Submissions by ZacWatson tagged decisions


Censor is a unique experience never before explored in a video game. Players take control of the 'Prison Censor' in an undisclosed part of the world. The game fully simulates the day processes of a prison censor, as they receive and analyse materials that come into the prison via mail. Whether it's discovering a hidden object in a package or blacking out lines, Censor aims to deliver an experience unlike any other.

Core Mechanics

The gameplay for Censor takes place primarily in the prison, at the Censor's desk. The player has a full view of the Censor's desk, and is able to interact with everything on it. The primary tool that the censor utilises is the 'black tape'. Used for blocking out information on letters, players are rated depending on how well they tape communications and letters. Blacking out names, dates, times, and any personal information or communication deemed inappropriate is the goal with this tool. Players must check details like address source, the sender, the date sent, etc. This is to ensure that nothing is suspicious about the letter. Complex subplots involving operations from within prison can be detected and shut down, earning the player rewards in the form of extra income to look after themselves and their growing family. This income subplot also forms a crucial component of the game - doing well allows your family to live comfortably and avoid any possible issues should they arise. Doing poorly at work will lower your pay, and your family may go hungry or without power. Going too long without these may cause your family to get sick or leave, impacting the character's performance and reception to other characters in the game.

Narrative Elements

Censor includes several plots, subplots and characters within the game. The unnamed protagonist and his family are trying to survive, while the main character within the prison also bears witness to a number of issues. The corrupt warden in charge may order the censor to let certain letters pass or be blotted out - defying his actions has narrative consequences, but does not otherwise impact the core gameplay. Subplots involving operations and smuggling may also be uncovered by the player, leading to more investigative work through the collection of items the character has previously censored. Elements like this create encouragement for the player to continue with the game, unlocking more interesting and intertwining narratives as they progress.

This game is partially inspired by the game Papers, Please.

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