orion can come across, scattered throughout the planet as survivors of the ship crash.

Players progress through scrapyards.

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